Scroll 33

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My thoughts began to ponder on the subject more.

How will I tell Ayumi when I can't fully comprehend what happened. How will I comfort her when I myself am so confused and in pain. Whose going to comfort me when I have to explain everything that happened.
This is all too much.

I took slow lazy steps towards her apartment. The brew of a refreshing breeze made my skirt- along with leaves, dance.

Making my way, I passed so many children playing their games.
How simple their lives are. They don't have to worry about anything. Nothing of my magnitude atleast.

I looked up at the sky, We're ninjas, but is that all we're meant to be? Can't we have a simple, normal life?


I took in a deep, long sigh, "You're right. Nothing will ever be normal."

"Are you done?" She asked annoyed.

Does it matter?

"You're babbling on in my ear, so yes it does matter."

I shook my head and began forgetting about her for a second, Why do I feel like I have to do this. I asked myself. Ayumi's apartment came into view. I pressed my hand against my stomach because of the sudden uneasiness I began to feel.

"Because you do. It's kinda mandatory when you have relationships with people." She advised, rubbing-in the fact- If I didn't have anyone I would be happier. She's right, though. I wouldn't feel like this if I didn't care so much, if I didn't have anyone to care for, but myself. Selfish thought really, but it's something I realized awhile back.

You're right. I addmitted. Though the fact of the matter was, I do have people I care for and that was something- no matter how agonizing it was for me, I had to do.

My head hung low in despair.
Taking a deep breath, I made my way towards her apartment and stopped at the front door.

How am I going to do this? I raised my hand to knock at the door.
I bit my lip, I can't do this. I clenched my hand and began to bring it back to my side.

"Just knock already and get it over with." She demanded.

Fine. Fine. Just stop talking. I again raised my hand towards the door and reluctantly tapped it with the back of my middle finger.

After a few minutes had passed, I tried again- knocking alittle harder. No luck.

Maybe she's out?

"She's not home. She's on a mission." A familiar male's voiced quickened to reply.

I knew exactly who it was- the only person on earth that would dare invade my privacy like that.

Eiji! How many times have I told you not to listen in on my thoughts? I scolded and turned to glare at him. He wasn't even looking at me.

"As many times as you didn't stop me." He smirked. His head was buried deep in the scroll in his hands. Too indulged in his work to bother looking at me. As long as I knew him, he was always been like that. Self-absorbed.

"So, Why are the barriers down today?" He smiled finally looking up at me, "What's the occasion? "

"I don't feel like kidding around today. Anyways how do you know she's not home?" I asked skeptically, though I wasn't suspicious of him, my tone just came out that way.
Still I wondered how he knew about a person I barely met.

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