Savior: Remus X Reader

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Your information-

House: Slytherin

Blood status: Half-blood

Happens: During Hogwarts

Warnings: Talks of suicide, Mental health, Cursing

Posted on: 03/06/2022

I'm walking the halls trying to avoid being seen by anyone who knows me. "Hey slut" I hear someone say as they push me out of the way. "Look it's the whore of Slytherin," someone else says while laughing. "Get out of the way Skank," another person says as they push me onto the ground. I fall and lean against the wall. Bringing my knees up to my chest and lowered my head to lay on my knees. "Well look what we have here girls, the disgrace to Slytherin" I hear a voice I know all too well. I look up defeated and tired. "What do you want Narcissa?" I ask not wanting to deal with her or her sister. "Do us all a favor L/n and go away, no one wants you here," Bellatrix says and I sigh. "Or better yet go off yourself that way no one has to see your ugly face anymore" I hear someone say walking up behind them. I see Lucius Malfoy. I frown as I look at him. "To think I thought you all were my friends, but the minute he breaks up with me you all turn on me. I guess it was all an act right? It was all play you were acting in since it was just a bet after all. That's all I was to him. A stupid bet that he can string along to get his mind off of her." I say and they all smirk. "Awe is the bet upset? Boohoo get over it, I can't believe you thought someone like Severus would like you. It's pathetic really" Bellatrix says as they all walk away and I stand up making my way to class. 

It's been a few weeks and you'd think the bullying and rumors would've died down by now but nope they've just gone up. It feels like the whole school hates me. No one wants to hang out with me, no one wants to sit by me, and no one wants to talk to me. I'm outcasted, it's starting to take a toll on my already crap mental health. Here I sit at the end of the table in the great hall a good 3 seats away from any other student. I move my food around on my plate and sigh waiting to be dismissed. I haven't eaten much lately and I'm getting skinnier. Maybe it'll kill me? That'd be nice, At least that way everything would stop. It's not like anyone would miss me. 

-Remus POV-

"You're staring again" I hear from beside me and I look over at my friends. "Sorry," I say and they all shrug. "Who is it moony?" James asks and I just shake my head. "It doesn't matter guys," I say as I look at the girl who intrigues me. She seems to be outcasted for no reason even in her own house. It started the day of sorting in the First Year. 'Everyone gathered in a line to be sorted and everything was going great until a girl named Y/n L/n got put into Slytherin. Now the L/n are known to be half-bloods and a half-blood in Slytherin is unacceptable in most Slytherins eyes. When the girl made her way to the table and sat down some of the kids moved away from her. She frowned but shrugged it off and kept her smile on her face. Throughout the school year, that smile got lesser and lesser. Then it soon disappeared after Y/n learned her boyfriend Severus Snape was only dating her as a bet. She was devastated, to say the least.' I'm brought out of my thoughts by my friends shoving me. "Come on Moony we are leaving," Sirius says and I nod glancing over to her spot to see her plate still full of food. I grab a few rolls and shove them in my bag before making my way to my friends.

Later that night I make my way to the Slytherin common room and take a deep breath. I got the password off a first-year so I can easily get in. I say the password and the door opens. I walk in and only a few Slytherins are in the common room. "Hey, where is L/n," I ask gaining their attention. "Probably up in the astronomy tower the weirdo is always up there after dinner," A girl says shrugging. I glare at her and walk out. "Hey, how'd you get in here anyway your a Gryffindor?" The other girl asks and I say nothing I just walk out leaving them to wonder. As I walk to the tower a sinking feeling starts to settle in my stomach. 'What if she's- No Remus she's fine, She'll be fine,' I think as I climb the stairs. Once I got up there I see crying and shaking Y/n L/n holding onto the edge of the railing. I slowly walk over and wrap my arms around her backing away from the edge. Her legs giving out so I'm dragging her a bit. She's sobbing at this point. I sit down setting her on my lap holding her tight. "Why?" She asks she keeps repeating this question but I hold her staying quiet until she's calmed down. "Because most people are cruel but I'm not, Because most people don't care but I do, Because I want you to live," I say once she is calmed down. She looks at me for the first time since I pulled her away. "Lupin?" She asks and I nod. "You care?" She asks and I nod again. "Also here," I say grabbing the rolls from my bag that are wrapped in a cloth to keep them soft. She unwraps the cloth and looks at it. "How?" She asks and I smile. "I just know, I've always known. I've just been too scared to say anything" I say and she puts them down and hugs me. I smile and hold her tighter. We sit and eat the rolls laughing and joking until late into the night. Eventually, she falls asleep and I carry her to my dorm laying her on my bed I get an extra pillow and blanket and go to play on the ground. Suddenly I feel someone grab my sleeve. "Don't leave me, lay with me please" Y/n says just above a whisper. I nod and get into the bed next to her. She cuddles into my side and I wrap my arms around her. "I promise I'll protect you Y/n, even if it's the last thing I do," I say. I soon fall asleep happily. 

I hear laughing and snickering at the end of my bed. I pry my eyes open to see my friends awake and staring at me with smirks on their faces. "You wake her up to you will die," I say simply and they all raise their hands in defense. "So moony L/n huh that's who you've been staring at this whole time?" James asks and I nod smiling down at her. I move a piece of her hair away from her face and she scrunches her nose as it tickled. I chuckle softly to myself. "He's whipped," Sirius says and the two others nod. I grab the pillow off the ground and throw it at them. "Ow," They all say in unison. Suddenly Y/n wraps her arms around me tighter. I look down and her eyebrows are knit together and she has a frown on her face. 'Nightmare' I think as I run my hand through her hair softly. "Y/n hey wake up please, darling your having a nightmare you gotta wake up please," I say softly and her eyes shoot open as she sits up looking around frantically. "Hey, hey it was just a nightmare," I say hugging her. She turns and buries her head into my chest. The boys all take that as a signal to leave and I look at them thankfully. "Hey, do you want to talk about it?" I ask and she shakes her head. "Okay I'm here when you're ready," I say and she nods. A few minutes later she says something. "Remus" I look at her and smile softly. "Yeah?" I ask and she smiles at me. "I- I think never mind," she says looking away with a blush on her face. "I love you too," I say smiling knowing what she was going to say. She breaks out into a huge smile and jumps onto me hugging me tightly. She pulls away and I cup her face looking at her as if to ask permission. She nods and I smile before kissing her. Just then the boys all walk in and suddenly I hear a slew of "Told you so" "Now I get 3 galleons YES!" and "Congrats you too" from the three of them. We pull apart and I shake my head. "Sorry about them," I say to her. "It's okay you four are a package deal that I'm okay with," She says and the boys all smile and come up and we all group hug. "Thank you," she says. 


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