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I looked out my window to see Craig's dad yelling and storming off. He looks up at me and I fall back in fear. To be honest his whole family scares me, except for his mother. Oh Craig Tucker, why are you such a... I don't know?! A bully maybe. Good for nothing coffee spiller, yet he's like coffee himself. Bitter at first, then he knows how to Make my Heart Warm.


I sat on the snowy deck of Starks Pond. I let my tears fall as the sixth graders taunts repeated in my head. "Spaz isn't going find a soulmate!" teased one. "I-I will!! You'll s-see, m-my soulma-te will love me!" I argued. "Even your own parents won't love you!" laughed another, pushing me down. I dropped my thermos as the coffee spilt. I ran away crying as Craig's mother opened her door and started yelling at them. I looked at the frozen water wishing for my coffee. I shook violently from the falling snow, knowing it'll pick up soon. "Hey" said a monotone voice. I turned around to have a blanket throwing at me. Next thing I know I was riding with Craig Tucker to his house. "Are you ok Tweek?" Mrs. Tucker asked looking at me. I just nodded my head and sipped at the coffee Craig handed me when we got in. We reached their house and they took me inside, where his mother made dinner and Craig got me more blankets to warm up.

"W-why are you b-being nice?" I asked quietly as he covered me. "Cause... It feels right" He said with no expression.


Ever since that day I've been intrigued by him. He did things differently then anyone I've ever met. When it came to bullying he had ever chance to bully me yet he more of... Ignores me unless he has to say something. I've even put myself out there before by tripping near him to see what he'll do, and it's always nothing. He's picked on so many kids yet I've given myself reasons to laugh at. I don't know why I want him to... Interact with me but the more I think about it the more I think he doesn't want to bully me. Maybe I'm just in over my head about this. "Tweek! Dinners ready!" "No time to think! I've got food waiting for me!" I cheered happily as got up off the floor and out the room.

+Next Day+

I walked into school looking for Butters. We talk a lot and hang out since Middle School and I've got news for him. I quickly spotted him with Kenny doing his signature 'lean against the locker for hotness affect'. I rolled my eyes and quickly pulled him away. "I was talking to him Tweek" Kenny yelled. "You can finish later McCormick" I said quickly pulling Butters into the Art room. "What's wrong? Is everything alright?" Butters quickly asked. I couldn't help but smile as I showed him my right wrist. He quickly gasped and looked at me in shock. "YOU GOT YOUR SOU-" I covered his mouth in fear of someone listening. ".. You got your soulmate tattoo" He whispered happily. "It's so cool isn't?" I whispered back. He cheered in delight as discussed the words written on my skin.

"Soothing like the Stars? I can't think of anyone who would say that, let alone someone who finds you... Soothing" Butters said referring to my past panic attacks. "Then that must mean it's someone who doesn't mind my twitchs or panicking" I said thinking about who it would be. "Wait wait... We need to think about this Tweek. What if it's a girl? I know for sure you don't like slapping titties around" Butters said crossing his arms. My face turned red at his sentence, he knows I'm gay but saying that last part was to much. "Well... I just got to hope for the best?" I said thinking positivity.

"Let's get to class then" Butters said walking out the room. I followed him and fell over when I ran into a bigger body then mine. "Oops" said a mono-... Are you kidding me. I looked up to see Craig standing there. He was by himself as he looked down at me. Butters stared at us, unsure of what to do. "Sorry a-about that" I said getting up. He just stared at me as I examined his face. He had an obvious bruise hiding under a bandage, a busted lip, and a small cut on his cheek. I took a deep breathe and did a daring move. "What a-are you staring at?" I asked in a bit of a aggressive tone. Craig's face didn't faze at all, he just shrugged his shoulders and said "I don't know, you ran into me first" I was sort of thrown back. I was expecting to be thrown into a locker or shoved down again.

"O-oh.. Right... Sorry" I said realizing my attempts to anger him failed. Then he did something I have never seen him do. "You're cute when you try to pick a fight" He said giving me a small smile. My face went red as he patted my messy hair and walked away. I felt my face and ears burn from embarrassment. But... Did he call me cute?


Shit, did I call him cute?! What the fuck Tucker?! And you patted his hair you creep?! Idiot!! I mentally hit myself as I went to class. "You look upset and that's saying something" Clyde said as I took my seat next to him. "Shut up" I mumbled, flipping him off in the progress.

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