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November 17th 2015

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I think the most emotional part, for me at least, was always writing about Hisoka. Literally, when I was writing about his death, I started crying. My sister asked me what's wrong. I told her, it was the story. She asked you're reading or writing? And I told her writing. She just shook her head after that.
I assume she thinks I'm crazy. Though, she doesn't mind pointing out now and then.
Don't know why, but that character was just so sweet, I couldn't help but get emotional.

Happier parts had to be Miya's past. It was all so cute. Too bad she had to grow up. Things get fifty times more complicated, once you're allowed to throw a kunai at someone. You know what I'm saying?... Well, it's just that difficult.

So many questions. So many things left unanswered- unresolved. She broke through her first hurdle and now it's time for her to actually face reality.

You know, I never had any definite meaning of 'Marked' which I wanted to portray. It just came into context, as shown in the beginning, that being marked was the experiences you take away from life. The things you have to hold on to and the things that you let go of, they all become you. They mark you accordingly.
But towards the end, it showed that being marked was part of some gut feeling coming true. That history was going to repeat itself, we see kinda that with Naruto's and Sasuke's fight, but that battle didn't end like history had, before them.

So, my lovely readers, What did you think of the introductory book?

Yes, this book was merely written, in seventy something, pain staking chapters, just to introduce you to my characters ^-^ . So don't worry. Miya is just dramatizing everything in the final chapter. Silly Miya.

Anyways, I guess this brings us to our, 3 out of 3, in the list of new books you have to look out for.

Number three.


Yes, I know. I know.

But those lines, unlike marked won't be in my next book. Actually, I got something better.

So if you liked 'Marked' even a little bit, hopefully, you'll love my new book.

Okay, time for credits and Shout Outs.
All Naruto series characters along with parts of the plot in this story are the sole property of Masashi Kishimoto.

Other characters, such as,
Miya, Shionee, Noemi, Katsuro, Hisoka, Eji, Ryuu, Rina, Toshio, Hodeyoshi and other characters are mine,


An oc that belongs to xXAkatsukixLoverXx
Hizõ Reina from 'Lost in Pain'

An oc that belongs to Km92.deviantart.com,
Chiko Ayumi from 'Back in Business'

An oc that belongs to Takara_Kaneko,
Takara from 'Don't judge a book by its cover'

(Speaking of covers, I haven't digitalized any of the covers for my new books yet XD)

Anyways, Thank you guys for allowing me to use your ocs in this book of mine. You don't know how much I appreciate it♡ Thank you!

Shout out Time!~





Thank you all for your support, even in the smallest ways. I still appreciate it tons!

This isn't everybody, I know, but it'll take me time to dig them all out. Lol, I sound like a grave digger... Anyways, if I missed anyone, I'm sorry, though if you want to get mentioned, don't hesitate to comment.

I just remembered.

Remember after chapter/Scroll 35, I wrote a Author's note saying there's hints to the markings on Miya's body. Well, the Anbu tattoo on her arm kinda draws its symbolism in this book.

Basically, what I wanted to portray in this whole book was, Miya's introduction, the secrets (the anbu have to keep everything hush hush, ya know) that haven't been revealed yet. The stories that (wouldn't be told by the Anbu) haven't been told yet, not in this book at least. Her ties to Konoha and her loyalty towards it was based only because she was an Anbu, well, that's down the drain now.

I guess, I wanted to show, how different she is from a normal Anbu, that even from the root. And also how different she is from a normal shinobi. She has her own definition of right and wrong and she tends to act upon them.

Hope you guys noticed how, in the beginning of the story, I kind of made her distant, not as cheery as I hinted in the prologue, (well, that's the effect of being with the anbu for over a year)
But later as she got closer to her friends, she started acting like her normal self, she would joke around, tease, bother, purposely get on people's nerves and basically be close again to the people she created a bond with.

So many gaps to fill and so many to add.

Keep your eyes peeled for 'Freed' I hear things are gonna get juicy.

More SasuMiya! Yay \(^-^)/

Oh, yeah, my two other Naruto fanfics,

'The Akatsuki' - yeah, I'm a genius at names, lol.

'What should have been'

Sounds promising huh?~

LOL♡ (please tell me you guys got what this means when I put a heart at the end.)


Ps. I hope you guys don't think I named my oc, Miya, because of my sceen name. No, it's because of the meaning behind the name 'Miya'. Thought I clear that up ^^

Until next time <3

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