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"It's totally Craig!" Butters cheered as we went to class. "N-no way! It can't be h-him. He's a j-jerk" I said. "The blush on your face says otherwise" Butters winked as we walked into class. I sat down ignoring Butters chuckles, if Craig really is my soulmate then he wouldn't love me back. He's straight or I think he is.. He's never shown emotions to boys, or girls actually. Has he had a girlfriend before? I look over to Craig and stare. He's just staring at the teacher, not writing notes like asked. I took a deep breathe and looked away. There's no way he likes me and there's no way he gave me the tattoo. I did receive it at the coffee shop and Craig was there at that time. Soothing like the stars, sounds like something Craig would say. He's liked the solar system for some time now, it'll make sense he said it. But Craig Tucker? The school's biggest bully, the unemotional boy since he first came here. Craig Tucker- Tweek Tweaks soulmate. I felt my cheeks brighten up at the words I just thought of. I have to admit that maybe Craig has a soft spot for me. I've given reasons- accidentally and on purpose to pick on me. Why does this bother me?! "Tweek!" screamed Clyde. I jumped in my chair and stared at the three boys before me. "Did you not here anything that has been happening?" Clyde asked. "Oh I-I didn't here w-what happened" I admitted shyly. "We-" "We're doing a group project of four over anything in astronomy" Craig said before Token could even finish the first word.

Oh great their my partners. "Was this assigned?" I asked looking up at them. "Not exactly? We get to pick the topic but Mr. Garrison picked groups" Token said grabbing a chair. "So? What's it going to be?" Clyde asked as he and Craig both grabbed a chair of their own. "Pluto?" Token suggested. "No there's not a lot of information on that planet" Craig said immediately after. "Ok... Is it going to be over a planet? Or should we do something else?" Clyde asked unsure of what to do. "It can be a planet, I'm just unsure of which one" Token said. "How about Venus?" Craig asked. "Is that the only one that will satisfy who?" I teased. Token and Clyde gave me scared looks as Craig leaned over the table and got in face. "Try and make a joke about space again. I usually leave you alone because of pity, but don't test me today" He whispered. I nodded understanding his demands. He sat back down and closed his eyes, taking deep breathes to calm himself down. "Venus or Neptune. Someone pick" Craig said. "Let's do Neptune" Clyde said shifting in his seat. Token and I wrote what ever information of Neptune down while Clyde and Craig gave us information. "Neptune has 13 moons... " I zoned out as I stared at Craig's wrist. He had them wrap in bandages and made me wonder if he had purposely hurt himself. "Hey Tweek want to come over to my house, so we continue the project?" Token asked as everyone stood up and started leaving. "Oh right, I'll see if I can. I'm suppose to help at the shop" I said getting up. "Well before school ends I'll give you my number so text me if you can or can't" Token said leaving with Craig and Clyde. I said bye and watched them leave. ".. I'm a hopeless romantic" I said shaking my head. "That makes two of us" Mr. Garrison said drinking his coffee.

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