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"This is a large group, considering you all were split up when brought back here" Strong Woman started, as four more boys walked in. They all stood behind the five of us, who already gotten chairs. "I suppose we should start with the first group. Butters and Kenny" She said turning her attention to the pair.

"Y-yes ma'am" Butters said politely, proving to me he still stands as a conformist. "You two were walking I'd say not towards the school, but in the general direction. Where were you heading to?" Strong Woman questioned.

The door opened and in peaked Mr. Mackey. "May I speak with these four here?" He asked, motioning to Craig, Token, Clyde, and Tweek. "For what reasoning may I ask?" She questioned. He looked away then back at her before motioning her to step out.

"Excuse me boys, I'll be right back" She said standing up and leaving us. "Never seen you get caught Thelman, losing your touch?" Kenny spoke, a smile on his face that I don't have to look at to know it's there. "I wouldn't have got caught if you guys were better at skipping" I said, pulling my cigarettes out.

"You're gonna get detention if you light that here" Token said. "I shouldn't have got caught skipping, if I'm getting detention because you conformists couldn't hide right, then I'm getting detention for something more than that" I said sternly, moving my hair out of the way.

No one protested as I light it and took and deep breathe. The boys in this room looked like older versions of themselves back in third grade when they all pretty much met. I was still somewhat the same, but I had a few changes over the years.

I'm tanned from how much time I've spent being outside. I wore a black long sleeve a gray button up ontop,with dark blue jeans, and black combat boots. My hair was long all around, its medium length to the schools disapproval. I still have the red, but its only my bangs that are red rather than the roots.

"So how did you get caught?" Stan asked looking over at me. I started at my ex-gothic friend before looking at the ground.


~Half an hour before~

"Hey Thelman, still hanging by yourself?"

I growled under my breathe as I turned to face the voice. "Mike Makowski, still pretending to be a vamp?" I shot. "Still pretending that being goth is cool?" My face flushed red, "You weren't ready for that one were you?" He teased.

"What the hell does a conformist like you want with a high school senior?" I spat in annoyance, going to light another cigarette.

"Well firstly, you're standing in the back of my job" He said crossing his arms. "Not my fault this is the best place to hide out" I muttered, hoping for his departure.

"Pete, why do you still put yourself here? No friends, you smoke and have been smoking, you're about to graduate for fucks sake.. Why don't you just stop?" Mike said, the sincerity in his voice stood.

I was leaned against the wall refusing to even glance his direction. "Why do you still act like everything isn't different. Someday you're gonna end up with your soulmate tattoo-"

"Do not talk to me about that! I refuse and will continue to refuse whatever tattoo I end up with! Don't you have a job you should get back to?!" I yelled, throwing myself at him.

He stood over me at the height of 6'0 exactly, 4 inches taller than me, but it made the difference. He has changed after all these years. His long hair is shorter than before, he got rid of the green and kept the black, pulling it into a loose ponytail. He was still pale and didn't use fake vampire teeth.

He looked older, and had more muscle than he before. I suppose working at job picking up boxes and putting stuff up helped with exercise. He also had a softer look in his eyes, years back they were devious but now they held something I couldn't feel.

"I'm on break, Thelman. And I'm sorry if you truly don't care about no one. It's not my fault your friends left you" Mike said, before going back through the backdoor of his job. I stood there in disbelief, I still had people. I still had a life, nothing is shit.

I started walking down towards the street, too upset to be staying there. "Stupid fucking VAMP!" I screamed, kicking a trash can over; right in front of Barbradys cop car. "Pete Thelman!" He yelled getting out.

"Fuck this conformist town" I muttered as he put me in the back with Stan and Kyle.


"N-no offense but it sounds like it's your fault you got caught" Tweek said quietly. "It's Stan and Kyle's fault for getting caught by the Barbrady. If they were better at skipping then he wouldn't have had a reason to pass by at that moment" I spat. "Whatever you say Thelman, there's no way of changing it now" Kyle sighed out.

I looked down at my cigarette as it was only the bud left of it. No way of changing it now, huh? I wonder what Makowski would've said you that

I half laughed to myself as I threw away the cigarette.

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