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By the time I made it out, my condition had worsen. I felt frail, weary and almost completely dehydrated. I only managed to walk a few more steps before collapsing to the ground.
I just laid there, staring at the sky. The sun shone brightly over head. Clouds, birds, leaves they all past me as I relaxed my skin and heart from scorning my life.

A while- which felt like hours, had passed when suddenly I felt water dripping on my forehead. I looked up to see what it was. "Azura," I smiled. I was so glad to see her that I didn't question where the water had come from. Her head hung over mine as I caressed her soft fur. "Where do you get off to?"I asked in a weary tone.
She placed her head under my arm in an attempt to try and pick me up. After realizing it was useless. She disappeared off to somewhere in the forest.

So there I was, alone again.

She eventually came back, she brought a bottle of water. Where does she keep getting this stuff? "Azura, you didn't take this from anyone, did you?" I asked, looking up at her behavior. No matter what people say. I could honestly tell when Azura is telling me something. Call me crazy, but we have this bond. We understand each other and feel each other's emotions. That's how we communicate. I know she understands me clearly. Then again my cousins did tell me that her species has that quality, but it seems stronger than they described.

When I felt she wasn't guilty. I weakly opened the cap and at first just dumped it in my mouth. That was a bad idea- seeing the position I was in. I immediately coughed it out. Azura again placed her head under my arm and sat me up. Taking in the water, I realized how lucky I was, if Azura wasn't there to help me I'd probably- well... I was grateful that she was there.

Finally picking up strength I managed to get myself on Azura's back. She grew extra huge, so that I don't feel uncomfortable as we went. I could barely sit up, but I didn't want to lay on her. My clothes, me ,everything on me was covered in blood.

Before reaching the village, I put my hood back on and tried to cover myself. Upon entering I noticed the gaurds were asleep. I always wondered why they would sleep too much. Nothing ever happens here, yet they get so tired. May be my previous assumption was right, maybe they're just lazy. I shook my head as Azura took us within Konoha's wall.

Looking around at- oh so, familiar structures and some faces. I began to curse everything and everyone there.
These people don't deserve the happiness they have.

I felt it strange to be riding on Azura in the village. I mangaed to get off, but tripped. My weakened state cause me to skid over my cloak. The glares and the distinctive muttering I got after that only can be described by the hateful words that passed through my lips, "They don't deserve peace. Not happiness. Not security. They're worst than animals. They don't deserve what Itachi did for them."

Azura used a transportation jutsu and we were standing at the hokage's door.
By the time I entered, I had no feeling left to describe the pain.

"Miya!? What's happened! Do you you need a medic?"

It was funny hearing the Hokage ask that. I thought I was the one who was supposed to heal people.

I looked into her concerned eyes, she didn't derseve being here. She's a great Kunoichi, yet she is placed here to deal with these people's pity little problems and whining.

"Miya? Are you okay?"

With a plain expression stamped on my face, "Uchiha..." just the utterance of that name made me take deep breaths, "U-uchiha-" I shuddered.
I took one deep breath. "Uchiha, I-Itachi is dead."

I observed the Hokage's expression closely, "Are you certain?"


She sat back at her seat and stared out into the monuments. Thinking I was done, I headed out.
"Do you need anything?" She asked, my back facing her.

"No." I said softly.


Back at my apartment, I laid on my bed, staring at the ceiling. I almost always left my window open. I was never afraid of thieves coming in from it. Even if they did come what would they steal? My name had more value than what was kept in this almost empty apartment.
The only things I kept were a matress on the floor, a tooth brush and tooth paste I kept in the bathroom and my clothes which I also keep folded on the floor. That was all my valuables. So if someone was running out of toothpaste, they're more than welcome to come take some.

"Why so down~"

Not now.

" People die. Get over it. I thought you'd be used to it by now." Today I was in no mood to hear her. Her voice by that time had become like sandpaper scraping against my eardrums.

"GET Up! Get up! Get up!"

"What the heck is wrong with you!?" I yelled- at myself.

"That a girl~"

"What do you want? " I scoffed.

"You were depressing me."

"Oh I'm sorry, my whole life is meant to entertain you..." I said sarcastically.

"That's right."

"Why don't you just shut up. You know, for old times sake."

"Touchy~touchy~ I'm sure you're uncle would have been so proud of his little Mitsuki."

"SHut Up You parasite!"

"Ding! ding! ding!I think we struck a nerve!"

"Leave me alone!"

"I don't think so."

"What happened to ' the silence and ignoring me' vibe you always gave off?"

"Like I said you're depressing me, plus I'm hungry and you stink."

"I- don't- CARE! "

Freakin' parasite didn't want to talk to me ever since I first found out about her, now she won't shut up about her complete selfish nonsense!

"Thank you. I'm glad you understand."

She can hear my thoughts?

She finally showed herself. She was a beast- she had the feature of a wolf but it was accompanied with six wings, her body was strange, but elegant. We were surrounded by darkness and the only things visible, in that empty void, was eachother.

My jaw dropped, "W-what are you?" I was compelled to ask. Her appearance and size, both- amazed and frightened me.

"Now will you comply?" She said-smirking, twisting herself- surrounding me, until her face met mine.

"One condition." I said and then grinned. I'm still the one in control here.

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