Those sad days

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"Now, tell me what you think?" I asked, handing Sasuke-kun the mirror.

"Why do you have to do this?" He whined. He was complaining about me messing with his hair, but to tell you the truth. I think he looked good.

"Just look." I commanded.

"Not bad. Now leave me alone," he said with the least emotions.

I sat down straight in front of him, "Do you really like it!?" I asked happily.

"It's okay." He said, tossing the mirror to his side.

"Good enough for me." I grined. I got up to find a traveling bag. Where did I put it...

"So that's all you know? "

"No. I can put ribbons and a pony tail on you too." I offered, pulling out some ribbons from the drawer and waving it in front of me.

He shook his head and sighed, "Not what I meant. I'm talking about the jutsus."

"No. These are pretty easy. Just remember. Focus. Believe you-me you'll get them in no time." I reassured him.
I turned my attention to packing my things. My purse was hanging to my side when I suddenly felt a tug. "Sasuke-kun, what'cha doing?" I turned my head over my shoulder to see what he was doing. He was digging through my purse.

"Looking for something. " he replied.

"Oh, okay." I carried on in packing my stuff.

"Where- are you going?" Sasuke-kun asked as he chewed on one the candies from my bag.

"Uh... uncle is taking me to our home village. You know, to visit relatives. "

"When are you coming back?" He asked sitting, legs crossed on the floor pillow.

"Not sure." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Where is it? "

"I think it's somewhere in the Land of Eclipse."

"You haven't been there before?"

"No, I haven't"

Few minutes later,

"What's in this box?" He hovered himself over a small wooden box on the floor.

I turned to look, "My jewelry box, of course. "

"You don't wear jewelry." He said, like he knew me sooo well. But it's true I never wore jewelry. It's just that I like to collect them. There was one thing in that box that I was completely possessive of though.

"Miya-chan, What's this?" Sasuke-kun asked holding up my most prized possession.

"Be careful with that," I said gently taking it away from him.

"So what is it?"

"A charm bracelet."
Uncle gave it to me as a gift the day I was born. It was obviously too big for me to wear and obviously it still is. It's made of gold and silver small chain running between the braclet itself.

"There aren't any charms on it."

"They're all in this box." I stretched to pull out the box from behind the desk.

"That's a lot of charms." He said wide eyed.

Yup, the whole box was full of charms. Charms are so pretty, so I collect them.

"Why haven't you put any on it yet?"

I took the jewelry box from Sasuke-kun's hands and began looking through it, "here it is! Look." I held up my favorite charm for Sasuke-kun to see.

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