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I woke up with a yawn. I didn't sleep well last night.

I looked at the mirror across me...

I'm hideous!

I let out a faint smile, then yawned again while removing the sheets from over me.

I took out the brush from the drawer, and started brushing the wild-frizz ball thing on my head known as my hair.

While brushing, I accidentally scraped over my wound.

"Ow..." I let out a tired groan.

Orochimaru better be around or else I'm leaving and never coming back...
This place is full of too much drama.

I held the brush tightly, placing it on my lap...
Sasuke has become such a jerk... like who does that to someone they've known for years. I know it has nothing to do with feelings, at least not those feelings.

"Jerk..." I mumbled.

I continued brushing, then weaving it into a braid. Looking up at my reflection. I'm swelling... it must be because I didn't eat yesterday. I rubbed my eyes to wake myself up.

I stretched out of bed, left my room and headed outside. There was a lake near by where I would go to freshen up a bit.

As soon as I opened the back door a ray of light shone brightly, warming my face...
It's so pleasant out here. I took in the warmth and light of the sun, that shone over head.

Wait... why is it so bright... what time is it?

I hurriedly went to the lake, washed my face, garggled, spit the excess water in the grass and rushed back to my room to check the time...
10:47! I Over slept!

"Ugh! " I groaned in anger.
Ever since I got here, this place is making me sloppy... just the thought of this place makes me sloppy... it's trying to ruin me!

I tossed myself back on the bed.

"Are you sure it's the place...and not Sasuke...?" The same voice as before said like she wanted to make a point.

Who was that?...

I sat up and tried to sense someone's chakra, anyone's... but it was useless. I was too tired and weak to even sense the 'usuals' here. My hands flipped my bangs to the side. 

I got up and headed towards the place I usually sense Orochimaru.

As I left my room, I took a glare at Sasuke's door.
He better not try anything like that again.

I furrowed my eyebrows and pursed my lips as I took the dark and lonely walk through the hallway.

He better be there...

I reached the door. I hope there's no snakes... I took a deep breath and turned the nob.

I started going through his stuff, curiously.

"Did you find what you were looking for?" I flinched, turned around. Orochimaru and Kabuto were standing near the door.

"I was just browsing..." I explained.

"Very well, now that you're here..."

"Wait..." I interrupted. "Let me say something first...

I need to go for out for a while to get some supplies."

Marked {Naruto Fanfiction}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang