Be His Happy: Draco X Reader

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Your information-

House: Slytherin

Blood status: Pureblood

Happens: During and after Hogwarts

Warnings: Mentions of sickness, Being sick

Posted on: 12/09/2021

I'm walking along the corridors when I see Dracco and Pansy sitting and talking. Draco is looking at her like she's magnificent. Pansy is looking at Draco like he's a prince. It would be an adorable sight if Draco wasn't my boyfriend. They don't notice me when I turn and walk away. Hurt in my heart. 

I'm talking to my best friend Blaise about how I have to leave for America for medical reasons. I'm sick and I wasn't going to go thinking I'd hurt Draco too much. After seeing him with Pansy I now know I'm wrong. She can be his happiness. No one but Blaise knows I made him promise to keep the secret. I have four days until I leave. 

Today I leave. I have exactly an hour before I need to leave Hogwarts. I guess I should tell people. I tell everyone except Draco and Pansy. I then walk up to them with a small smile. "Hey, Y/n how are you?" Pansy greets me. "Hey, love," Draco says. "I look at them holding my tears back and trying to be strong. "I have to tell you guys something," I say and they nod. "I'm leaving for America in about 10 minutes, I can't say why but with that said. Draco, Pansy, I know you two are in love and I want you two to be together. Be happy and live life to the fullest. Draco I love you and Pansy please take care of him be his happiness" I say and with their surprised faces on my mind I walk away. I'm about halfway to the gates when I feel someone grab my arm. "Please don't go" Draco begs. "I have to, I'll see you again someday. Maybe in another life, Maybe in this one. For now, I must leave. I love you" I say as I wipe his tears from his face. 

I'm now at the destination to get to America and Blaise is here to see me off. "Hey Y/n," Blaise says. "Yeah," I say looking up at him with a sad smile. "Beat this sickness and come see me again okay" I nod and he hugs me then I leave. In America, I am met with people who escort me to a hospital and that is where I spend my days for the next few years. 

I walk into my family home in London and smile. Family greets me and soon I'm settled in. Being back is weird. After spending years in America, home feels so foreign. There's going to be a party this weekend to welcome me back. Everyone thinks it's a normal gala but then I will appear and be the shock of the century. 

The gala comes fast and soon our house is filled with people, I see people from school and soon I see Blaise with Pansy and Draco. I smile in hopes that Draco was happy through school and is still happy now. Then I see Blaise and Pansy kiss and shock fills me. Suddenly I'm brought out of my thoughts by my parents. "Are you ready dear?" My mom asks and I nod. She smiles and she and my father go to announce me. "Attention guests, We have a special guest that would like to make an appearance now. Please direct your attention to the grand staircase" I hear my father say and I walk out of my hiding spot and down the grand staircase. "Please welcome back our daughter Y/n," My mother says and I smile waving to the room as everyone either stares in disbelief or claps happily. Once down the staircase, everyone comes over and I greet them and talk to them. Answering questions when needed. I then get to Blaise and Pansy and smile. "Hello Pansy," I say and she smiles. "Hello, Y/n it's great to see you again." She says and I smile, "likewise," I say, and then look at Blaise. "I did it," I say and he smiles. "You did," He says smiling. "So you two? I saw you kiss earlier" I say shocked still. "Yes we got together after Draco and I broke it off about a year after you left. "He's still in love with a certain someone," Pansy says and I smile. "Doubtful," I say and Blaise shakes his head. "He is, he hasn't dated since," Blaise says and I look at them shocked. "Where is he?" I ask hopefully. "Outside needed air before the announcement," Pansy says and I nod excusing myself and going to the doors. I slip outside and walk around the garden until I see a blonde-haired man sitting on a bench in the middle of the garden. "Just like when we were kids," I say to myself and smile softly. I walk over and cover his eyes gently. "What? Whos there? Pansy, I swear if you're messing with me again it's not funny" He says and I laugh uncovering his eyes. "Wait-" He says jumping up off the bench and turning around. "Y/n?" He asks shock and surprise filling his face. "Yup, not Pansy this time just little old me," I say and he smiles with tears in his eyes. "What- How- When-" He asks not finishing his sentences. "I'm all better, through portkey, and a few days ago. This gala is for me and my homecoming." I say smiling at him. He smiles wider walking around the bench and taking me into a hug. "I missed you so much but why'd you leave?" He asks and then I remember I never told him. "I was sick and America had the cure, I got approved for a trial run so I had to go," I say and he nods in understanding. He hugs me tightly as if I would float away. "I hear you're still in love with me," I say once we separate and he blushes, nodding. I inch closer to him and bring my face close to his. "I love you too," I say and with that, he kisses me. 

"You are my happiness," He says "And you are mine," I say contently. 

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