Innocent : Sirius X Reader

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Your information-

House: Gryffindor

Blood status: Halfblood

Happens: After Hogwarts

Warnings: Slight fighting, Friends with Snape, Fluff

Posted on: 05/12/2022

I sit in dumbledores office awaiting him and the new teacher to arrive. He refused to tell any of us anything about them, especially their name. We don't even know the gender of said person. I sit next to Severus who is a friend of mine even though I was friends with the marauders through school I was also friends with him as we knew each other growing up. He, Lily, and I were the best of friends. Although Sev grew to love Lily where I grew to just see both of them as siblings. I'm brought out of my thoughts when I hear the doors open. I snap my head to look over as does everyone else. In walks Dumbledore with no other than Remus Lupin. My mouth opens slightly and I blink a few times to make sure I'm seeing correctly. Dumbledore starts introducing everyone and then he gets to Sev and me. "And lastly we have our history of magic teacher Y/n L/n and our Potions teacher Severus Snape," Dumbledore says and I smile at Remus. He smiles back then Sev scowls at him and I roll my eyes at him. Remus just smiles and says hello to everyone. We then make our way to the Great Hall and get ready for the sorting ceremony. That goes by and soon all the teachers and students leave. The students are sent off to their common rooms and most teachers head to their classrooms to prep for classes. As I am arranging desks and books I hear a knock. "It's always open," I say allowed as I hop off my chair and dust my hands off. "Always doing things the muggle way arent you Vix?" I hear from behind me and I laugh a little. "Not always Moony for a long time you thought I helped him because I believed he was innocent," I say bitterly not turning around. "I know I'm sorry for that. Do you still think he's innocent? I mean it's been twelve years Vix." Remus says and I laugh bitterly and turn around holding up my necklace that holds the ring that symbolized a new family for Sirius Black. "You tell me. People can be wrongfully accused, Lupin I still think someone else was the rat that set him up. I don't think he killed or told anyone anything." I say simply as I go back to organizing the books. "Very well then," Remus says and I hear footsteps retreat. 


I just caught Harry with the map and I saw that freakin rat on it. I about had a heart attack, I of course confiscated it and am going straight to someone who owes me a massive apology. I run into his classroom and see he is eating some chocolate and staring out the window. "Lupin! You owe me and him a massive apology and I don't want an argument once you see this because you of all people will know it never lies" I say and he looks at me confused as I walk over and slap the map onto his desk. "I solemnly swear I am up to no good," I say pointing my wand to the map. It appears and I won't to the name that gave me a heart attack earlier. He looks at me and then at the map and I can see his eyes bulge out of his face. "I told you," I say and he just nods and looks at me again. "I'm sorry Vix I am, I should've had more faith in the both of you," he says and I smile. "Damn right you should've, Now let's go catch a Rat," I say smirking and he smiles and nods. We follow the name on the map until I happen to see a rat in a corner facing away from us. I slowly take off my heels as Remus looks at me confused. I creep up to it and grab it by the scruff of its neck. Remus looks at the map and nods seeing mine and Wormtail's names overlapped. I nod and we go straight to Dumbledore. I walk in as Remus shuts the door and guards it. I place the rat down and grab my wand. "Hello, Y/n why have you brought me Ron's rat today?" Dumbledore asks confused. "Peter the jig is up I suggest you reveal yourself before I do it myself, you know I know how," I say pointing my wand at the rat. Suddenly the rat turns into a person, Peter Peddigrew to be precise. "Y/n it's so nice to see you again how have you been?" He asks and I scuff. "Shut it sewer rat," I say looking at Dumbledore. "Well obviously he's alive and Sirius didn't kill him so I say we take sir sewer rat here to the ministry to go on trial and so we can clear Sirius' name," I say and Dumbledore nods his head in agreement. 

The next day Peter was taken to the ministry and Remus and I were questioned. We answered every question we could and soon peter was on trial and it was all over the profit. "Seriously Vix I'm surprised you were able to do all this, you seriously have a lot of motivation," Remus says and I laugh. "I'm not filed by motivation Moony I'm fueled by love. Stupid, crazy, aggravating, love." I say smiling. "Still?" He asks and I nod. "Well then You'll see him soon I'm sure of it," Remus says and I nod. 


-Sirius' POV-

I'm sitting in my cell tired and defeated like always. Suddenly a guard comes over and opens my door. "Sirius Black your name has been cleared, You are free to go," He says and I look at him surprised but I get up and step out. I follow him and I am out. I am then met with Remus waiting for me. He opens his arms for me and the first thing I do is hug him. We leave and Remus takes me to his house to clean up. We then head somewhere he won't tell me. "Seriously Moony where are we going?" I ask and he shakes his head. "Sorry, can't tell you Padfoot." He says and I sigh but follow anyways. We end up at the three broomsticks and I laugh. "Why didn't you tell me we were getting drinks? What's the big deal about that?" I ask and Moony laughs. "You'll see," He says and I look at him confused. We walk in the place is a lot more deserted than expected. The only other patron is a girl with h/c hair sitting at the bar siring a straw around in what I think is a glass of water. "Come on," Moony says and I nod as we walk over to the bar. Moony sits patting the seat next to him between him and the female. I sit and face Moony slightly. We talk and the bartender gives us drinks. "Hey, have you heard from Y/n at all?" I ask as the girl I've been in love with since my school days falls upon my mind. "Yeah, actually I have," Remus says and I smile. "How is she? She probably hates me huh?" I say and suddenly I hear a laugh from beside me. I scrunch my eyebrows up. "If anything between me and Moony he was the one that believed the bullshit lies that sewer rat pulled, I believed you were innocent the whole time" I blink registering what the woman said then I whip around and look at her. As soon as I see her face I recognize it instantly. "Y/n," I say in almost a whisper. "Hi Sirius," she says smiling. I then hug her tightly and she hugs back just as tightly. We separate and soon we all end up talking and having fun. 


It's been four months since I was released and I'm living at 12 Grimwald places. Y/n is checking up on me constantly but I don't mind. Today she came over after work and brought dinner with her. "Hope you still like chicken sandwiches," Y/n says jokingly. "Of course, I do," I say laughing. We sit and eat laughing and joking. We end up in a weird position somehow where I'm under her and she's hovering above me. We are staring at each other in the eyes. "I- I um- Sirius can I let you know something?" she asks and I nod. She gets off of me and sits and I sit beside her. "Is everything okay?" I ask and she nods. "I um- I'm in love with you, and I know if you don't like me this can ruin our friendship but I have to get this off my chest especially since we were just in that position and I wanted to kiss you so bad but I know I shouldn't, and I'm sorry if this makes you uncomfortable or awkward but like I said I have to get this- Hmmf" I cut her off by kissing her because I knew she wouldn't stop otherwise. I pull away before she can kiss back, "Y/n, I've loved you since we first met in Hogwarts and you tried to stop me and the guys from pranking Snivilous. SO if you'd have me I'd love to be yours" I say and she breaks out into a massive smile nodding and crashing her lips onto mine. I react fast quickly kissing back. We pull away and look into each other's eyes. "I love you," We say in unison laughing as we do so. "I love you too," I say smiling and pulling her into another kiss.


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