Than Any of This

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I ran towards the house, praying. Praying that it wasn't uncle. Praying that it was someone else. Anyone one else.

It felt like my heart was screaming in fear.

I hated wishing bad on another,

Anyone but uncle.

Tears started to gradually fall down my cheeks. The wet ground made it hard to run, but I needed to get to uncle.

Making my way to the back yard, I bursted through the back door and looked around the house, noticing, No struggle. No blood.

"Where is he?" I mumbled, looking around the room.

Suddenly, I heard coughs coming from his bedroom. Uncle seemed asleep. Not dead, asleep. He coughed out of his lungs, but alive.

Out of joy and relief, I bounced on to the bed and gave him a big bear hug.

I was so happy, relieved and...

"What?" I murmured. What's this?

I realized something, something wasn't right.

Why is he wet?

Fearfully, I backed away from uncle. I didn't want to think about it, didn't want to accept it. I sat on my knees, and stared at my hands that were wet with thick, red blood. Uncle's blood. Eyes widened and my lips trembled.

My tears ran out of control.

"Noo-ooo." I muttered.

Uncle slowly opened his eyes and lifted his hand to my face. He began wiping the tear away, but I couldn't stop crying.

He looked at me and smiled, "Forgive him." He took a hard breath and continued,
"It's not his fault.
He never meant to hurt you," he struggled to talk.

"Uncle please... please don't leave me." I begged, resting my head on his shoulder, "p-please," my voice cracked.

"I love you my Mitsuki..."

And in a moment I could feel it- nothing. His chakra had completely disappeared. There was nothing left of him. He was dead. Uncle's dead. No. No. No I shook my head violently. "Uncle! Wake up! Uncle please. Stop joking around and wake up! WAKE UP!" I screamed.
"Pl-please, wake up." I pleaded.
There was no response. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't move. I couldn't breathe. Everything seemed pointless. I started questioning everything. My mind, body, soul and heart felt so empty. I didn't even feel like there was anything left of me.
Nothing. Uncle was all I had. Now he left me too. It hurts. Everything hurts...
I was- still, frozen, speechless. It was so quiet that night. So quiet that the only sound was the wind brewing at the curtains.


That sound snapped me out of where I was. There was some familiarity in the voice.
Without realizing it, I was already out the front door, running. My legs were moving on their own.
The night was so quiet and dead.

 I stopped...

"Dead..." I gasped in horror as I slowly passed bodies of fallen Uchihas. Their lifeless bodies laid on the ground. Puddles of blood filled the streets.

Sasuke's house?. I heard sounds from inside, a voice speaking. Out of dumb curiosity I stood on my toes and peeked through the window.

Itachi! Sasuke! They're still alive!?

I quickly ran through the front door, "Itachi, Sasuke, hurry we need to get out-"
I chocked when my eyes fell on the parents that laid flat on the floor. I gasped and clasped my mouth. "Wha-wha-t?-"

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