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*stares intensely at the last part of this book*
*looks at you all*
Um.. So yeah, Let's get back to fluff and agnst-
I mean Tweek and Craig!


I have a movie date with Craig Tucker.

Should I be happy or afraid? No time to be afraid, it's only Thursday and our entire group skipped school. Kyle, Stan, and Kenny had long left to go do something. Clyde, Craig and Token want to check out the mall but that isn't a good idea. We could get caught and get in trouble, so I argued with either going to someone else's home or staying at the shop.

No one wanted to stay, but technically we couldn't go to our houses either.

"My parents would be furious if they saw me skipping" Tolen said.

"My mom would say some embarrassing shit around me" Clyde said, wincing at the thought.

"My parents won't let me stay without super vison at our house so.. " I said as we all turned to Craig.

"Wait my house?! Are you crazy?" He asked shocked. "C'mon! It's just your old man at home! He won't do shit with us around!" Clyde said casually, but by the way Craig looked away it must of hit deeper. "I don't know man.. Thomas is an ass.. I don't want to take Tweek there" Craig said scuffing the floor.

"Look, let's try it and if you're not comfortable then we can just go to the mall" I said touching his shoulder for reassurance. Although I think I need a shoulder because Craigs eyes shimmered with hope. "Let's go then" He said, his eyes seemed happy, but his face remained mono. Which did in fact scare me, am I really going along with this? And I'm not talking about the mall plan, I'm just talking about Craig in general-

My train of thought crashed as Craig grabbed my hand and started to drag me out. "Y-youre ripping my arm!" I yelled as I pulled away. "Sorry, got excited to go to the mall" He said shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Relax dude, your old man likes me. He'll be fine!" Clyde said as he walked calmly next to Craig on his left as Token walked next to me on my right. "Whatever, he'll probably say some dumb shit then you'll be begging for us to go" Craig said.

We walked through the snow as the sun shines on us. Strange enough this town has always had snow yet its always sunny out. Either way, being here my entire life just made me use to the snow. I didn't need a jacket or gloves like most everyone. In fact, being in pants and a button up kept me warm enough.

I have been told I'm seemingly always cold, but I don't seem to ever notice. "Who's car is that?" Clyde asked as we closed in on his house. Clyde Token, and I slowed down as Craig took the full lead. "I actually don't know, but my mom's car is here so that means she's here.." Craig said, his eyes shifting at everything.

"Should we go in?" Token asked looking at the black head. "Yeah, cause something doesn't feel right" He said as he made his way up the steps. He opened the door and the four of us froze.

His dad, his mom, Ruby, and another man that looked remarkably like Craig all either stood or sat in the living room before us. "Can we go to the mall?" Clyde whisper shouted at us.

"U-um.. Good afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Tucker, Ruby. And nice to meet you Mr... " Token took the lead in saying hello as he held his hand out to the male.

He had short kinda spiked black hair, dark brown eyes, peach fuzz of facial hair, tan skin, an incredible jaw with thin eyes. He looked like Craig, but Craig seemed to score his mother's round ish face and blue eyes, but other than that they were practically identical.

"Alvarez, Xavier Alvarez" The man said shaking Tokens hand happily. "So.. What's the connection to your family and him?" Clyde asked, thinking the same thought I had and probably Token as well.
"Guys, this is Xavier Leonardo Alvarez"

"My biological father"

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