(5) Worry Rock

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9:30 am

Can I just take a moment to say that wake up calls in the Armstrong household are ridiculous?

 Without warning, Tre Cool (yes, Tre MUTHAFUCKIN Cool) jumped on me and sat on me, basically squishing the hell out of me. 

"What the hell?" I barely choked out. 

"DOG PILE!" Mike screamed and jumped on me as well. I swear to God I felt the bed sink. "Tr-Tre, Mike, g-get the fu-" I couldn't even finish my sentence.

 "Guys stop squishing my kid! I leave you out of sight for like 5 minutes and you do this." Billie Joe stood in the door way. 

Tre sighed heavily (and very over dramatically) but got off along with Mike. 

"It's not my fault, Tre wanted to see Demi!" Mike protested. 

"Yeah more like kill me!" I held onto my ribs. 

Tre pouted and hung his head down in shame. "Sorry Demi" Tre mumbled. 

"Awe Tre, I can't stay mad at you!" I replied. Tre's eyes lit up and he ran to my bed and gave me a hug. "I'm totally her favourite!" Tre gloated. 

We all laughed. "We should probably get to back to practicing" Mike spoke up as our laughing fest died down. We all nodded. 

"You coming Demi?" Billie asked with a smile. "Yeah I'm just gonna get something to eat first." I replied and right on cue, my stomach growled. 

Billie laughed, "Okay well there's Lucky Charms in the pantry. A little birdie told me that's your favourite." I laughed "Yay!" I dashed out of my room and collided with someone. \

"Aw shit!" he spoke out. I looked up. Joey.

 I had spilled his orange juice all over him. "Shit! I am so sorry" I apologized. 

"Get away from me! We were doing fine before you got here." he spat down at me with obvious hate in his eyes. I sighed. 

Maybe he's right I thought to myself and continued walking down the hall and down the stairs. 

I finished my cereal and walked back up stairs past the band room. 

"Demi!" Billie called out. 

I just kept walking and walked straight into my room. I collapsed on the bed and honestly felt like I couldn't get up. Something told me that Joseph wasn't over reacting. Something told me that none of them wanted me to be there. Then why was I there? Maybe I should just leave. Well that'd be great, if I had somewhere to go.

Billie walked in. "Hey kiddo. What's wrong?" he sat down on the bed beside me.

 "Nothing. Just not feeling so great." 

Billie frowned, "Yeah I heard. Don't worry I gave Joe a good talking to." "You didn't have to" I muttered. "I know, I wanted to. You're my daughter, he didn't have to say that. And I'm not sure why he did, it's not like him." Billie reassured me. 

"Maybe I shouldn't stay here" I mumbled under my breath. 

"Oh you're staying here!" Billie Joe spoke up. 

Does he have like supersonic hearing or something like holy shit. "I've missed 16 years of your life, I'm not missing any more." Billie pulled me into a hug. "C'mon kid let's go jam!" he shot up from the bed and so did I. I grabbed my Les Paul bullseye and a pick and followed Billie Joe, who had my acoustic guitar in hand and we walked  into the room. 

"Demi!" Mike and Tre greeted me in unison which caused me to smile. They were so loving and cute. I sat down on a couch and Billie Joe handed me my purple acoustic guitar. I had to admit, it was a beautiful guitar. "Play something for us" Billie smiled and sat down. Tre and Mike gathered around and sat down in front of me. I felt like a kindergarten teacher. I propped up my acoustic guitar and started playing.

If you twist and turn away

If you tear yourself in two again

If I could, yes I would

If I could, I would 

Let it go

Once I finished the song the boys were in awe. Tre's jaw was pretty much dropping to the floor. Mike's eyes were so wide they looked like they would pop out of his head any second. And Billie Joe- I mean my dad, he had a smile a mile wide. They all clapped for me and I immediately bushed. 

"That was amazing Demi!" Mike cheered.

 "Yeah you have a lot of talent!" Tre added. 

"Definitely an Armstrong" Billie smirked with pride which caused me to giggle. 

"We should hang out tomorrow!" Tre exclaimed with loads of enthusiasm at a very random moment in time. 


"Let's go shopping" Billie Joe broke the silence. (A/N: if you haven't watched a Green Day's funniest moments video then you don't get how somewhat funny this line is.) "Shopping's fun." Mike added. "I like shopping." I added my input as well. "Then it's settled," Tre responded. "Tomorrow we're gonna go...." Tre trailed off. "SHOPPINGGGG!" Billie Joe, Mike, and Tre all shouted in their 'girly' voices. I busted up laughing. I could get used to this I thought to myself.


This would've been up yesterday but my internet was being all freaky (Live Freaky! Die Freaky! omg..) so yeah but it's up now so yay! c:

Comments and votes are greatly appreciated. Gimme feedback people, I need to know if you guys like this story or not! :)

Oh and happy DOS! day motherfuckers <3

Next chapter will be up ASAP.... whenever the hell that is. 

ALSO, y'all should be proud of me cause I'm learning how to play Wake Me Up When September Ends on guitar :3

OH also, I'm not hating on Billie Joe's family. It's all apart of the story it adds drama OKAY.

There should be a video in the side bar of the song Demi was playing for the boys <3




Okay, now I'm done, bye <3


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