(4) Oh Love

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After about a half an hour of driving, we pulled up to the music store. I got out of the car and fought the urge to book it in there. Music, to me is my everything. It's always been there for me, unlike people. People suck.

"After you" Billie Joe opened the door and held it open. I walked in and he followed close behind. 

We were greeted by one of the workers with a subtle head nod. I take it him and Billie Joe are fairly close. I wandered down the aisles of the store inspecting everything. I finally made it to the guitar section of the store.

 "Holy shit" I spoke out accidentally. Billie just chuckled. 

"See any you like?" he asked. I nodded and grabbed a light blue '50s Fender stratocaster. I examined every detail of it. 

"Beauty" Billie spoke up. "Any others?" he offered.

 My eyes widened. "I-I can have more than one?"

 Billie Joe laughed, "Of course. You can never have too many guitars."  I smiled and looked around for more guitars. 

I came across a black Dean Razorback electric guitar, a B.C. Rich Jinxx signature Pro X Bich, a Schecter Synster Gates signature, an Epiphone Zack Wylde Les Paul Bullseye, a Gibson Les Paul custom in silver, and a Yamaha acoustic guitar in purple. I also snagged some cool looking picks. 

"Hey, I'll look around for some amps and straps and you can look around the rest of the store okay?" Billie Joe asked. "Okay" I smiled and walked off. I stumbled upon the vinyl section of the store. Well I did bring some money with me so I could get myself a record or two since my dad is buying me the rest of the freaking store. 

Damn, I must look like such a spoiled brat. I made a mental note to tell Billie to cool down and not buy me anything else.

I stopped when I saw a bunch of Green Day records. One stood out for me; their Nimrod album. As I went to reach for it, so did another hand. We both pulled our hands away at the same time. "Sorry" we both blurted out in unison. 

I looked up and saw it was a guy. He looked around my age, maybe a bit older. He was roughly 6 feet tall and had shaggy-ish blonde hair and blue eyes. He was pretty cute. 

"Green Day fan?" he asked, breaking the ice. 

"Uh yeah, I take it you are too?" I asked. He nodded. 

Silence. Awkward.

"So are you new around here?" he asked breaking the silence, thank god. 

"Yeah, I just moved here yesterday" I giggled.

 "Oh nice. I'm Scott by the way." he introduced himself and extended his hand.

 "Demi" I shook his hand lightly. 

"Well it was nice meeting you Scott but I should get going." I started to walk away. 

"Wait," Scott followed me and grabbed my wrist gently. 

"Yeah?" I asked and turned around.  "Can I uh... can I have your number?" Scott asked while rubbing the back of his neck. Awe, he was embarrassed. It was cute. 

"Yeah sure gimme your phone" He handed me his phone and I typed in my name and number the handed it back. "I'll see ya around then Demi" he flashed me a smile. I smiled back and he parted our ways. I left to find Billie Joe at the cash register with all my stuff.

"Hey kid," he greeted me. "What's with the goofy face? Did you meet a boy?" Billie Joe's voice soon turned slightly serious. Oh great, he's the 'overly-protective' dad. This should be fun.

 I blushed slightly, "Maybe." 

He just chuckled. "Well let's get your stuff to the car." I helped Billie Joe and a worker from the store carry all of my guitars and accessories to the car. We thanked the worker and left. 

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket all of a sudden.

"Hey beautiful, it's scott :)"

I blushed and smiled like an idiot at my phone. He called me beautiful.

 "Oh is that the guy you met that I'm gonna have to beat with a baseball bat?" Billie Joe asked. 

"Oh c'mon. A baseball bat? Is that really necessary dad?" I asked with emphasis on the word 'dad'. 

He grinned at me "Absolutely. Boys are trouble Demi." 

"Ughhhhh" I slumped in my seat and Billie just laughed. 

"I'm just trying to protect you Demi is all" he nudged me on the shoulder lightly. 

"Yeah yeah" This time we both chuckled. 

We got back to the house and it was already 9pm. Holy shit where did the time go? 

"Time flies when your buying guitars" Billie spoke up which caused me to laugh. It's like he read my mind. 

I started carrying some of my guitars up the stairs and Billie followed. When we got to my room he helped me set up the stand and hook up the different amps. Each guitar was absolutely beautiful. I hugged my dad. 

"Thanks again. You have no idea how much this means to me" I spoke up. 

"Anything for my little girl" Billie Joe replied. "Well I'm gonna go to bed early. The boys are coming over for band practice tomorrow. You're welcome to join us" he smiled warmly. 

I smiled back, "I'd like that." 

"Great, see ya tomorrow then. Good night" Billie Joe spoke as he left my room. I took a shower, put on some pajamas and spent the rest of the night texting Scott until I fell asleep.


So, new chapter (as promised). Did you like it? I thought it was okay. New chapter might be up tomorrow but no promises. It should be up some time this week that's all I can say on that. School's getting kinda rough with report cards coming up and shit -_-

Do you think Billie Joe & Demi are an adorable family?

Do you ship Scott & Demi? 

What would you like to see happen in the story?

What don't you want to see happen?

Does anyone know where I can get a pair of leopard print pants like Tre Cool's? Cause I seriously want a pair....


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