(31) The Time of Your Life

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So, A/N at the beginning of the chapter. Just thought I'd switch it up y'know?

So last chapter is here :o 




I just wanna thank everyone who has stuck by this book. This has been so much fun and I'm proud of myself for finishing my first book ever! 

This book has been so much fun like you don't even know it's crazzzzy.

So comment and rate and tell me what ya think. 

OH & P.S.

This thing has 3000+ reads I never ever thought that would happen so thank you everyone who has read this piece of shit that I love.

Okay that's it.

Thank you<3


7 Years Later...

Demi's POV

We were finally here. Back in California. I haven't been here in a while. Mum and dad insisted that for holidays and shit that they would fly out and see us in New York. Yep, me and Scott got married and we live in Manhattan. We live in an apartment complex. Sure, it's a bit small but we've made it work. 

We pulled up to the big house that I remember pulling up and seeing for the first time in my life like it was yesterday. Not much has changed about this house except I bet it's a lot quieter now. 

"We're here" Scott put his hand on my thigh and I smiled.

Scott's much more grown up looking now. Well I mean, duh we're no longer teenagers. We are...

young adults.

It's really weird to think about to be honest cause it feels like just yesterday that I ran into him in the vinyl section of that music store. I smiled at the thought. 

I pecked his lips and got out of the car. 

"Mama don't forget about me!" I heard a little voice from the back seat of the rental car. I went around back and opened the door. "Oh I couldn't forget about you my little rockstar!" I grinned down at my 3 year old son Dylan. He was the cutest little thing I had ever seen. He had ocean blue eyes just like his dad and he had black hair with random little blond streaks underneath. And no, we didn't dye his hair like that. It was natural and he was born with it.

I thought it was the coolest fucking thing ever.

I carried Dylan on my hip as we walked up towards the familiar french doors. Scott came walking up beside and intertwined his fingers with mine. 

Scott knocked on the door. Soon it opened to reveal Joey. 

"Demi! Scott! Dylan!" He smiled. Well I guess we were the last ones to get here. 

"Uncle Joey!" Dylan exclaimed. Him and Joey were pretty close. It was adorable. I handed him over to Joey and me and Scott walked inside. 

"Hey Demi. Hiya Scott." Jakob greeted us. 

"Hey Jakob." I smiled. 

Pretty soon Mike, Tre, Jason, mum and dad came out.

"DEMI!" I heard Tre holler.

"TRE!" I replied. 

We ran at each other and tackled each other into a bear hug.

Yeah me and Tre still act the same around each other. After all, age is only but a number. 


I gave everyone else hugs and when it came to my mum she nearly began to cry. "Ma you saw me like 4 months ago it's not like I'm coming back from war." I huffed. She laughed. "I know I know but I just really miss not seeing your face every day." she sighed. I nodded and pulled her in for another hug. Then she ran over to give Scott and Dylan hugs.

"Well well well, if it isn't my little princess all grown up." My dad smirked down at me.

Yeah I haven't grown much. 

"Are you seriously gonna say that every time you see me?" I raised an eyebrow. 

He chuckled and pulled me into a hug. "Nah but your reaction is funny." I laughed and pulled away.

"I'll never understand it." I stated.

He raised an eyebrow. "Never understand what?" 

"How it's impossible for you to age. I mean come on you're pushing 50 and you still look like you're in your damn twenties." I sighed.

He chuckled "I'm blessed." 

"Or you're using anti-wrinkle cosmetics." I pointed out.

He huffed "How dare you." 

We both laughed. 

"Mama when are we opening presents?" Dylan tugged on my pant leg. 

"Soon little rockstar, soon." I gave him a reassuring smile. He smiled back and Billie picked him up.

"Dylan you're getting pretty big now!" Billie exclaimed. Dylan chuckled. 

Billie walked away with Dylan and I felt an arm snake around my waist.

"Babe when are we gonna tell 'em?" I heard Scott whisper in my ear. I smiled. "Soon babe, soon." He chuckled and kissed my temple.


After the lovely Christmas dinner and after everyone had exchanged gifts and opened them Scott and I decided to break the news. Well actually Dylan (the little big mouth), decided to spill the beans.

"Grandma Ria guess what?" Dylan asked with a big grin.

"What Dylan?" My mum asked with a smile. 

"Mommy and daddy made magic and are having a baby." Dylan said proudly. I choked on my drink at how blunt my little boy is. 

Every one's eyes went wide.

"And I'm gonna be a big brother!" Dylan exclaimed. He obviously didn't get it that it was a surprise to everyone. 

"When did you plan to tell us?" Dad asked. He wasn't angry, that much was obvious seeing as he had the biggest smile on his face. 

"Actually we were just gonna tell you but it seems like little Dylan here beat us to it." Scott piped in. I smiled as Dylan went and sat on Scott's lap. 

"So do you know what it's gonna be?" Mike asked.

I nodded. "It's gonna be a girl." 

Everyone smiled and cheered.

"Well congratulations you two" Jason spoke up. 

I smiled "Thanks Jase." 

Everyone started drinking champagne and toasting about it. It was hilarious.

I looked around the living room. All I saw were faces of people I loved. People who were always there for me and who always would be there for me. What more could I ever ask for?

"Babe you okay?" Scott wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to his body. 

I smiled and leaned into kiss him. We both pulled away.

 "Yep. Never been better." 


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