(26) Dumbstruck, colour me stupid

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Demi's POV

I woke up the next morning in nothing but Scott's My Chemical Romance shirt and my panties. Don't get me wrong, it was comfy.

I slipped out of bed making sure not to wake up Scott. I slipped on sweat pants and my AWG sweat shirt over top. I slipped on my black converse and went down to the lobby. I was in pursuit of the nearest Starbucks when I heard "DEMI!" 

Oh yeah, there's the hangover kicking in. 

"Dammit Tre, could you be a little quieter?" I scolded him. 

"Sorry little Demzy Wemzy. Maybe this is a sign that you shouldn't drink" he tried to act like a dad. Yikes. 

"You're not seriously gonna keep calling me Demzy Wemzy are you?" I asked with puppy eyes which were begging him to say no. 

"But it's my nick name for youuu" Tre whined and countered with his own puppy eyes. 

"Ugh" I groaned dramatically and walked faster to the Starbucks. 

"So where are we going?" Tre asked, catching up to me. 

"Starbucks" I said flatly. 


"Tre god damn it!" I smacked him. "Oh right. Sorry love" he kissed me on the cheek and I rolled my eyes.

We sat down and got two Orange Mocha Frappucinos (Tre got me hooked onto them okay?). We talked a bit about the tour. Tre is so excited. He loves what he does. As soon as I mentioned the tour his eyes lit up like a bloody Christmas tree. Truly adorable.

"Well Demz we should probably get back. I'm sure everyone is waking up." Tre stood up. 

"Okay one sec" I went back to order two white chocolate mochas. One for me, and one for Scott. After all, I can never have enough caffeine..

We got back to the hotel to find everyone packing their stuff they brought on the bus. 

"Morning babe" Scott kissed my cheek.

 I smiled "Morning". I handed him one of the mochas and he smiled. 

"Have I ever told you that you're the best?" he asked me while hugging me. He was nuzzling my ear. 

"No but you should more often" I teased him. 

We both laughed. "I'm just gonna go grab my stuff from our room." 

"Babe I already got everything" Scott told me. 

"Oh okay then. You sure?"

"Positive. Let's go" he smiled and wrapped his arm around my waist and we walked to the bus.

I saw Joey getting on to the bus and I stopped dead in my tracks. He gave me an apologetic look and Scott tightened his grip on my waist. 

"Can we go on the other bus Scott?" I pleaded. He didn't take his eyes off of Joey but nodded. We headed to the All Time Low bus and I texted my mum telling her we were gonna ride with them. She was a bit suspicious but said it was fine. She said I broke uncle Tre's heart though. Oh Tre. SO dramatic...

*~* Fast forward to the show *~*

Well Emily's Army opened the show and I caught Joey looking at me a few times. I'm gonna have to talk to him eventually but for now, I'm not leaving Scott's side. All Time Low performed and now Green Day's finishing up. 

"Okay everyone I wanna bring someone special out here." my dad spoke into the mike a little raspy. Oh joy he's gonna serenade mom. "I wanna bring out my daughter Demi!" Wait, what? "C'mon out Demi!" he repeated. They managed to get a Demi chant going. Oh my fucking lord. Is this real life? 

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