(29) The Forgotten

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Billie's POV

I was stunned. I froze completely. So did Maria. I was in a serious state of shock. 

"Mr Armstrong?" the doctor asked me.

"Hmm?" I looked up. 

"We may have however caught the cancer just in time. See, we have to find out if it is benign or terminal. So there is still a chance she'll make it through." the doctor gave me a sympathetic smile. 

My eyes lit up a tad at that. "Well I don't mean to sound like a dick but could you go find out?" I asked rather impatiently. 

The doctor chuckled slightly. "I understand. I'd be the same way." and with that he walked out of the room and in to Demi's room, I assumed. 

"B-Billie?" Maria asked still in shock.

"Yeah Maria?" 

"What made Demi have an anxiety attack?" Shit. I really wanted to tell her but we were already given enough bad news. Maybe wait a little longer until we know what's going on with Demi.

"Maria I-I really don't wanna talk about it right now. Could we talk about it later?" My voice cracked a few times. She nodded, understanding completely. She kissed my cheek and we walked back to the the rest of the guys. Maria explained to everyone what was going on. I remained silent and kept my head down. I felt a hand on my shoulder and knew it was Joey. 

"I'm so sorry dad" he whispered. I looked up at him and forced a smile. 

"It's not your fault Joe. It's mine." 

"Don't say that" I heard Jason speak up. I sighed and put my head in my hands. Oh if they only knew what I knew.

A few hours later...

We had to cancel the show tonight. The fans understood. Everyone had left the hospital except for me, Maria, Scott, Mike, and Tre. 

Deja vu.

A few moments later a doctor came out. "Armstrong?" Me and Maria stood up. I couldn't help but smile at that. 

He looked a bit sad. I tensed up at that. "Mr and Mrs Armstrong there seems to be a bit of good news and a bit of bad news." the doctor spoke calmly. 

"What's the good news?" Maria asked eagerly.

"Well Mrs Armstrong, your daughter's lung cancer is benign. We can remove it easily and she will be perfectly fine." We both had a sigh of relief and smiled. 

My smile slowly faded. "What's the uh. What's the bad news?" I asked.

The doctor looked tense. "Demi has amnesia." 

My jaw dropped. Demi has amnesia? No no no no no no no no!

"She seems to remember who her mom is and that's about it." the doctor added. Well Demi did say she wish she never met me. Now it's basically like she hasn't. Back to normal, like she wanted. 

Dammit Billie! Don't think like that.

"Thanks doc. Is there any way that she could gain her memory back?" I asked, tears rimming my eyes. 

He sighed "Not that we are aware of. I'm so sorry Mr Armstrong" 

"Well at least she is alive. Thank you." I forced a small smile. He nodded and walked off. 

Maria was completely still.

I sighed "Maria I really need to tell you something." I spoke up, my voice cracking. 

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