To Protect: Sirius X Reader

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Your information-

House: Former Hufflepuff

Blood status: Pureblood

Happens: After Hogwarts

Warnings: Food, Fighting, Angst, And A Happy Ending :)

Posted on: 06/17/2021

I walk into my apartment after a long day of working at St. Mungo's Hospital. I sigh going to the fridge and getting out some leftover pizza. Warming it up I sit at the island and look through the magazine I have tossed aside from getting the mail earlier in the day. The microwave beeps and I grab the pizza and eat in silence. It's the same thing every day eat, sleep, work, and repeat. I miss my friends and the joy I felt when I was around them but this is for the best. I know it is. I can't risk them getting hurt by my family not again. Especially Sirius, oh how I miss him. I look up from my food crying as the memories come to mind. 

"Y/n wait up!" I hear James call out and I turn.

"Hey, guys!" I say smiling at them.

"Hey what are you doing now that we are graduated?" Remus asks and I smile.

"I'm Planning on becoming a healer at St. Mungo's Hospital then getting an apartment and maybe marrying a good-looking guy in a leather jacket one day," I say eyeing Sirius.

"That guy would love to marry you one day too," He says coming over to me and hugging me from behind. I giggle as we board the train and head to platform 9 3/4. 

"Y/n I don't want you fraternizing with that boy or his friends at all they aren't good for you." My mother says to me.

"I'm an adult mom I can be with whoever I want" I defend as I hold Sirius' hand.

"Besides what's so wrong with him? I'm not a Slytherin either? I'm a Hufflepuff." I say looking at her with a stone-cold face.

"That's different," She says putting her hands up.

"HOW?" I ask "It just is!" She screams.

"That's it! We are leaving! Don't expect to ever see me again!" I say grabbing my wand and packing my things.

"You'll regret this Y/n," She says and I shake my head as we apparate away. 

I come into the house Remus, Sirius, and I share to find it trashed. "BOYS?" I call out and I hear a groan come from the kitchen. I run in to see my best friend and boyfriend bruised and battered on the kitchen floor. Sirius was knocked out cold. I rush to Sirius to check for a plus and thankfully there is one.

"Remus, what happened?" I ask and he stays silent. "Remus?" I ask looking at him and he looks at me with a look of pity and sorrow. "It was my father wasn't it?" I ask and he stays silent giving me the answer I needed. "I'm so sorry," I say after I heal the two boys and Sirius wakes up.

"Love it's okay it's not your fault," he says trying to calm me.

"It is Sirius if I hadn't blown up on them then this wouldn't have happened, If I hadn't said what I said you wouldn't be hurt,"  I say sighing.

"We are fine," Remus says and I shake my head.

"You aren't but you will be," I say softly.

"What?" they ask at the same time.

"I'm leaving," I say louder and they look at me stunned.

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