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"Bye Craig! See you tomorrow!" I said smiling at him as he waved back at me. I walked across the road to my house as I happily ended the day with Craig.

I didn't stay for dinner, mainly because Craig didn't want me to for some odd reason, but nonetheless I still had fun!

I actually enjoyed my day, well except for detention and what Clyde said-

I stopped dead on my tracks as I remembered what Clyde said about Craig. "Craig doesn't like gays" I shivered for some odd reason as I finally opened the doors to my house.

Looking back, I saw Craig jabbing his finger into a smug looking Kyle. Craig just had on some house shoes and his pajamas that he changed into when we got there.

Craig didn't look at to happy with Kyle, and Kyle.. He just seemed to happy with himself or Craig's reaction. I didn't want to stare too long so I shut the door and heard the sound of pots and pans in the kitchen.

"Mom?" I called taking off my warm attire. "I'm here baby" She said as she popped her head around the corner.

"Hey, what are you doing?" I asked, walking in to see her already brewing a pot of coffee.
"Starting dinner. How was your time with your friends?" She asked. "Oh boy, do I have tea to spill!" I said recalling everything.


"Listen here Broflovski, I am not gay. And never EVER will be" I said gritting my teeth. "You're cute when you're mad" Kyle said with a smug smile. "I will fight you bitch" I growled trying not to hit me. I could see Tweek go inside his house, finally closing the door.

"Your boyfriend isn't watching anymore. Gonna hit me now? I bet that will be a fun thing to tell Tweek. You hit me because I'm gay. How do you think that will go?" Kyle said slyly.

"You're a lot more evil than you look. I hope you know that" I said, shivers sent down my spine from his stares, or even the weather. "It's just the gay" He said smiling.

Don't get me wrong, Kyle is chill and very good looking. I just don't want to be gay around him. "Such a rude look Tucker, what's on your mind?" Kyle asked quietly.

"I'm not gay" I stated. "You keep saying that like ik not listening. Are you saying it for yourself or for someone else?" Kyle questioned. I let my anger get the best of me and I raised my fist.

                                               And punched Kyle.

We stared at each other for what seemed like forever. Blood running down his face from his nose. "Guess you're not gay then huh? I didn't expect anyone to hit me. Well anyone except someone trying to hide in their pride" Kyle finally said.

I felt weak, I've never felt like this before. I always fight people. I always pick fights, arguments, everything and not once have I regretted it. Until now.

"Craig?" My dad called, I turned around to see my mom, dad, and Ruby get out of the car. I turned back to Kyle as he just stared at me and my family. "I know what it's like to be scared, I forgive you" He whispered, still wiping the blood away.

I felt a hand grab my shoulder, but it wasn't there for long. I pushed it away and started my way back inside.

"Craig! Come here!" I ignored my dad's demands and ran back inside and into my room. I slammed the door shut, locking it so I was safe inside. I just punched Kyle. I just punched someone who is gay.

Kyle is gay right? He is. He is? I pulled at my hair trying to figure out my mind. I want to hit him for being gay. I hit him because he keeps saying I'm gay. I just don't understand! Am I gay? Stripes squeaks brought me away from my thoughts.

I stalked over to the window, peering out to look outside. My family talked with Kyle as he gave them reassuring smiles. Ruby looked up at me then turned to come running inside.

I looked up across the street, seeing one of the window curtains move as it blocked the room.

Did Tweek see everything?

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