(11) Troublemaker

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Demi's POV

Scott saw me and a smile crossed his face cause he knew the only seat left was beside him. I rolled my eyes and sat down beside him. "Yay now you have to hear me out." Scott smiled.

 I scoffed, "Not if my headphones have anything to say about it." I slipped in my headphones and blasted some good ole My Chemical Romance. But suddenly the headphones were ripped out of my ears and were in Scott's hands. 

I sighed, "That was rude." 

He rolled his eyes. "Will you just hear me out Demi? I swear it wasn't what it looked like!" 

"Really Scott? You're gonna tell me that you weren't sucking some slut's face off? Cause that's what it looked like." I crossed my arms over my chest and slouched a bit in my seat. 

"Demi that was my ex girlfriend Mandy. She claimed she wanted to talk to me so I agreed. We sat down in some random room and she kept going on about how she wanted me back. I told her no and then she pounced on me and shoved her tongue down my throat. I don't want her Demi, I want you." Scott confessed. 

My eyes widened a little bit. No one has ever told me they've wanted me before. I mean, it kind of felt nice. But what if this is all a set up? What if Scott's a player? Come to think of it I really haven't gotten to know him. Ugh! Fuck the confusing and dramatic teenage years honestly. 

I opened my mouth to say something but was cut off by our teacher announcing that there was a new student. Oh goody. Here come the awkward stares. 

"We have a new student with us today class. Her name is.. Demi Armstrong." Mr Brown I presume (I mean that's what it said on the board) announced. I waved subtly. 

"I know you! You were at James' party right? And then you were on that Gossip channel. You're Billie Joe's kid right?" a blonde bimbo asked me chewing away at her bubble gum like a damn cow. If her occupation isn't prostitution already, I know what her future one will be. 

"No that must be another Demi Armstrong you're thinking of." I brushed off her comment. 

"No it's definitely you! You look just like her! Except you know your eyes aren't as red anymore and you don't smell like drugs and alcohol and aren't dressed like a slut." she smirked at her comment. Everyone in the class looked shocked including me. I don't even know this bitch's name and she's got problems with me.

 "I wasn't dressed like a slut. If I was I would've asked to borrow some clothes from you." I shot back at her. She started this war, she better damn well be able to finish it. I earned a few laughs and 'Ooo's' from the class. I think even Mr Brown was enjoying this cat fight cause he didn't look determined to stop it.

She scoffed, "Well it'd be an improvement from your wardrobe." she looked me up and down. That fucking twat. "You're right. Why shop at actual clothing stores when I can go shopping for my clothes at the Stag Shop?" I asked coldly and got more laughs from the class. 

"Well at least I'm not a drug addict with a loser waste of a father." she smirked. Okay I'll admit that one kind of hurt. But I tried to play it off as best as I could. 

"I am not an addict. I was at a party, it happens. And my dad is not a loser. He is one of the greatest rock stars ever and is the best dad a girl could ask for. If you think he's a loser I really don't give a shit. He's not your dad so you shouldn't have to worry." I answered with a smile knowing I had won this round. She was speechless and couldn't come up with any more insults. Pfft, rookie. 

Suddenly she got up and took a swing at me. I ducked easily and punched her right in the nose. "You bitch my dad paid for this!" she grabbed me by my hair. 

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