Scroll 22

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                                                   Was it worth it?

I watched as the mother and daughter walked away. The sun clearly shining brightly upon them. The little girl skipping in each step. Smiling, happy. Looking at them so light hearted brought my cheeks into a small grin.

Her mother pulled out something white and round and on sticks. They each got one.
Dangos! My mouth watered at the sight. Oh, I love Dangos! If I knew she had dangos in her bag, that's what I would of asked her for.

Opportunity lost. Tsunade-sama's voice called out to me just loud enough for the passer-bys not to notice, "Amaya."

I looked up to see her staring down at me.

"Better go face the music" I muttered.

The wind that brushed against my face was refreshing, encouraging even.
There's nothing to be afraid of. I reassured myself.

But still,

Getting scolded was never my favorite past-time.

I leaped back into the office through the window. I didn't want to go through the whole process of climbing up the stairs and walking through those long hallways, again.

I met Tsunade-sama's gaze. She didn't look as furious as I thought she'd be.

She didn't say anything. She started staring out into Konoha, peering upon the dozens of citizens and creatures that live with in its mighty walls.

"Do you know why I didn't want you to help that little girl?" She asked in a serious, but plain tone. Her hands locked behind her back and her eyes still caught in the happenings of the villagers.

"No," I replied in a soft voice. Don't tell me I messed something up... I bit my lower lip and my gaze fell in embarrassment.

"That little girl's father barely comes home. Her mother practically raises her alone. The father does care about his daughter, but not so much for his wife. I thought if she got hurt, even a little bit, her father might go home, back to her. To be with his daughter. "

Of course I felt for the little girl, but...

"That's no excuse for putting her in harms way." I tried to sound calm about the matter. Looking up at her, I continued, "It's no excuse to make her feel pain.

Tears are a burning symbol of things that are too overwhelming for us to bare. There is no excuse to cause someone to suffer like that, especially a little girl, even if it would bring her father back." I tried to explain to her.

"To sacrifice alittle and to gain something important in exchange. Makes everything worth it." She told me, her eyes haven't shifted from their previous place.

I couldn't believe what she was telling me. I understand, when you sacrifice on your own free will for the ones you love, but to be put... forced into a situation where it's either you or them? On their terms? Never made sense to me.

"So, what you're saying is, let her get hurt, maybe break a couple of bones, endure the immense pain, unnecessarily, I may add. And maybe, just maybe, her father might come back." The manner of my tone of which I spoke definitely had a hint, if not more, of anger mixed with disbelief.

Lowering my gaze once again, I continued, "I'm sorry Hokage-sama but I can't accept that. I can't accept that thinking. If you want to demote me to a Genin, Academy student or kick me out all together, it won't make a difference to me or my abilities. I know where I stand as a Ninja." I declared.

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