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"Stop biting on the lid" Butters said trying to pry the coffee out of my mouth. "It helps my anxiety" I angrily mumbled. "And I'll help mess up your teeth! C'mon let it go!" He said pulling the lid from my mouth and cup.

I sighed with an angry huff as Kenny and Butters stared at me. "Stupid Tucker.. Making me feel happy.. Then ruining it!" I said getting more and more angry. "Look, Craig isn't a good person from time to time but that doesn't mean you should hate him for this one thing he said" Kenny started.

Butters was motioning for him to stop as I felt my face get hot. "I SHOULDN'T HATE HIM FOR THIS ONE THING?? THIS ONE THING THAT COMPLETE RELATED TO ME! HE RUINED HIS CHANCE WITH ME BECAUSE OF THAT ONE THING" I screamed standing from my seat as I had slammed my hands down on the table.

"I'm sorry"

We turned around in confusion to see-
"Kyle? Why are you apologizing?" I asked, confused by his sudden appearance. Stan stood next to him awkwardly, seeing as the whole coffee shop was staring at us.

"Boys, I don't mean to kick you out, but please take the argument outside at the least" My dad said quickly hushering us out. "Tweek, it's my fault that Craig said all those things. If I didn't go by his house yesterday then he wouldn't have said anything at school" Kyle said.

"You just showed a side of him that I never would have seen. You shouldn't be the one apologizing" I said.

"People shouldn't say things they don't mean when they are scared.. And people shouldn't make promises when they are sad as well" Kyle argued back. I became flustered by his call out and looked away from him.

"Tweek Tweak, I'm sorry. I kept telling Craig he was gay and that he should just accept it. He kept denying and I kept pushing until he punched me yesterday. Word gotten around that he punched me and it made him-"

"Mad, you don't have to tell me again" I interrupted. "I never said mad.. It made him scared" Kyle started again.

We all looked at Kyle with confusion and shock in a way. "Craig was scared that everyone would think he was gay, because his father isn't all that kind of a person if you properly met him... Craig is putting up a front for his father so he won't go for him anymore. That's why he said he would fight any other gay person. His dad was proud of him for once for hitting me because I'm a 'pixie' but if you were there when he punched me, you could see he didn't mean too" Kyle said.

My eyes had watered along the way of his words. "I know.. I was looking out my window when it happened.. He looked scared" I said, trying to control my voice. "Look, you can continue to be mad at Craig if you like, but you just needed to know what happened before he said anything at all. Craig has a soft spot for you, he could have easily bullied you for years and yet he never did.. I'm going back inside to get the coffee I wanted. If you have calmed down or decided to go else where do so.. But I've said all I wanted" Kyle said grabbing the door.

"It's gonna be alright, one step at a time" Stan said patting my shoulder. "for the love of God apply that to yourself" Kyle muttered as Stan walked inside with him.

"You still mad at him?" Butters asked. "N-not exactly, I want to hear from him first.. If he talks to me that is" I said with a sigh. "Then do you want to return to our coffee before then?" Kenny questioned, opening the door for us to enter. I gave a small nodded as Butters walked in.

Before I could even set foot inside I heard my name.

"Tweek! Wait!"

I looked back to see Craig, Token, and Clyde. My heart stung and at the same time Craig and I hunched over holding our chest. He really is my soulmate..

Looking at Craig genuinely hurt, he had bloodshot eyes, and tear stained cheeks. Maybe he didn't mean it...

"Tweek.. I need to talk to you" He said, his words quivered and obviously weak from his tone of voice.

I stared at him, Token and Clyde giving me pleading looks. "Okay we will talk.. But I want to talk to you alone. Just us" I demanded.

"Okay.. Just us then Tweekers" He said, forcing himself to stand as tall as he could without their help.

Lord let this discussion go well I thought to myself.

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