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Got Covid, layed around, remembered this story, wrote this in a single hour. Enjoy~


Strong Woman entered the room and asked for Craig, Clyde, Token, and I to step into the hallway. "For fucks sake" Craig muttered. "Have fun" Pete said melancholy like. "You too" Token replied as we stepped out.

We all stared at Strong Woman, Barbrady, PC Principle, & Mr. Mackey. "Boys we just wanted to inform you that you will be getting threw days of detention and your parents will be informed of you all skipping" PC Principle said, arms crossed as he stared at us.

We sighed and agreed just wanting to either leave or be sent to class. "Is there, ahem, anything two of you would like to add?" Mr. Mackey questioned. With confused looks we turned to each other. "No?" Clyde said.

"I mean does Mr. Tucker or Mr. Tweak have anything? That they'd like to share?" PC Principle pushed. "Oh god dammit, no there's nothing we'd like to share. Now send us back to class!" Craig said annoyed by their pushing.
"I mean, it's fine. We totally understand that two boys-"

"-Or girls" Strong Woman added

"Yeah, or two girls like each other they would hold hands. And seeing how you all are seniors and that soon you'll be stepping into the world with each other-"

"We are not together at the moment so please send us to class!" Craig butted in, interrupting Mr. Mackey. "We're not together right now so.." I said looking away. "I think it's better if you come clean now, this is a very supportive group right here. I know you have good friends who'd love to see you two happy and sharing that happiness to the world, but by doing so you need to be honest and start someplace. That place is now" PC Principle went on.

"We. Are. Not. Together." I said, starting to get annoyed myself. "That's fine that's fine, you don't have to tell us now. But we would like to know so Mr Mackey may have a talk to you two alone about consent and-"

"JUST GIVE US THE DETENTION AND TAKE US BACK TO CLASS!" I yelled, face going hot. "Fine fine, Mr. Mackey take these boys back to their respective class rooms. That's going to be two weeks detention for the each of you. Now let's deal with the rest of the boys shall we?" Strong Woman said, putting an end to the questioning.

"Thank god" I muttered as we were escorted back to our classes. It's about seventh period which means we only have one more class to go through and then we get to leave either way. "How long of detention do you think the others have?" Clyde asked.

"Maybe just as long as us, but for Thelman. Probably longer" Token said. "Why longer?" I asked in confusion. "He kicked a trashcan into Barbradys cop car, you think he's not gonna get extra trouble for that?" Craig pointed out.

"Yeah, I suppose you're right. Kinda sucks for him. His friends moved on, he hasn't found a soulmate. Aren't you guys worried about what will happen to him?" I asked truthfully.

"It's his fault, he decided to hold a grudge against his friends, he smokes himself to depression, and he refuses to think about anything remotely nice about anyone, on purpose may I add, just so he can make sure he never gets his soulmate tattoo" Token went on a rant about Pete as we all listened.

He has a point, but I think even Pete deserves to have his soulmate, I mean if I got to find mine, and Craig got to find his then doesn't Pete deserve his as well?


"I hate this school, always so concerned about not getting sued or in trouble so that's why they push into our personal lives, whatever" I muttered, heading to class.

"Hey Pete"

"Firkle, wassup?" I said seeing my friend walk out of his classroom, impressed the teacher didn't walk out yet. "Where you heading?" He asked, hands in pocket. "Class, just got 18 days of detention. You?"

"Yikes, 18? The fuck did you do you get that much?"

"I kicked a trash can in front of a cop car, so on top of my two weeks I got four more" I sighed, shaking my head. "Anyways, wanna get coffee or some shit. I can also get a pack if you'd like to smoke as well?" I asked, kinda wanting to hang with someone.

"Actually, Pete.. I have a confession" Firkle started.

No...Firkle, don't do this to me..

"I found my soulmate, haha ironic huh?"

I don't understand... Is it just me?

"Don't get me wrong dude! I'm still Goth, I'm just not.. A strong goth? Or like- I don't know man, you understand what I'm saying though right?"

"Not at all"
"Yeah, I got what you're saying"

"Awesome, but that means I can't hang today. I kinda wanna get to know this soulmate of mine. See what they're all about, so next time?"

"That's what Henrietta said"
"Yeah, let's hang next time.."

"You always understood, that's why we're still Goths ya know? I've got to go, teacher gonna come back any second. I'll see you another day"

"And that's what Michael said.."

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