Sober: George X Reader

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Your information-

House: Gryffindor

Blood status: Muggleborn

Happens: During and after Hogwarts

Warnings: Drinking, Alcohol, Eating, Food, Mean Girl

Posted on: October 1, 2021

I run away from my best friend as he chases me. I squeal once he catches me lifting me in the air and spinning me around. "Georgie put me down!" I yell and wiggle trying to get out of his embrace. He lets go and I land on my feet. "Hey, N/n I gotta tell you something," he says getting serious. I stop laughing and look at him worried. "What's up? I ask worried now. "Freddie and I are leaving," He says and I laugh. "Well yeah, School is almost over and we are graduating-" I say but he interrupts me. "No, we are leaving sooner than that," He says and I look at him shocked and confused. He then explains the plan to scare Umbridgee and open the shop and I smile at him. "You'll be a millionaire in no time," I say smiling a small smile. "We will keep in contact I promise and I'll write you and you can visit the shop in Diagon Alley all the time once you graduate okay," He says and I nod. "Yeah, I know. Thanks for telling me Georgie" I say and he smiles. "No problem N/n I had to tell my best friend," He says, and I nod and smile. "Come on let's get to dinner," I say and he nods as we walk to the Great Hall. 

Soon Fred and George were gone and school got busy and they got busy with work the letters got lesser and lesser even after I left Hogwarts. Eventually, they stopped and so did my visits to the store. We drifted apart much to my dismay. Something that never left was my love for my best friend. It's been three years since I last saw George and five since I graduated school. I'm brought out of my thoughts by a co-worker waving their hand in front of my face. "Y/n" I hear and look over. "Yes?" I ask seeing Juliet and Marina standing next to me. "Hey, we are celebrating our engagement at the three broomsticks tonight and wanted to know if you wanted to join us almost everyone in the office is coming," Juliet says and I smile. "Sure I'd love to come, thank you for the invite," I say and they smile, "Great meet us there at eight," Marina says and I nod and they walk off. I go back to work trying not to zone out into my thoughts again. 

Eight rolls around and soon I'm in the three broomsticks talking and laughing with my coworkers. Suddenly I see a pair of red-headed twins walk in with two girls. One girl on either twin's arm. I shake my head and look at my co-workers and friends trying to keep my mind off them. Hoping they don't see me. "Y/n hey long time no see!" I hear Fred say and silently curse in my head as I look over to see Fred and the girl he's with walking towards me. I plaster a smile on my face and greet him. "Fred hey! It's been a while. How are you?" I ask. "I'm great! How are you?" He asks and I relax a bit after realizing George is nowhere in sight. "I'm doing good," I say smiling. Suddenly I hear his voice and I try to keep my face from dropping. "Fred where you go?" I hear and then I see George appear with the girl he's with. "Over here George ran into someone you'll want to see" Fred yells getting George's attention. His head shoots this way and he spots his brother first. He walks over and once he spots me his face turns into shock then happiness. "Y/N! Hey, how are you?" He asks smiling. "Good," I say smiling trying to keep things from boiling up. Soon my co-workers notice the four new people and I introduce the twins and they introduce their dates. I recognize Freds instantly as Angelina Johnson from School. As for George, he introduces her as Willow Weston. I recognize her name she was in our year but more friends with Angelina and the other girls than with me and the boys. "If you'd like you can join us! The more the merrier we are celebrating Mine and my fiance Marina here's engagement" Juliet says and the boys look at each other than their dates and they all nod. "Sure we'd love to join you," George says and they all sit at the long table we are sitting at. Everyone drinks and talks and I sip on my water. "Not much of a drinker Y/n?" Willow asks and I shake my head. "No wonder you and my Georgie never lasted," she says and I almost spit my water out. "Excuse me?" I ask and she stares at me. "Well him being the party animal he is, I'm not surprised your relationship fell apart," She says and I look at her astonished. "We never dated we were just friends and we drifted because life got in the way," I say and she looks at me shocked. "Oh I thought you dated in school you sure did act like a couple," SHe says and I sigh. "Yeah well, we were just friends," I say then turn to a co-worker and start up a conversation with them. 

After a while, I start to feel claustrophobic so I go to step outside and get some fresh air. I can't get what Willow said out of my head. "It sure felt like a breakup," I say to myself as I lean against a wall and stare at the stars. Suddenly I feel an arm sling over my shoulder and look over to see no other than a drunk George Weasley next to me. "Hey, Y/n what's up?" He asks slurring his words in the process. "Hi, George just looking at the stars," I say smiling and trying not to laugh at his drunken state. "Have I ever told you how pretty and kissable you are?" He asks and I stop for a second. "Real sweet George but I wish you were sober," I say once I process what he says. Then I take his wrist and lead him back to the group. "There you are George," Fred says and I smile. "He came to check on me," I say and a much soberer Fred nods. "Hey I'm heading out I'll see you all around okay," I say and everyone nods and with a wave, I leave. 

I wake up the next day with a sigh and George's words swirling in my head. "He was drunk Y/n he didn't mean them," I say to myself and get up, get changed, and ready for the day. Once finish breakfast I hear my doorbell ring multiple times and I walk over. "I'm coming" I yell trying to get the person to stop. I open the door to reveal George Weasley. "Geo- George what are you doing here?" I ask and he smiles at me. "I had to tell you this especially now that I'm sober so you would believe me." He says and my heart starts to pound. "Y/n L/n I'm in love with you, have been since we were in school. Seeing you yesterday made me realize just how much I missed you and how much I want you in my life. Please believe me when I say I love you" He says and I stand there shocked and confused, "What about Willow?" I ask and he looks at me and shrugs. "She cheated on me last night so we are over, besides I want you, we were only together for a few days anyway it was so new there were barely any feelings there, to be honest." He says and I smile and grab his face crashing our lips together. He kisses back instantly. After we pull apart I look at him and smirk. "Am I as kissable as you thought?" I ask and he just nods kissing me again and walking into my house the door closing behind him.


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