What Hurts The Most: Sirius X Reader

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Your information-

House: Slytherin

Blood status: Pureblood

Happens: During and after Hogwarts

Warnings: Angst, Fighting, Mean girl, 

Posted on: 02/05/0222

"I never did that!" I yell at my boyfriend of 3 years. "Lucy saw you!" He yells back. "Well, it wasn't me because I never kissed him! Seriously Sirius do you not trust me that much that you're taking her word against mine?" I ask hurt evident in my voice. "Of course I trust you but Lucy has never lied a day in her life," He says looking me straight in the face. "To your knowledge," I say simply. "What?" He asks. "She never lied a day in her life to your knowledge," I say elaborating. "Lucy wouldn't lie to me," He says and I look at him dumbfounded. "And I would?" I ask and he looks at me stunned. "No that's not what I meant," he says and I look at him and shake my head. "I guess since I'm just a filthy Slytherin I'm a liar and a cheat huh? That's how you see me?" I ask and he stays quiet. "Unbelievable. You know what Sirius Black go be with Lucy Blackwell then, Since I'm such a horrible girlfriend and she's so great" I say before walking away. "Y/N COME ON PLEASE DON'T DO THIS" Sirius says and I just continue walking tears streaming down my face. I walk into the Slytherin Common room and go straight to my room and lay down. "So much for happily ever after," I say to myself. 

The weeks after are rough. I barely eat and can't sleep. Seeing Sirius and Lucy laugh and smile while I'm miserable is heart-wrenching. My friends try to cheer me up but it doesn't work. I get skinnier and palier. One day I'm in the common room sitting on the couch secluding myself as everyone went to Hogsmeade today when suddenly I hear a knock on the common room door. "That's odd," I say to myself as I get up and go to the door and open it to reveal three of the four marauders. "James, Remus, Peter, What are you doing here?" I ask and they all look at me with sad looks and walk in. "It's worse than what they said Moony," James says. "I can see that Prongs. Wormtail go get the stuff" Remus says and Peter nods stepping outside grabbing a bag and walking back in. "What's worse? What's going on?" I ask. Looking between the three of them. They smile at me and Remus puts his arm around me. "Operation make Sirius miss you," He says and I look at him like he's crazy. "Are you insane? He's got, Lucy! Plus he wants nothing to do with me he made that loud and clear that day" I say and they all look at me and then at each other. "Lucy? More like Lucifer. Plus he misses you he just doesn't want to show it. If we make it look like you've moved on he'll come crawling back in no time. Trust us" James says and I look at them and sigh. Boys, it's nice you're trying to help but he's happy I don't want to take that from him even if he's happy with someone like Lucy. I love him, I just want him to be happy" I say and they all sigh and nod. FIne but at least start taking care of yourself? You can't die on us" Peter says and I nod. "I promise," I say and they all hug me. "We love you N/n always will," Remus says and I smile. Love you, boys, too. Soon Hogwarts came and passed Sirius and Lucy stayed together for the whole year and as far as I know past that too. I went to France for a few years to escape life and travel. I lost contact with most of my school friends. I eventually came back and opened up a book store in Diagon Alley.

I had just opened my shop when the door jingled signaling someone walked in. "I'll be with you in a minute," I say from the back room. I grabbed what I needed and walk out "Hello, How can I hel- Lily? James?" I say cutting myself off. After seeing James and a very pregnant Lily next to him. "Y/n? Hey! How are you?" Lily asks and I smile. "I'm good how are you?" I say happily. "Very pregnant," She says and I laugh nodding. "Hey, why don't you come to dinner with us at the three broomsticks tonight? We're getting a lot of classmates together" James says and I smile. "I'd love that," I say and they smile. "Great" James says and they pick out the books they needed, pay, then leave. 

That night comes by fast and James let me know everyone was meeting at 7. I close the shop at five and make my way home. I get ready and soon I'm making my way to the three broomsticks. I walk in and find James and Lily and they smile once they see me. Remus sees me and so does Peter and they smile too. "Y/n hey!" Peter greets. "How've you been?" Remus asks. "I've been good," I say and he nods. We all sit and talk as more classmates arrive. Then I make my way to the bar to grab drinks for me and Lily. I see someone walk in and go towards the group I never thought I'd see again. 'Sirius Black' I think as I get the drinks and make my way to the group. I hand Lily her drink and she thanks me. I nod "You okay?" She asks and I nod again staying quiet as Sirius is talking to James a few paces away from us. She looks around and then spots Sirius and then looks at me. "Oh, Oh shoot, I forgot you two still haven't talked since that day," She says biting her lip. I nod and sadly all my emotions come back. "Don't look but they are coming over here" Lily says and I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I open my eyes just in time for James to sling his arm around Lily and Sirius to look me straight in the face. 'Please don't recognize me with the low lighting' I think as I look at him and smile softly. "Y/n?" He says shocked I nod and give him a small wave. "Hello, Sirius," I say trying not to break into a million pieces. "Hi, how are you?" He asks. "I'm good, How are you?" I ask. He smiles, "Better," He says and I nod. We talk a little longer and then I make up an excuse to leave and make my way to the outside. Suddenly I feel someone touch my shoulder and turn me around. I look to see Sirius standing before me. "What can I do for you Sirius?" I ask and he just looks at me and pants as if he ran after me. "Sirius?" I ask again and this time he pulls me in and hugs me. "I- Okay," I say hugging back. "I'm so sorry for everything I've ever put you through, I was an ass and didn't deserve you at all. Why did you put up with me for so long I don't know but I just wanted to say I'm sorry. So so sorry." He says and then goes to pull away. I don't let go though. "Y/n? You okay?" He asks and I nod. I just need a little longer" I say and he nods hugging me again. I let go eventually and I look at him my eyes glossy. "Thank you," I say and he nods. "How's Lucy?" I ask and he scuffs. "Lucifer is long gone, turns out you were right she was the lying and cheating one. I never should have believed her that day, If I could I'd go back and punch myself to knock some sense into me." He says and I laugh. "So anyone in your life?" I ask and he shakes his head no. "Good then I can do this," I say. "Wha-" He goes to Question but I cut him off by kissing him. He kisses back fast and pulls me closer by the waist my hands finding his hair. We only pull apart after we hear a couple of people say "Whoop whoop" from behind us. We look over to see James, Remus, Peter, and Lily all standing there grinning. I smile at them and shake my head taking Sirius' hand and leaning my head on his shoulder. We walk over to them smiling. "You all are ridiculous," Sirius says and they all shrug and go back inside. Before we follow Sirius looks at me "Will you be my girl again? I promise to not mess up this time" He says and I laugh and nod my head. "Of course, I'd love that, I love you" "I love you too"


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