(22) No doubt, I've figured out I love you

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Demi's POV

The concert was absolutely amazing! It was one of the best experiences of my life. I got to meet the whole band and had a chat with Gerard.

I pulled my knees up into my chest, leaned against the window and slipped my eyes closed as I fell into a slumber. I dreamed about everything that happened.

Flashback to the Meet-and-Greet...

Right before me was one of the greatest bands ever. My Chemical Romance.

They all looked amazing, especially Gerard. Yeah I find him attractive, sue me.

Me and Scott were the last ones in line. I was kinda happy about this cause this way we wont be as rushed as everyone else.

Time had passed and it was finally our turn.

I had talked to them all and gotten pictures and autographs. Scott was talking with Frank. I smiled to myself. "Hi there" someone's voice brought me out of my thoughts. I looked up and nearly passed out. Gerard Way. Okay Demi act cool. Act fucking cool. Your life depends on it!

"Hi" I finally spoke out. I flashed him my 'cute' smile which caused him to smile back. 

"Aw you have dimples that's cute." he commented. 

He thinks I'm cute. Yes! I played it cool and just giggled at his remark but on the inside I was fangirling the fuck out. I mean come on. It's Gerard Way...

"What's your name?" he asked with a smile. 

And in that moment I forgot my damn name. "Demi" I forced myself to speak out.

 He chuckled a little. "You look familiar" he added. I was confused. "I know I've seen you before! What's your last name?" 

"Armstrong..?" my answer came out more of a question. 

"You're Billie Joe's daughter right?" 


He smiled "I KNEW I saw you somewhere!" he had a little victory grin going on. I laughed.

"So how is your dad?" he asked. I grew quiet and tensed up. Gerard noticed. "Something wrong?" he slightly frowned. 

"We kinda got in a fight is all." I frowned. He pulled me in for a hug unexpectedly. It was nice.

I told him everything that happened. And he actually listened. He hugged me and gave me a kiss on the cheek and also gave me some decent advice. I was no longer mad at Billie.

..End of flashback

"Babe" I heard a whisper in my ear and felt someone lightly shaking my arm. It was Scott. My eyes slowly fluttered open. 

"Hm?" I answered only half awake. 

"We're back at your house. Do you want me to walk you to your door?" he asked. I smiled and nodded. He got out of his car and then came around to my door and opened it for me. I got out and muttered "thanks" I'm exhausted okay?

We were now standing on the porch. "Did you have a good night?" Scott asked. 

My smile grew bigger "The best one in a long time"

 This made him chuckle. "Good. I did too."

There was a silence. Not an awkward one, a nice one. Suddenly, Scott leaned down and kissed me. It was sweet and soft and well, perfect. I pulled him closer to me by wrapping my arms around his neck. He wrapped his hands on my waist and deepened the kiss. We both pulled away out of breathe. "We should probably stop there tiger, my parents might be watching us." I joked. But knowing my parents, they probably were. Creeps.

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