Love: George X Reader

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Your information-

House: Gryffindor

Blood status: Unknown

Happens: Throughout the school years

Warnings: Food, Mentions of death, Fluff, Love

Posted on: 06/26/2021

As I'm walking the corridors of the train looking for a place to sit that isn't too crowded I come across a cabin that only has a set of twin boys in it. I smile and open the door. "Hello sorry to bother you but I was wondering if I could sit with you two, I don't like crowds and everywhere else is very full," I say looking at the two boys hopefully. "Sure you can we don't mind the company" One smiles at me and the other nods. "Thank you so much! I'm Y/n by the way" I say walking into the cabin and sitting down in front of the twins. "I'm Fred and this is George" The twin who has been speaking to me this whole time introduces himself and his brother. "It's nice to meet you," I say smiling wide and shaking their hands. A little while later the trolly came. "DO you boys want anything?" I ask. "We don't have the money we are okay," George says and I frown. "I asked if you wanted anything not if you had money," I say and they look at me confused. "Pick anything you want my treat," I say "I insist," I say before they can protest. They reluctantly pick out some treats and I take out my money paying for everything. I noticed Fred got Chocolate Frogs and Pumpkin Pasties. While George got Chocolate Frogs and Cauldron Cakes. I got Chocolate Frogs and Licorice Wands for myself. I smile at the boys who smile at me. "Thanks, Y/n you are the best! Can we be best friends?" George asks and I smile. "It's a deal," I say smiling. We soon arrive at Hogwarts and are taken to the school and sorted into houses. Just like it was explained to me by my Nan. After being sorted into Griffindor with the twins I couldn't be happier. Our first year and I can tell this is going to be the best time at school ever!

First winter break and I'm spending it at Hogwarts as I have nowhere to go since my Nan is sick and doesn't have the strength to come get me to bring me home. I'm currently sitting in the common room sulking. "Hey, Y/n why arent you packing to go home?" Fred asks and I smile sadly at him. "Nan is sick she doesn't have the availability to come get me and bring me home so I'm staying here for winter break," I say shrugging. "To hell with that idea! You can come home with us. Mom will love you!" George says and I look at him shocked. "I could never," I say and they look at me dumbfounded. "Think of it as payment for buying us treats on the train," They say in unison. "Okay fine," I say and they smile "Yay!" they say together and I smile and run upstairs to go pack. Once I'm done I go downstairs and meet the boys at the exit of the common room. We leave and head to the train. We load up and soon are on platform 9 3/4 waiting for Molly to spot her sons and me. "BOYS!" I hear from behind us and we all turn to see a woman that looks exactly as they described their mom. I smile and hide behind the twins a bit. 'What if she gets mad and I have to find a way back to Hogwarts,' I think as I see them hug their mom as Percy joins us. "Fred, George, who is this?" I hear Molly question as I look up and smile at her. "Um Hello, ma'am I'm Y/n L/n," I say sticking my hand out. "Oh, You're Y/n wonderful dear it's great to meet you! Will you be staying with us for Christmas or is your Nan coming to get you?" Molly asks and I stop for a second shocked. "Um if it's okay I'd like to stay with you guys as my Nan is sick and couldn't come here," I say and Molly nods smiling. "Come on dears let's go then." She says as we go to leave the station. Winter break went by wonderfully, the Weasleys treated me like family and I couldn't be happier. Once back at Hogwarts classes went smoothly and soon it was summer. 

"I'm going to miss you guys but you gotta owl me okay and I'll do the same to you," I say with tears in my eyes. "Deal," The twins say in unison as we smile and hug one another. I go to my Nan and we walk away to the car. The letters started almost right away and I wouldn't have had it any other way.

Dear Fred and George,
I'm missing you so much already! I hope you are doing well, I'm doing great! My cousins are here to visit and are driving me crazy but that's okay because it just reminds me of being around a big family like yours. Which brings me joy. I hope to hear from you soon -Love Y/n

Dear Y/n,
We are happy you are having a good summer so far! We miss you too so so much especially George although he won't admit it. He just hit me for writing that. Your cousins seem fun what's your family life like anyways? You don't talk about it much. -Love Fred and George

Dear Freddie and Georgie,
My family life is interesting I was adopted into the L/n family at two and they are all Wizards and Witches. Purebloods if you will. Although they do not hold the same mentality as most pureblood families. I on the other hand have no clue what my heritage is. I was in an orphanage until I was adopted and have no clue what my true blood status is. My parents passed in a horrible accident when I was seven so I've lived with my Nan ever since then. I don't talk about it much because I don't find it relevant, but since you asked, I will tell. -Love N/n

Dear N/n,
Wow! You're adopted? We never would've guessed. Sorry about your parents if we brought up any bad memories we apologize. Your family is full of purebloods? That's awesome. So is ours. we don't like the whole 'Pureblood is the best' mentality either so you aren't alone. Hope you are doing well -Love Freddie and Georgie

Soon the letters got shorter and lesser the busier we got. Not that I minded at least we got to write for half the summer. Soon school started and I couldn't wait to see Fred and George again. I rushed to the Platform and Looked everywhere for them but couldn't find them anywhere. My face grew sad and I slowly made my way to the train until I heard a voice. "Why the long face love?" I look over to the side and see Fred and George smiling wide at me. "Georgie! Freddie!" I yell hugging them. "There's that smile we love," Fred says. I giggle and look at them both. "Come on let's get on," I say as we hop on the train and make our way to the cabin to sit. 

The year passes and the same routine happens over the summer only this time something tragic happens. My Nan passes away over the summer causing my family to try and find a place for me to live. "She can't stay with us we are full," my aunt Melody says. "Well she can't stay with us we are a house of boys shell be miserable" My uncle Robert protests. "I'll take her" A voice is heard. We all look over to see a woman I haven't seen since I was Nine walking in. "Angella," my aunt and uncle say together. "Come on kid pack your things," She says and I smile running up to my room and packing my things as fast as I can. 

Here I am on the platform with my aunt Angella. "So do you like one of these twins?" My aunt asks after I finish telling her about the twins and how amazing of friends they are. "Uh Yeah one of them but I won't tell him because I don't want to ruin our friendship," I say and she nods. "Which one?" she asks and I sigh. "George," I say smiling. She nods and soon I see the twins and rush over to them hugging them tightly. My aunt walks up behind me with her calm face until she sees Molly and them she smiles wide. "Molly Weasley" I hear my aunt say and then Molly smiles "Angella Lockwood," Molly says and they hug. I look at my aunt confused. "I should've known my niece was talking about your twins," My aunt says and molly looks at me and back at my aunt. "Your niece is Y/n?" Molly asks and my aunt nods. "No wonder I love her so much," Molly says happily. "What's going on," I ask and they look over at me. "Molly is a friend of mine dear, A very good friend from my time at Hogwarts I helped her get with her now-husband" My aunt explains and I nod in understanding. "Okay, you kids go to the train while we catch up oh and Fred, George, and Y/n can you show Ron and his new friend Harry the ropes?" We all nod and board the train. 

Once at the School the first years and older kids get separated and soon we are in the great hall for sorting. While we wait I sit in between Fred and George like always but my heart is pounding because I feel like I'm closer to George than normal. Sorting goes by and soon we are let out and Fred goes to talk to Angelina Johnson leaving me and George alone. "Hey Y/n wanna go somewhere," George asks and I nod he grabs my hand making my heart flutter. We walk to the black lake and sit at the dock our legs dangling off the edge. It feels very magical and romantic. somehow, I get the courage to tell George my feelings. "Hey, George can I tell you something? You just gotta promise to not let to ruin our friendship" I say and he nods looking down at me slightly. "I like you," I say, and George chuckles. "I like you too Y/n," He says. "No like I Like you as more than a friend, I think I'm in love with you honestly I-' I'm then cut off by a pair of lips on mine. I kiss back and melt into it as soon as I realize what's going on. We pull away and he looks at me. "You were rambling and it was the only way I felt I could get you to realize that I love you too. Always have ever since you walked into the cabin on the train our first year" He says. I smile and kiss him again. 


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