Scroll 23

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Placing my hand on the window pane, leaning on it and looking over my shoulder out to Konoha. I began getting lost in my own thoughts.
Am I going crazy? I keep hearing that voice. Does it mean I'm crazy? Can a person be truly crazy if they still think and act sane? 

The conversation they we're having didn't really interest me much. Like even if they do find Itachi, then what? Nothing. Nothing is going to happen because Itachi is just too strong.

"Then what're we supposed to do!" Naruto shouted grabbing my attention.

Standing at the door was Kakashi sensei.

When did he get here?

"Well, the only thing we can do is do our best to find Itachi, right?" Kakashi sensei said.

Shaking my head, I knew they didn't have a proper plan for this.

Paying attention to their facial expressions I noticed Naruto was thinking of something.

"So you want to hunt down Itachi to find Sasuke." Jiraiya sama said his arms folded, tilting his head, " let's say you find Itachi. What're gonna do then?" He asked shrugging his shoulders,  hands outward.

"Exactly!" I blurted out. Shouldn't have poked my nose where it doesn't belong, but Jiraiya sama makes a point.

All eyes on me, everyone was silent. I broke a sweat at the attention, grinning awkwardly. Someone sayyyy something...

"Well, we can't do anything with a single platoon." Kakashi sensei pointed out.

I let a sigh of relief.  Kakashi sensei to the rescue...

"What's that supposed to mean?"  Naruto said.

I was getting really bored of the whole discussion. All I wanted to know is when can I leave.  I need to get a whole bunch of things done today and staying here isn't helping. Glancing back outside. I happen to catch more familiar chakra heading this way.

I wonder what they're coming here for? Maybe to check if they have a  mission...

Hmm, that reminds me, I wonder where's Aika, and... Ayumi? I almost forgot about her.

Darn, to go see Aika I have to go shopping for a whole 'nother set of clothes. I hate shopping, but if I don't she'll puke all over these.

Then I have to go find Ayumi and see how she's settling in.

So much to do, so little time...

"Amaya?" I heard Tsunade-sama's voice say, but I think I was hearing things because,  why would Tsunade-sama want to talk to me. She's more occupied with the whole Find Itachi plan.

So I ignored thinking I misheard her.

Okay, let me think. From here I'll go to the shop to get some new clothes, then I'll look for Aika. I also have to ask her about the voices I've been hearing.

She's really good at that stuff. Very knowledgeable.  She's an ANBU for crying out loud and a very talented one at that. Sometimes I admit I envy her.

Then I'll have to go see where Iruka-sensei took Ayumi. Actually it's kinda strange how Tsunade-sama seemed to understand Ayumi's situation pretty well. She must of heard the legend of the girl trapped in the crystal too.

I nodded my head, having a closed eye smile on my face. That must be it.

"Then it's settled, Amaya will accompany you all as your Captain." Tsunade-sama declared.

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