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 A New Encounter

---Three Hours Later---

We haven't talked at all during the whole trip. I glanced at Sasuke from time to time. He was a little ahead of me, leading the way. He leapt from branch to branch with such determination stamped on his face.

Overall, of course I was still angry at him because he crossed a line.

I made that mistake once and I won't make it again. I assured myself, confidently.

Back in those 2 years, when I was working for the Anbu... I'm still working, but I was alone back then.

Anyways, one day I came across an amazingly looking...wolf...didn't expect me to say that, huh?~ moving on, that wolf saved my life. So, I agreed to keep it along with me, it clearly wanted to stay.


I started treating it like I would any other animal, with love and care and I used to play around with it... you know ruffle its fur...stuff like that...

Now here's the weird part...

It turned out that it was a human using the transformation jutsu... he apologized for tricking me for so long and he said he couldn't lie to me anymore. Of course, I was in utter shock. I was angry no doubt, but if you were in my place, you would have forgave him too. He was drop dead gorgeous, I mean what you call- gorgeous~ then he was apologizing so sincerely that I had to forgive him.


One thing led to another and in the end he betrayed me. He was using me to find out some information. He also was a spy, sent to gather information on me.

I will never make that mistake again.

Ask for Sasuke, he has always been a friend to me and there is no way I can think of him as anything else.

Now, the thing that annoyed me with Sasuke is that instead of trying to convince me, which I admit is a hard job to do, but still- he lies to my face, acting nice- didn't work for him, playing with my emotions-  didn't, doesn't, won't EVER work... so why try these useless methods?

I just hope he's learnt his lesson,
He can't get me to do anything he wants if I don't want to.



We stopped...

Reaching a huge river flowing rapidly, crashing against consecutive zig-zaged set of large stepping stones, making a path across to the other side.

Sasuke got to the other side, no problem. Then I slowly made my way, the stones were so slippery and the water smashing against my feet and ankles didn't make the task any easier.

"Aah!" I slipped...

The water started carrying me, drowning me. I didn't know what to do. It was getting hard to breath. Water made itself it to my throat. I managed to cough it out. I thought I was a gonner, until...

I was pulled out from behind.

"Oh!" I coughed out along with a bunch of water.

I turned to see who saved me.

And there were a pair of beady slits staring at me, scaly skin and a long menacing body.

I chocked. I didn't say a word and ran. At least, I tried to run.

I was grabbed by the arm by someone. I was too much in a panic to care who.

"Let go of me." I said not looking back, just trying to get away.

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