(21) The fix that you need

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Demi's POV

So I've been at Scott's for maybe three hours and my mum just called. She's on her way to pick me up. Great.

Well I guess I shouldn't be mad at her, she didn't doing anything. It was all his fault...

Yep, I hold grudges alright. Not even gonna state his name.

Mom showed up and I gave Scott a goodbye kiss. "I'll always be here for you okay?" He looked deep into my eyes. I nodded and flashed a tiny smile. I left him on his front porch and got into one of.. his car's that my mum I guess borrowed.

The majority of the car ride was silent which was surprising. "Well Demi I'd ask you what's wrong but I'm not sure you want to tell me about it.." New parenting methods? Hmm.

"I'm over it. Sorta." I stated looking out the window. 

She chuckled, "What do you mean sorta?" 

"Well right now I'm over it, but I have a feeling as soon as I see his face I'll be reminded of why I'm mad at him." 

Mom tensed up a bit. "Was it really that bad?" 

I sighed and shook my head. "Nah, I'm just a stubborn ass teenage girl."

 That made her laugh. "We all are at some point in our life. Your father still is." she winked. I couldn't help but laugh.

We got back to the house and my smile slowly faded. I glared at the house. I really REALLY don't wanna go in there. I sighed and slowly got out of the car.

I opened the door to the house and walked in. My combat boots making sounds with every step. Ugh.

That thing I call my dad stood up from the couch and came running over to me. "Demi!" he was about to hug me but I quickly dodged it. 

"Stay away from me." I stated emotionless. 

His smile quickly faded. "Oh c'mon you're not still mad at me are you?" he asked. 

"Yep. I hold grudges cause I'm a bitch. But I'm sure you already knew that cause Adrienne said so right?" I fed his words back to him. I gave him a deathly glare and turned on my heel to head upstairs. I slammed my bedroom door and slid down it till I was sitting on the floor. I put my head in my hands at sat there for quite some time. Fuck him, honestly. Right now I was wishing I had never got on that damn plane to Oakland.

I suddenly got a text from Scott.

"The concert is tonight babe. I'll pick you up in a half hour?"

I smiled. "Okay, I'll see ya soon."

This is exactly what I need.

Billie's POV

Damn she's still pissed. The look in her eyes could kill. I really fucked up. That seems to be my specialty. Maria didn't look to impressed either. I sighed, "What?" 

"What did she mean that Adrienne called her a bitch?" she asked with an icy stare.

 "Adrienne and Demi didn't really get along to well and-" she cut me off. 

"And what? Did she hurt Demi? That fucking bitch!" Maria raised her voice. 

"No no no no no no no! She did not hurt Demi." I reassured her and kissed her on the cheek. 

"Good. I'd kick her ass." she replied a little more calm.

 I chuckled, "I know ya would babe" 

"I'm gonna go check on Demi. She can only hold a grudge for so long." she reassured me. That caused me to smile a little. She kissed me then headed up the stairs.

Maria's POV

Poor Billie. Demi definitely inherited my grudge-holding. In her defense, he does have a problem with thinking before he speaks.

I walked into her room to find her in a whole new outfit and applying fresh makeup.

 "Erm, got something planned for tonight?" I asked as politely as possible. 

"Scott's taking me to go see My Chemical Romance." she stated, her eyes not moving from the mirror as she finished up her eyeliner. A small smile was tugging on her face. She did love her My Chemical Romance. 

"Oooh. That will be fun!" I commented. Her smile grew a bit bigger and she nodded. I had to admit her outfit was a tad concerning. 

She was wearing an almost skin tight Black shirt that almost looked like a corset that almost covered her body but not quite. She was wearing a black leather looking pants that had some rips through it, intentionally. She finished it off with her black combat boots. I kept my mouth shut. After all, I had a share of outfits similar when I was her age.

I'd never let her know that though.

Demi's POV

Mum looked at my outfit but didn't say anything. I can only imagine what the moron downstairs will say about it. Not that I care.

My phone went off. Scott texted me saying he'll be here in like 5 minutes. I spritzed on my Ed Hardy perfume and checked my hair. 

"I'll call you okay?" I reassured my mum. She smiled and nodded.

 "Have fun Demi. Not too much fun though. You're still on the pill right?" 

"MOM!" I raised my voice a bit.

 "Okay okay sorry." she held her hands up in surrender.

Once I got down the stairs I grabbed my black leather jacket and shrugged it on while stuffing my phone in my pocket.

"And where are you going?" Billie's voice spoke up almost making me jump. 

I shot him a glare. "No where that concerns you." His eyes widened a bit at my statement. Just then the doorbell rang. I answered to see Scott on the other side looking as great as ever. He was wearing a red plaid long sleeved shirt that had an AC/DC shirt underneath. He was wearing black jeans and some scuffed up converse. He looked me up and down. 

"Wow. You look great." he managed to blurt out.

 "Really cause I think she looks rather inappropriate." Billie's voice caught my attention. 

I turned to him "Shut the hell up." was all I said and then grabbed Scott's hand leading him to his car to emphasize that I wanted to get the hell out of there.

Once we got in Scott's car and were actually driving Scott decided to speak up. "You wanna talk about it?"

 I sighed. "There's not much too say. He basically got mad at me for getting suspended and said something he shouldn't have that I don't feel like bringing up. So I'm just giving him the cold shoulder is all." I explained. 

"Ah I see. Let's try to forget about it tonight okay?" he looked deep into my eyes. 

I found it in me to smile. "Okay Scott" He smiled at me and a few minutes later we were at the arena My Chemical Romance was playing at.

Tonight will be awesome. I can feel it.

. . .

A/N: Yiiiiiiikes! What a shitty chapter. Worse update ever I know. I feel like I'm losing inspiration in this but I feel like I HAVE to finish this book. Even though no one really reads this piece of shit anyway...

So comments are greatly appreciated as you should know already. But hey guys, 21 chapters :o I'm pretty proud of myself. I hope you guys actually like this book cause it may or may not be made into a series but I've got no idea. I was thinking of making a prequel of when Maria first meets Billie, Mike & Tré in high school or college (haven't decided yet..) I think I've mention it before but y'know, some feedback for that would be great.

Alright I'm done here. Take care idiots!


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