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"Uggggh~" I let out a heavy sigh, pulling my pony-tail over to the side of my shoulder, "Talk about 'The Worst' first day ever." I complain, holding on to the strap of my bag full of note books, stationary and the shinobi syllabus. Iruka-sensei personally came with me to get all the things I needed for the rest of the year.

All day was non-stop teasing, bugging and name-calling whenever they got the chance. Sasuke didn't say a word to me all day.

To make matters even worse, it wasn't only my class that was doing the mocking. It was practically the whole Academy.

I ofcourse took the matter up with Iruka-sensei, who made the class stand for the whole day, excluding the very few that didn't taunt me. As an added punishment they weren't going to get any practical training for the rest of the week. Plus a warning, that if he gets another complain like that he won't hesitate to talk to the Hokage about it.

Conclusion- Iruka-sensei's Awesome!

Well, that made them quiet, but even as I walk out of the Academy to head home, I still can hear many and I mean Many students going on about me being a tattle-tale, mouthing the words to me. And I can over hear some going about my so called 'curse.'

Why does everybody have to be like that? I roll my eyes.

"Miya-chan?" Hinata came up to my side, puling me away from my thoughts.

She wore a slight smile on her face, "How are y-you?" She stuttered out, I couldn't figure out why she would stutter so much.

"You saw what happened today, How do you think I am." I pouted, my tone coming out harsher than I wanted.

"I-I'm sorry Miya-chan. You had to hear all t-that on your first day." My friend- Hinata, apologized, stuttering a little between words and lowering her eyes to meet the ground.

I smacked my forehead, sliding my hand down my face, "No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have responded like that. It's not your fault."
I let out an exasperating sigh, "It's just that, today was so frustrating and..." My gaze mimicked Hinata's and landed on the ground.

"I... I don't want to talk about it." Pausing for a bit before finally bringing my head up to face her.

"Okay," I gave a closed eye smile.

"Hm," she gave me a nod and we continue on our way.

"Miya-chan, can I ask w-why you didn't sit with m-me?"

"Hinata-san, I did- when we were in our Kunoichi class, but if you're talking about the regular class then, is that really something I have to explain?" I raise a brow up. Hinata knowing all that has gone on with me. She known me from the time I first set foot in Konoha. Why is she asking such a trivial question?


I didn't let her continue, "Besides, if I did, everyone would be on your head about, how you're sitting with the 'cursed' girl, the 'tattletale', the 'Murderer', the...'monster'." My gaze lowers once again, staring at the grey cemented street.

Shaking it off, but not shifting my view from the ground in front of me, letting out a chuckle, "And my favorite of the day, 'Sasuke Stealer', like... can our classmates be any less creative." I ask sarcastically.

"Miya-chan?" She bent her head slightly infront of me, to try and meet my gaze.

Not wanting her to have a soar neck, I look up straight while giving a thin smile.

"P-please don't take their words too seriously, "she says sympathetically.

She turns to glance infront of her. "I-I have to go now."

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