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"I just want love!" Clyde dramatically whined. "Awe calm down, Im sure its fine" I said trying to make small talk. It's kind of weird, the person I pretty much body slammed is still talking to me. Not only that, but his friends too. "Oh yeah Tweek, I-Im sorry for taking your painting. It's just that I heard someone say those words and I wanted to clear it up that they said that" Clyde apologized.

"Wait, Who did you hear say?" I questioned quickly. "...Is the words your soulmate tattoo?" Clyde questioned back. We sat there staring at each other. I could find out who my soulmate is, but do I really want to know? I started to pull my sleeve up,  trying to hurry so Craig and Token to come and see.  Clyde grabbed my wrist and stared in awe at the words. 

"Craig did say this... At the coffee shop" He mumbled.  "That's when I got it.. I think.  I felt a tingle and warm feeling on my wrist and after work when I got home it was there" I said.  "... Craig doesn't like gays" Clyde mumbled. I looked up at him, NY eyes wide and fearful. "Hey-" Clyde and I screamed as Craig and Token walked up to us.

They jumped in surprise and stared at us.  "Jesus Christ, what the hell has you in edge?" Token muttered.  They sat down with us as we stared at each other for an excuse. "We were talking..." Clyde started.  "About the existence of Aliens!" I blurted.  "Aliens? Really Clyde?" Craig said with a sigh.  "They could be real" He said getting defensive.

"Let's just finish up for the day" Token said shaking his head.  We nodded in agreement, Clyde and I still thinking about the tattoo,  and Craig. 

                        ~Time Skip~
"Bye Guys! See you later!" Token yelled as Craig, Clyde, and I were walking away to our homes for the day. We all walked in total silence, awkward air feeling us with tightness.  "Hey Tweek, want to come over to my house? We can play on my PlayStation" Craig asked as we turned towards the coffee shop.

"I- I need to ask permission first.." I said quietly. "Alright then, I'll wait outside until you give me an answer" He said shrugging. To be honest, I don't want to go. If Craig found out he gave me my soulmate tattoo he would be a bitch to me. But if we're soulmates then does that make Craig gay or just the first heterosexual to have a gay soulmate. The thought of both gave me chills, Craig gay? He would most definitely be Dom, but yet he could also be those tuff looking ones that turn out to be soft and gentle.

I felt my face burn at the thought of a gentle Craig. "Tweek! Where are you going?" Clyde called. I snapped out of my daze and turned around to see the coffee shop there. I had passed it whist thinking about Craig. "S-sorry.. Got distracted" I said as I ran back to them. I opened the doors and we walked in.

The smell of home hit me instantly, the place was peaceful and calm. No one rushed and no one yelled. I liked these kind of days. "Hi sweetie, are you done with your project?" My mom asked as she poured a cup. "N-no, but we stopped for the day" I said as I leaned against the counter. I could feel Craig right behind me, obviously waiting for me to ask. And my mom sensed it too "But~" She smirked,  knowing there is more. "But I wanted to know if I can go to Craig's so we can play some games?" I asked, my teeth glued together as I gave her a look.

She knew the look too, but she knew the chance to hang out with someone wouldn't pass by. "Of course sweetie! Here, I made you some coffee so you can take it on your way there! Just be home before us!" She said. I sighed in defeat and took the coffee. We walked out and started our way to Craig's. "I think I'm going to go home, I'm to lazy to hang" Clyde said, nit noticing my death stares towards him.

"Alright dude, see you tomorrow" Craig said with nothing in his voice. "Bye guys!" Clyde said as he crossed the street to his house. "Guess it's just you and me" He said. "Yep.. You and me.. " I said, giving out a long sigh.

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