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"Akarusa, it's a tough name to live up to." Ryuu's familiar voice began.

Finding Ayumi was a top priority for me, after I left Konoha. I decided to start looking from where the information transfer had been conducted, Hideyoshi Trades,LTD. Yup, my uncle's business. I never felt like going back there. Too many memories. It turned out Ryuu had been managing the business all these years.

After waiting for him for like an hour- in the sitting room, he had finally arrived and invited me in to his office.

"Sit," Ryuu-san motioned me to take up the black leather comfort-chair across his desk.

"Ryuu-san? The frame outside?" I inquired.

"That's right, Your uncle." He said with a smile.

It's been years since I last saw my uncle's face. Before Ryuu had arrived, I was actually there, in front of that portrait. I didn't realize how much I forgot how my uncle used to look, until I saw his picture displayed in the lobby.

He could have used a shave, but still handsome.

"So, lovedrop, what brings you here?" He asked looking through some paperwork.

He's still calling me that? I shook my head slightly on how embarrassing it sounded.

"Ryuu-san, I need your help." I said with a slight quiver in my voice. Maybe it was because of the overwhelming feeling of remembering uncle, maybe it was because I felt uncomfortable. Whatever the reason, it went unnoticed by Ryuu-san.

He let out a sigh and lifted his head to face me, "Miya, I'm your cousin, so again, drop the suffix." He said, then continued shifting some papers around. "How much do you want?" He continued, not raising his head from the stack of sheets he was reading.

I didn't reply. I didn't understand what he meant by that. So, I did what anyone would do- gaze around the room, until he says something else.

He looked up from his papers, "Miya?"


"How much money do you want? "

"Money? Ryuu, I didn't come here to get a loan. I need you to help me, I need some information. "

"Lovedrop, this company is yours, so it wouldn't be a loan. We should wait for Noemi to come, if you wanna talk health 101."

How can I be related to someone like this?

Coming back to the topic,"Uncle left me this place?" I asked in slight disbelief. It was a pretty big organization. I couldn't handle that.

"In his will, yes." He stated, going back to his paperwork.

Uncle has a will?

"Everything he owns is yours." He continued.

"Do I have to work here?" I slouched in my chair, I couldn't handle that kind of responsibility.

"No, that's what I'm here for. CEO, Vice President." He grinned from over a file, "You just own the place." He stated.

Good. I sighed, sitting back up straight.

I finally placed the bag from my lap onto the floor. Then I remembered.


Once I remembered my little sweetheart, I bent over from the chair and began searching in my bag frantically. She's not here... She's not here. I told her not to go anywhere.

"I put her in here after we left, Where is she?" I mumbled to myself, turning over a pair of clothes.

"What are you looking for?" Ryuu asked.

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