(12) I just wanna get some peace of mind

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Demi's POV

I was in my room with so many thoughts clouding my head. The media and how they've twisted stories around about me. All the haters on Twitter with their horrible bullshit they say about/ to me. But mostly, I thought about Scott.

My mind kept running over what he said. How he admitted to me that he wanted me. I've never been wanted before. No one's ever told me that. And those deep ocean blue eyes could melt anyone's heart. GOD DAMMNIT. I hate being a girl. I hate this damn love struck feeling. I hate being emotional and UGH. I just really hate being myself right now. I need to write a song.

I grabbed my Les Paul electric and basically started strumming the hell out of it and I surprisingly got a few lyrics out of it.

I'm too tired to be bored, I'm too bored to be tired

And the silence is so deafening it's like picking at a sore

I'm too mental to go crazy

I'm too drunk to be pure

And my mind is playing tricks on me

And I can't sleep tonight cause I'm so tired

I can't take it anymore with all the liars

Like a prisoner of war

I don't want your sympathy

I don't want your honesty

I just wanna get some peace of mind

It's only in my head

As I roll over and play dead

I don't wanna hear it anymore

Wow. Usually I'm not too great at writing songs and they don't end up sounding great but this one wasn't too bad. I mean, it's not done. But it could be a really good song.

As if on cue, in came Billie Joe, Mike, and Tre burst in my room scaring the living shit out of me. "There's this thing called knocking.." I scolded them. 

"Sorry. But what were you just playing?" Billie asked. 

"Nothing really. I just kinda came up with it now" I looked up to find them all grinning at me. It was kind of creepy. "What?" I asked trying to get them to stop. 

"You didn't tell us you write songs Demi!" Mike's smile grew even bigger as he spoke.

 "Well I don't. I mean, not good ones..." I muttered.

 "Are you kidding me? That was really good!" Tre exclaimed which caused a small smile to form on my face. 

"Hey we're working on our album DOS! right now (A/N: I know DOS! is already out but can we just go with it?), how about you help write songs with us?" Billie brought up the idea which caused Mike and Tre to nod in excitement. 

"Uh.. if you want me to-" 

"HELL TO THE FUCKING YEAH!" Tre exclaimed and started jumping on my bed like a mad man. 

"TRE CALM DOWN I'LL DO IT OKAY!?" I shouted at him. 

He stopped jumping and hugged me and kissed me on the cheek. "WOO!" Tre exclaimed again and Billie and Mike laughed.

 I don't know why but I wasn't in that great of a mood. Well it's probably cause of what's been going on around me and how fast my life is changing but usually writing a song gets all that energy out. While Billie, Mike and Tre were having the laugh attack of a life time, I slipped out of my room. 

I walked down stairs and slipped in the dining room and sat down on a chair. I let out a deep sigh. "Rough day with media kid?" Adrienne asked which brought me out of my thoughts.

 "You have no idea." I let out another sigh. 

"I think I've got a bit of an idea. After all, I'm your dad's wife." she winked at me. 

I laughed a little. "True. But what's everyone's fascination with us? We don't even do anything! We're just his family for fuck sake." I blurted out. 

Adrienne laughed. "Exactly what I thought Demi. I'm not sure. The media can never keep their noses out of other people's business. They have to know EVERYTHING." she sighed. 

"Yeah. Well I'm gonna go for a walk. With my luck, I'll be on that TMZ channel again 'intoxicated' or something.." I did air quotations on the word intoxicated which caused Adrienne to chuckle. 

"Okay well dinner will be at 6" Adrienne called. I nodded and headed out the door. I lit a cigarette, slipped in my headphones and just walked wherever my feet would lead me to.

Adrienne's POV

Poor girl. I felt so bad for her. I don't even know why I was so rude to Demi when she first got here. Maybe cause Billie wasn't giving me any attention or I was PMSing or something. Wow I can be a bitch some times. Well that's in the past now. Can't do much about it now. 

Speaking of the shitty past, my phone rang and I had a call..... from Steve.

I answered, "Hello?" 

"Babe, hey I haven't seen you in forever! When can I come over?" 

Dammit. I knew I shouldn't have gotten together with this guy. "Uhm, now's not really the best time Steve." I replied timidly.

"No problem, how about you come over to mine then?" he offered. 

Maybe if I go over there, I can break it off with him.

I sighed, "Sure Steve I'll come over."

"Everything alright babe?" he asked. I almost puked right then and there when he called me babe. "Yeah everything's fine. I'll come over in a little while okay?" 

"Alright Adrienne. See ya later then" and with that I hung up. What the hell is wrong with me?

. . .


What did you think of this chapter guys? Not too bad? Opinions and feedback would be nice y'knowwww :3

I'm not sure how I feel about this chapter, did you guys like it?? I NEED TO KNOW THIS STUFF TO CONTINUE. 

Oh, and I have my second interview at McDonalds tomorrow xD I legit hope I get this job cause I need money for Green Day shit xDDD and other stuff... 

Anyway, thanks for reading and give me advice/opinions okay? :D


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