(13) Wild One

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Demi's POV

I decided to head to the nearest Starbucks which wasn't very close to my house at all but I really didn't care. I walked in and instantly felt eyes glued on me. Great..

I tried my best to ignore all the obvious stares and placed in my order for a tall skinny peppermint mocha. 

"Hey aren't you Billie Joe's kid? Demi, right?" the barista asked as politely as possible. But I wasn't in that great of a mood so I just took it horribly. 

"That's a definite maybe." I answered and got in return a look of confusion. 

"Okay then. Well can I get your autograph?" he asked. 

I nearly scoffed, "For what? I'm not famous. I don't do anything. I'm just a kid." I stated. 

"Yeah but you're Billie Joe's kid." the barista defended. I sighed, "Fine." He handed me a napkin, my tall skinny peppermint mocha, and a pen. I scribbled down a little something special for the barista who informed me that his name is Chris.

Dear Chris,

Sorry if I came off as a bit of a bitch today, it's just not my day and sorry if I made you feel bad in any way. You make a kick ass peppermint mocha though! :)

-Demi Armstrong 

I paid for my mocha and caught him smiling as he read the note. I smiled to myself and decided to go back home. But something caught my eye. Adrienne... with Steve.

Oh shit.

Adrienne's POV

Steve and I decided to meet at Starbucks instead. He was kind of a rough person so I decided to break the news in a public place so he wouldn't rip me to shreds. God, I wish I wasn't in this place to begin with. Why did I get so jealous of all the attention Demi was getting? Ugh.

I spotted Steve at a lonely table and walked over. He smiled when I sat down but it slowly faded. "So what's up Adie?" he asked. Adie. That was something only Billie would call me. I nearly shuddered when it came from Steve's mouth. 

I cleared my throat, "Steve I don't think we should see each other anymore." I stated. 

I felt him tense up. "What?" he asked through gritted teeth.

 "I.. uh. Steve, look I'll be honest with you. I was mad at Billie for ignoring me so I hooked up with you to get some since I wasn't getting any. I wasn't thinking and honestly It was a stupid mistake." I let out a small sigh of relief after getting that off of my chest. He pounded his fist on the table. 

"You little whore! Fuck Billie, you're mine now!" he slightly raised his voice. 

"Adrienne?" I heard that familiar voice. It was Demi.

Oh shit.

Demi's POV

She saw me and her facial expression said it all. A deer in the headlights basically. Steve looked at me too and recognized me instantly and nearly chuckled. "Demi long time no see." he smirked. 

"Don't talk to me you cunt." I spat at him.

 His eyes widened a bit. "You still have quite the potty mouth. I see you haven't grown up yet." he looked down on me. Did that ever piss me off. 

"I see you still haven't grown a pair." I shot back at him. I heard a small giggle from Adrienne. He was silent for a moment.

"Any way, shouldn't you be running off to your whore mother or something?" he asked.

 My breath hitched in my throat. I quickly cleared my throat and blinked back a tear. Just thinking of her killed me inside. I'll never forgive myself for "I hate you" being the last thing I ever said to her. "No. She's dead." I stated with no emotion but on the inside I was dying. 

He looked a bit caught off guard but played it off. "Oh. Well good riddance in my opinion. Nothing but a waste of space and a pain in the ass some times." he spoke coldly. 

Both me and Adrienne's eyes widened. "How dare you say such a thing" Adrienne spoke up. 

Steve scoffed, "You don't even know her." 

"True but you don't say something like that. Especially to that person's daughter." She stood up from her chair and gave me a hug. I hugged her back and blinked back a few tears.

Once she let me out of her embrace she gave me the 'let's go home' look. We started to walk for the door when Steve grasped Adrienne's wrist. "And just where do you think you're going?" Steve asked with anger in his eyes. "Away from you." Adrienne pulled her wrist free from his grasp. "I don't think so" he said and it sounded maniacal. Suddenly, all these feelings burst out of me. 

Hatred. Anger. Disgust. 

I punched Steve right in the face. Then there were some camera flashes. 


Me and Adrienne fled the Starbucks in a hurry and got in her car and drove home.

. . .

We got home and walked in the door to find a panicked Billie Joe. 

"There you are Demi! Holy shit we've gotta go!" he exclaimed. 

"Whaa..? Go where?" I asked confused as hell. 

"You have your first interview ever. With Green Day!" he answered with a small smile on his face.

My eyes widened a bit. "WHAT?" 

"People found out that you're helping write our songs on Dos! thus, making you a songwriter. And now we have an interview to go to!" Billie Joe explained. 

I grew silent. I still wasn't getting it. I don't want to be famous I just want to be a normal teenager like I was a week ago. 

Before I could say anything, Tre and Mike burst through the door. "BJ! DEMI! Legggo!" Tre exclaimed with some wild hand gestures. 

Billie gave Adie a quick kiss on the cheek and grabbed my hand dragging me to Mike's car. 

I groaned. "Do I really have to go along? I don't want to be famous, I just want to be a normal teenager." I complained. 

Billie sighed, "I know Demi but we have to go. We'll do whatever the hell you want after I promise." 

A smile crossed my face. "Anything?" I asked. 

"Anything." Billie agreed. 

"Can we hang out with the boys of All Time Low after?" I asked, my smile growing bigger. Billie looked to Mike then to Tre and they all nodded. 

"I think they're still in town" Mike chipped in. 

"Okay I'll call em and see if they wanna hang" Billie offered. 

My smile grew even bigger, "Yay!" 

Tre smirked, "She misses the Barakat" and with that comment of course we all burst out into laughter.

Once the laughter died down I called shotgun which earned me a groan from Tre and we sped off for the interview. Something told me this interview wasn't gonna go too well. And with my luck, it wouldn't.

. . .

A/N: ANDDDDD that's all folks!

HOLY SHIT. 600+ reads!? :o FUCK YEAH MOTHERFUCKER!!!!!!!! <3

So this chapter was basically filler le sighhhh ._.

But now you've got an understanding of who Steve is so needless to say there will be some upcoming drama DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNNNNN.

Anywho, next chapter will indeed include All Time Low ^_^

In case anyone cares I had a good fucking day today. I know y'all don't care but I'm gonna proclaim it any way c:

Have a terrific day everyone... and leave me comments and shit while you're at it :3


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