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"W-what!?" A distinctive tremble could be heard in my voice. My heart raced, my breath became heavy.
He never- he doesn't- how could he? How could he not have told me!?

I didn't believe the abnoxious, self-centered, hateful person in my trap. Using my jutsu to drag him and place him against a tree.
I wanted to talk to him, face to face.
Pain grew, forming into anger. I couldn't think straight. Every thought jumbled and brought me back to that lie. The lie, this good for nothing just told me.

"He doesn't have - a brother," I growled.

He glared at me with hate in his eyes. Our eyes piercing each others souls.


Little brother!?

"NO I DIDN'T! " I screamed back. Punching the tree bark next to his head.
"I didn't! I DIDN'T KILL him!" My whole body trembled. My legs felt weak.

"You did and you know it." His voice calm and full of resentment.

My clenched fist stayed on the bark next to him. My forehead laid on it. My head shook slowly in disbelief, in anger, in pain. Tears rained down my face. Words blubbering out. I didn't know what I was saying. What was going on with me. I felt like I would fall to the ground any moment.
Hisoka was my friend. The only friend that understood me. Cared so much for me.

"How? How can-? How can you say I k-killed him?" I stuttered out.
My head turned to face him. A sheet of water built in my eyes, slightly blurring my vision. But I wanted to see something in his eyes. Anything, any emotion.

"I loved him." I said in a soft pleading tone.
I backed away from him,"I loved him."

"I loved him!" I shouted.

"I didn't do it." My head hung. "I didn't..." I clenched my fist.

He didn't derserve it. He didn't deserve it. I did. It's my fault... Shaking my head.

It's not my fault!

"You sad bastard." I huffed. My nostrils flaring. Brows knit together.
"You, like everyone else back in that village can be so sad and useless. Pathetic. You treat people you barely know, like crap." I yelled, scolded and just letting everything out that was bottled inside for all these years.
I paced frantically, almost insanely. Shaking my head from side to side. Shaking the anger that, now has become so inviting. I couldn't stop.
"You can hate- The whole village can hate me. You can cuss me. You can degrade me. You can throw rocks, stones, words, blood and whatever you want at me!" I slightly lift my head to face him. "But You Can't Blame me. Not for Hisoka's death! I WOULD NEVER HAVE HURT HIM! NEVER!" I snapped. "I go to the memorial stone, every chance I get and just think and wish it was ME! I want it to be me who's dead! He didn't deserve it. He was so kind, caring and loving...
Nobody wanted me alive anyway. Nobody cared. I'm just a rag doll that people like to push around. He had more purpose to life than me. He deserved to live. I didn't... I don't."

I let the spears crumble as I set him free.

"I hate you. I hate the village. I hate everyone who put me through hell, ever since that stupid rumor started. I hate them! I don't give a damn about any of you!" I screamed. " The one reason! The one reason I do anything for those ungrateful-" I was so angry I couldn't find the right word, "The Only reason I do ANYTHING for the leaf is because of them." I pointed over to everyone that were behind me.

Tears started again, my voice croaked, "They are one of the reasons why I haven't done anything yet. Why I haven't said anything. Why i took everything!"

Marked {Naruto Fanfiction}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon