Older: Remus X reader

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Your information-

House: Gryffindor

Blood status: Pureblood

Happens: During and after Hogwarts

Warnings: None

Posted on: October 15, 2021

-Y/n POV-

"AHH REMUS LUPIN PUT ME DOWN!" I yell at my best friend and boyfriend as he picks me up in surprise. "Sorry pup can't do that," He says as he walks away from the people I was talking to. "Remus please I can walk," I say and I can feel him roll his eyes before placing me down and grabbing my hand. "Come on I gotta show you something," He says and I nod as we walk hand in hand. We walk to the edge of the forest and then stop. "I promise I'll protect you, you trust me yeah," he says and I nod as we walk into the forest. We walk with no trouble and then we come across a clearing with a pond and flowers. It's gorgeous. "Wow," I say and Remus smiles. "I knew you'd love it here," He says and I turn to him and hug him. "This place is beautiful Rem," I say and he smiles. "Just like you, pup," He says making me blush and hide my face in his chest.  He chuckles and then lifts my face and kisses me. We stay there for a while and just enjoy each other's company. Then when we decide to leave we take the same route we took to get here. A little path that can only be seen by those who are looking for it. Once back we head to dinner and Join the other Mauraders. "Where were you two all afternoon?" Peter asks worriedly. "With each other," I say simply and he nods taking the hint to not push farther. 

It's the last day of school and boy am I stressed. I walk around looking for my boyfriend and soon find him in the Library. "There you are, I've been looking everywhere for you," I say and he smiles a small smile at me. "Hey pup, can we talk about something important?" He asks and I look at him shocked and worried. "Sure Rem what's wrong?" I ask and he sighs getting up and gathering his things and motioning me to follow him. I do as asked and we soon end up at a secluded part of the castle. "Rem, what's wrong? You're worrying me" I say and he sighs. "I think we should break up. I don't want to chance you getting hurt by me and I don't want to hold you back from taking the offer you got to go work with dragons like you want to." He says and I stop shock and sadness filling my heart. "Remus we can still date even if I'm in Romania and if I'm there you can't hurt me. We can make this work. Where is this coming from?" I ask and he sighs. "My thoughts. I don't think long distances would work. Please know I love you and I always will but, I think this is for the best."  He says and I nod. "If your mind is set on this there is no changing it," I say nodding. "Very well then It was nice while it lasted," I say before walking away. 

-Many Years Later-

-Remus POV-

I'm sitting with the teachers as Dumbledore welcomes the students. He then welcomes me and I stand up and wave at everyone and sit back down. Soon classes start and I am ready to teach my Third-year Slytherin and Gryffindor students. They all start to file in. "All right welcome to Defence Against the Dark Arts I am Professor Lupin and I would love to learn all of your names," I say and they all nod and I point to the first person at the first table. "You what's your name?" I ask and he smiles. "Draco Malfoy," He says and I nod moving on through the students. I then get to the last Gryffindor, a girl with familiar-looking eyes. "And you?" I ask she smiles. "Remy, Remy L/n Sir," she says and I smile nodding. 

After the school year, I decide not to continue teaching especially now that everyone knows. So as I'm packing my things I hear Remy talking to someone. "Come on I want you to meet my favorite teacher! He's amazing at teaching and reminds me of the guy you told me stories about!" I hear her say and I smile as I pack up my things. I then hear a knock on the door. "Excuse me professor do you have a moment?" I hear Remy ask and I look up. "Of course I do. What can I do for you, Remy?" I ask and she smiles "I wanted my Aunt to meet my favorite teacher aka you," She says and I smile. "Well feel free to come on in Miss," I say and Remy looks behind her and grabs her aunt's hand dragging her into my vision. My suspicions are then confirmed. Y/n L/n is standing before me looking as stunning as she did the day I first laid eyes on her all those years ago. "I- Remy can I talk to you teacher for a second, Please," Y/n asks and Remy nods. "Tell her all about my good grades professor," Remy says and I nod. Once Remy is gone Y/n walks over to me and I'm expecting a slap or hit for never contacting her or explaining the true reason I broke upon with her. Instead, I feel her hug me. The familiar feeling of her arms wrapped around me sends me into paradise. "What- why?" I ask after she lets go of me. "I know," She says and I look at her confused. "I know why you did it. My sister told me before she passed and I took custody of Remy. I'd be in Azkaban if my parents were alive still during that." She says and I look at her shocked. "So your sister and parents are dead?" I ask and she nods. "Remy is the only family I have, I got to name her, my sister died before she could," Y/n says and I nod. "Why Remy?" I ask and she smiles. "She's named after my first love and best friend," Y/n says and then it clicks. "Wait-" I say and she nods. "Yes you doofus," She says and I smile. "Well, I'm honored," I say, and sheer looks at me and smiles too.  "We should catch up soon you could bring your significant other too," She says and I smile. "I'd love that but it'll just be me as it always is." He says and she looks at me shocked. "No girlfriend or boyfriend?" She asks and I shake my head. "What about you?" I ask and she laughs. "No one wants to date a person with a kid whether it's their kid or not," She says and I laugh this time. She looks at me confused and I look at her dead in the eyes. "I would," I say and she smiles. "I mean we are older now more mature," she says and I nod. "Exactly," I say as I walk closer to her. "Y/n L/n will you go out with me? I'm sorry for everything I did when we were younger" I say once in front of her. "Let me know if this answers your question," She says before she gently places her lips on mine. I kiss back. We separate and smile at each other just as Remy comes back. "Can I come in now?" She asks and we both nod. "Hey, Remy I gotta tell you a story," Y/n says and Remy nods. "You know that guy I tell you about the one you're named after?" Y/n  says and Remy nods. "Meet Rem or Remus" Y/n says and Remy smiles happily. "I knew it! Please tell me the love story is continuing now!" Remy asks jumping up and down. I just smile and put my arm around Y/n. Remy squeals and jumps up and down. "We get to be a happy family now!" Remy says making us laugh. I kiss Y/n's head and then go back to packing the last of my things with her and Remy's help. 'I mean we are older now,' I think.


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