(2) Speechless & Redundant

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Billie Joe Armstrong, the Billie Joe Armstrong was standing right in front of me. Wait, he's my dad!? No fucking way. There's just. I mean. I don't get. I can't even make full sentences right now. 

He flashed me his signature crooked tooth smile which caused me to smile back. "You must be Demetria. Do you liked being called that or Demi?" I guess he noticed me cringe when he called me by my first name.

 "Uh Demi's good." I finally spoke up.

 Billie Joe moved out of the way and let me, Mike and Tre inside. 

I entered the house and all I could think was, 'holy shit'. To say Billie Joe's house was huge would be an understatement. It was fucking enormous! It was beautiful. Better than any places I've ever lived. I've lived in the slums my whole life and I couldn't help but think 'I'm actually going to live here!?'

I was greeted by Adrienne along with their two kids, Joey and Jakob. 

"Hey Billie Joe, who's at the door?" Adrienne asked. "Just the boys and my daughter" he smiled. Adrienne's face said it all. She was in complete shock. "We have a sister?" 

Jakob asked eagerly. "Yeah you do Jakob. Everyone this is my daughter, Demi" and just then Billie Joe pulled me in to his side by the shoulder. I was taken back but hey, it's Billie Joe Armstrong giving me a hug. I'm not gonna oblige. 

"Oh. Well she looks pretty jet-lagged why don't you take her to her room?" Adrienne offered. 

"Alright. C'mon Demi." Just then Billie Joe had taken my suitcases and started walking up the stairs. I followed him without a sound.

We entered a room with red and black walls. There was a king size bed already made and a walk in closet! My jaw nearly dropped. It even had a balcony. Was this really happening? 

"Will it do?" Billie Joe broke the silence. 

"Will it do? This is incredible!" I practically exclaimed, causing him to laugh. 

"Okay good I was worried you wouldn't like it." he added. 

"I consider this heaven on Earth." I replied causing him to show a small sympathetic smile. 

Some thing told me he knew. He knew everything I've been through. Everything I've had to put up with. Everything.

"Well I better get going, let you catch up on your sleep." Billie spoke as he headed for the door. "Oh, I almost forgot. Some of your stuff got shipped out to me. I got your posters but they seem to misplace your guitar" he frowned. 

"WHAT!?" I freaked out. My guitar was like my child. I even named him; Zephyr. How am I supposed to get my emotions out now?

 "Hey relax, it's okay. How about tomorrow we go guitar shopping? Get you a bunch of nice new ones?" he smiled. "I don't know. I don't want you to waste money on me. Plus, Zephyr has too much sentimental value to me. Too many memories." I explained. 

I was taken by surprise when he laughed lightly. "I understand. I thought I was the only one that named their guitar," I shrugged and let out a small smile. "Well it's no bother for me. I'd die without a guitar so I'll take you guitar shopping tomorrow okay?" he grinned. This guy does not take no for an answer.

 I sighed. "Okay." I agreed. His smile grew. 

"Great, alright get some sleep Demi. See ya in the morning." and with that he exited my room. 


I woke up and read the alarm clock. 10:36 pm.

Wow, where did the time go? It was like 4 pm when I first fell asleep. 

Suddenly I heard some voices. They were definitely arguing over something.

"Billie Joe she doesn't even like me! We already have two kids of our own!" Adrienne? What does she mean 'I don't like her'? I never even got the chance to talk to her cause I was jet-lagged. 

"Are you serious right now Adrienne? She was jet-lagged. She wasn't trying to be rude. And I don't care, she's my daughter. She's living with me." It's scary how much me and my father think alike.

"I don't know. Something just tells me she's nothing but trouble. I get it she's your kid and everything but-" 

Billie Joe cut Adrienne off. "But what Adrienne? Her mum just died. She has no where to go. Do you have any idea how many times I've tried over the past 16 years to go visit Demi? I've wanted to see her every day that I was aware of her existence. Her mum wouldn't let me-" 

This time Adrienne cut Billie off. "Wait... you were keeping in touch with your ex!?"

 Oh spare me.

 "Yes because I wanted to see my child which in my mind I believe I had every right too!" Billie slightly rose his voice. 


Billie Joe sighed. "I'm not having this argument with you, Adie. Good night." I heard foot steps walking up the stairs past my room. I pretended I was asleep but my door slightly peered open. I forced myself not to open my eyes. All I heard was a smirk. He knew.

Suddenly I was feeling maybe it wasn't such a great idea to live here after all.


So, this chapter was basically a filler ._. Let's just go with it I guess. Next chapter should be better! And NO, I don't hate Adrienne. She's beautiful and lovely so don't get any ideas that I hate her CAUSE I DON'T.

^ Now that we've established that, I thought I'd tell you guys about a new character that I'm working on for this. He's the same age as Demi, he's tall (roughly 6 feet), has blonde hair & blue eyes and REALLY good taste in music. AND he may or may not be based on a guy at my school who I may or may not have a crush on :$

OH also today at school, I was in accounting class (with this guy I may or may not have a crush on) and omg this kid loves his Green Day and that's probably why we get along so well... ANYWAY, the teacher was talking about something stupid and all of sudden he says "Oh gee" and I just burst out into "Oh Love" and I made him laugh with my stupidity.


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