Childhood Friends: Fred X Reader

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Your information-

House: Gryffindor

Blood status: PureBlood

Happens: No Voldemort or war/ Before and during Hogwarts

Warnings: Mean Angelina, Depression, Breakdown, Blackout, Parental death mentioned

Posted on: 05/26/2022

-Five Years Old-

I walk into the house my parents kept calling the burrow. I hide behind my mom as she talks to a lady with red hair. "Y/n this is Mrs. Weasley shes mommies and daddies friend from school. She's going to watch you while mom and dad are shopping so you don't have to come along okay" My mom says kneeling and looking at me with a sweet smile. I nod and look at Mrs. Weasley. "Hello Mrs. Weasley," I say and she smiles at me. "Hello, sweetheart please call me Molly it'll be a lot easier for the both of us," She says and I nod. "Okay, Mrs. Molly," I say combining the two names because my little brain wanted to still be formal like my parents taught me but also abide by her request. "That works," Mrs. Molly says and I smile. I hug my mom and dad and they leave. I follow Mrs. Molly as we walk out to the back garden. I stand next to her to see a bunch of kids all with hair like hers and a man with a baby in his arms and a toddler on his lap. "Arthur dear can you round the kids up to come to meet Y/n?" Mrs. Molly says and the man nods and whistles and all the kids come running up to him. One of them asks "What's wrong dad?" So I guess he's their dad. Mr. Arthur talks to the other kids and then they all look over at Mrs. Molly and me. They all then walk over. Arthur puts the toddler down to walk over himself. Once over they all stand in front of me and Mrs. Molly. "Who is this mom?" The kid who looks to be the oldest asks. "Well, Bill this is Y/n she's coming over to play while her parents are running a few errands." Mrs. Molly says and I shyly wave. Everyone waves back and then one boy who looks like another boy asks "How old is she?" While jumping up and down excitedly. "I just turned five!" I say happily holding up my whole hand proudly. "Hey, that's how old we are!" The other boy that looks like the boy who asked my age says. I look at him excitedly and shocked. "Are you two twins?" I ask astonished and they nod. "That's wicked!"  I say and they smile. "I'm Fred," The boy who asked my age says. "And I'm George," The other says. "Nice to meet ya," I say happily as all three of us look at Mrs. Molly and she shoos us off to go play. Soon my parents came and I had to leave but that wasn't the last I saw of the Weasley family or Fred and George. 

-Ten Years Old-

I ran to the Burrow tears streaking down my face. I knock frantically knowing Fred and George were home they were always home. The door swings open to reveal an annoyed-looking Bill, but his expression changes to worry the second he saw my face. "Hey squirt what's wrong?" he asks and I just sob. "Can I see F-Freddie and Georgie p-please?" I sputter out through sobs. He nods letting me in and I run up to their room knocking our special knock so they know it's me all while holding in a sob. "Y/n? Come on in!" I hear Fred say and I open the door quickly running in and hugging him. "Hey, hey, what's wrong?" He asks worry laced in his voice. I look up at him and just sob holding him tighter. He holds me tightly and soon George comes running in. "Bill came to me saying Y/n was up here crying!" I then hear fast footsteps and feel a pair of arms wrap around me. After I calmed down, I looked at the boys and took a deep breath. "I- I found this paper on the table in the kitchen and it says accepted on it and I don't want to go," I say getting worked up again. "What paper?" George asks. "Go where?" Fred asks. "This paper," I say as I take the paper out of my pocket and hand it to them. They scan the paper I've scanned over dozens of times already. "You're moving to America?" They say in unison. "Apparently," I say as a few small tears fall down my cheeks. "It's okay we will keep in touch! there is always Muggle mail and we can visit over the summers and we will see each other again I know it" Fred says holding back tears. George was already crying. I nod and sigh. "It just won't be the same," I say and Fred nods finally letting his tears go. Once I get home my parents are looking everywhere for a not important but important piece of paper. "Is it this one?" I ask defeated. They look at me and then the paper and sigh. They then explain how it'll only be a few years and we will be back before I know it. 

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