(16) Scattered

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Billie Joe's POV

So the boys of All Time Low have just left and the rest of us are here and just chilling and falling asleep as 21 Jump Street is finishing up and the door bell starts ringing rapidly. "What the fuck?" I asked to no one in particular. Reluctanlty, I got up and answered the door. Biggest mistake ever. 

"He-" the dude standing in front of me cut me off.

"Where the hell are Adrienne and Demi!?" he asked, fuming.

"I don't know" I answered, somewhat awake. 

"Don't play dumb fag!" he yelled at me. This woke me up.

"What the hell is your problem asshole?" I asked back matching his tone of voice.

"Right now, you!" he yelled. Suddenly, I felt his fist connect with the side of my face. I fell instantly to the ground, caught completely off guard. The mystery man smirked and stepped over me and headed in search of Adrienne and Demi. 

There are so many questions filling my head right now. Who is this guy? Why is he looking for Adrienne and Demi? How did he find my house? And am I fucking bleeding? 

Demi's POV

I froze in my tracks. "Who's Steve babe?" Scott asked me. 

"H-he dated my mum. He used and abused her and me. One day I had enough and fought back. I thought I had seen the last of him until ADRIENNE started seeing him." I let out some anger. Adrienne put us in this mess. 

"I'm sorry okay!? If Billie would just have given me some attention instead of completely ignoring me this wouldn't have happened!" she exclaimed. Oh really? She was gonna go back to this Adrienne? 

"Well maybe you shouldn't have gone and cheated on Billie and maybe go out for something with your HUSBAND." I put emphasis on the word 'husband' to remind Adrienne that she's a cheating bitch.

Suddenly, Adrienne was yanked out of view. I looked out my door and saw Steve dragging her towards the stairs. "Let her go!" I yelled which caught Steve's attention. He shoved her down a few steps.

 "Demi what are you doing?" Scott asked with a hint of panic in his voice. 

"Finishing what I started" and with that I lunged myself at Steve causing us to tumble down the stairs past Adrienne.

We rolled down the stairs and landed with Steve on top of me. "You worthless bitch!" he spat at me. "Let me go!" I spat on him, literally. "Ugh, you disgusting whore! You're horrible just like your mother!!" he yelled in my face. He raised his fist and was ready to take a swing. I shut my eyes tight waiting for his fist to connect with my face.

But it didn't, and I felt weight off of me. I opened my eyes and saw Billie Joe on top of Steve punching the hell out of him. Tre and Mike pulled Billie off of Steve. "I'll kill you!" Billie screamed at Steve. Steve scrambled to his feet and dragged me towards him and held me hostage with a knife to my neck. "Not if I kill your precious daughter first" Steve cackled like a psychopath. "You let go of her you sick bastard!" Billie hollered as he tried to step towards me and Steve but Tre and Mike held him back. "You take one more step and she's dead!" Steve barked. 

Suddenly, I realized that maybe killing myself was the solution. I don't know what came over me but I grabbed Steve's wrist and made him stab me. I gasped in pain. "DEMI!" Billie, Mike, and Tre screamed out in unison. I felt some blood rush out of me and it went black from there.

To be continued....


"Demi, oh god Demi please. I know you can hear me. Just, just please answer me. Squeeze my hand or something, anything! Don't die on me Demi!" it was Billie. 

My eyes fluttered open slowly and I squeezed his hand, barely. But it got his attention. He looked up at me and a small smile formed on his face. "Hey dad" my voice cracked a few times. 

His lip twitched, as if he was trying not to cry. "Hey Demi" Billie hugged me. 

A doctor came in. "How are you feeling Demi?" he asked. 

"Oh I am just swell." I joked which caused him to smile slightly and sympathetically. 

"Fortunately, you were not stabbed in any of your vital organs. It's just a flesh wound and you will be good to go in two days." the doctor informed me. 

"Thanks doc. What about the douchebag Steve?" Billie asked.

 "Oh he's been arrested. You won't have to worry about him anymore," he responded. A small smile formed on my face. "oh also, you have some visitors I'll send them in." the doctor left the room to go fetch Mike, Tre, and Scott, I presumed. "Where's Adie?" I asked. 

Billie's lip quivered. "Adie's staying somewhere else right now. And Joey and Jake are at my mum's for the night." I take it him and Adrienne talked about how she cheated on him. I hugged Billie. 

"Everything's gonna work out dad" I reassured him. 

"I hope so Demi" he sighed. 

Just then Mike, Tre, and Scott walked in. "Demi!" Mike and Tre yelled in excitement. "Hey guys" I smiled. "Hey babe" Scott came around my bed and kissed me on the cheek. I smiled softly, "Hey Scott." 

Once we were all chatting, I heard the door open slowly. A figure stood in the door way. "Demi..?" she asked. I knew that voice. I could recognize it anywhere. 

"Maria?" Billie, Mike, and Tre asked in astonishment. 

"Mom?" I asked.

. . .

A/N: Hiya! c:

I've stopped at the worst time possible, I'm aware. 

Yeah, I totally took that 'To be continued... immediately' thing from The Simpson's Movie. My brother watches that movie all the time and will be like "Hey Dani Green Day died... AGAIN!" I'll admit, it's kinda funny but it can get annoying after a while y'know? 

Comments & votes are welcome! 

Please tell me what you think of this chapter, it was kind of suspensful and confusing and cliffhangy. Cliffhangy? Yeah, cliffhangy....


Alright I'm done, take care!


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