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"Craig you need to find your soulmate" Clyde said pointing his cup of coffee at me. I stared at him with a dull look. "I'm just saying! Token has his soulmate, I've already got my tattoo, and even Jimmy has his soulmate found" Clyde said putting his cup even closer to my face. It was silent for a second before I purposely knocked his drink off the table. "Clyde you clumsy taco, clean it up" I said putting the blame on him. "Aw cmon Cl-Clyde, don't be a m-m-mess today" Jimmy said believing in my lie. Before Clyde to yell at me the coffee shop boy,  Tweek Tweak, came over with a mop. "I'm sorry for the mess Clyde made, he knocked it off the table" Token said giving a sorry look to him. "No way! Craig made me drop it!" Clyde argued as he pointed at me. So I flipped him off. "D-dont worry about it. It doesn't matter who spilt it as long as it's cleaned up right?" Tweek said cleaning up the mess.

Everyone stared at him in complete shock."Thanks I guess" I mumbled trying not to show how surprised I was. Token scolded me for seeming rude. Tweek just gave a comforting smile before walking away. "Holy shit that's the calmest I've ever seen him" Clyde said as he freaked out. "And his smile was soothing to be honest" Token said. "J-just like the st-st-stars for Craig" Jimmy teased. I looked back at Tweek, somewhat ignoring Jimmy's statement. He barely got back to register and gave Kyle his cup before helping everyone in line. "You may be a spazz, but you are Soothing like the Stars" I mumbled to myself. "What was that Craigy~" Clyde smirked. "I said fuck you" I flipped him off, getting a disappointing sigh from Token. "Let's just go" I said getting up and practically leaving them behind. (sadly) They caught up to me and suggested what we do next. "You guys can come over if you like?" Token said texting his soulmate Nicole.

"You coming Craig?" Jimmy asked. "No, I have to go home to Stripe" I said scrolling through Instagram. "Alright see you later dude" They said as I made a turn for my house. When I got home I looked over at Tweeks house.  The spazz lives right across from me. I walked into my front door to see my dad watching TV with Tricia. I walked pass them, ignoring their complaints of blocking the show. I entered the kitchen and saw my mom making dinner. "Hey Craig, I thought you would hang out with your friends longer" My mom said looking at me for a conversation. "No they started talking about Soulmates" I said sitting down. "Does that upset you? That you don't know your soulmate yet?" She asked concerned. "It's more of, they keep taking me to the coffee shop hoping I get lucky and find them" I said upset. "Then maybe they don't like coffee?" Tricia suggested as her and dad walked in. "Your maybe your soulmate is that rodent" My dad muttered, Tricia laughed as my mom gave them a warning. "Dinners read-" "Im not hungry" I said abruptly getting up. I made it half way up stairs before my dad yelled "Get your ass back down here" I rolled my eyes and yelled back. "Make me!" That triggered him badly.

"I SAID GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE AND EAT!" He yelled, standing up with such force the chair flew back. I quickly ran into my room with a second to spare. "You can either come down and eat or give up your phone for a month!" He yelled banging on the door. I pushed against the door as I waited for him to calm down. He eventually gave up before telling me I was going to get it when I come out. I walked over to Stripe's cage and let her out. I took her to my bed and layed down. "I wish my dad was here instead of him. But then I wouldn't have Tricia" I said talking to Stripe. I sighed out loudly, taking off my hat and trying to forget today.

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