The Wind: Sirius X Reader

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Your information-

House: N/A

Blood status: N/A

Happens: In a nonmagical world as adults

Warnings: Cursing, fighting, Angst, Talk of abuse

Posted on: October 30th, 2022

Sirius POV-

I walk into my room to sleep when I hear glass shatter in the apartment above mine.

"What the hell? Maybe I heard things..." I say to myself until I hear a girl who sounds like she'd been crying. 

"Okay I know I'm not just hearing nothing... I'm going to check on my neighbor" I say before I walk out of my room and out of the apartment. Shutting my door I go to the elevator and press the button. The elevator comes and I step inside, pushing the second-floor button. The elevator starts up one floor. Once it opens again I step out and head to the last door in the hall. I knock and it seems to go quiet. Then a girl opens the door. She steps out and closes the door swiftly. 

"Um hi, I wanted to check that everything is okay. I heard glass shatter and a girl who sounded like she was crying." I say to the girl taking in her features. Her eyes are red and her H/l h/c hair is messy. 

"Oh um hello, I think your ears are playing tricks on you," She says as I look at her closely I notice her sweater is zipped up to her chin. 

"Thanks for caring, sir, that's nice of you but I have to go back in. Wish I could tell you about the noise but I didn't hear a thing. It must have been the wind," She says with a smile on her face. 

"Must've been the wind?" I say and she nods. 

"Yeah it must've been the wind," She says, and then turns around with a wave and goes back into her apartment. I shake my head but turn around anyways. I make it back to my room and lay on the floor too worried to be sleeping. I hear the noises again and can't shake the feeling she's hurt. so I make my way to her floor and knock on her door. The same interaction happens and I sigh when she closes the door. I check the time and see it was 3 am. Deciding to go to sleep for the night I go home. I try to sleep but can't shake the feeling she's hurt. I decide instead of bothering her again since I don't know all the facts, I decide to play the song lean on me, just to try and tell her she can come to me in a worrying situation. I eventually fall asleep in my bed with the song playing still.

The next morning I make my way out the door to the elevator to go to the supermarket to get some essentials. As I walk into the elevator I see the girl. 

"Hi um sorry for bothering you last night, I'm Sirius," I say introducing myself. 

"Oh um hello. You didn't bother me you were worried so I appreciate it. I am Y/n" She says and I look at her more. 

"Y/n L/n?" I ask and she looks at me shocked. 

"Yes," Y/n says and I smile.

"Sirius Black we went to school together," I say and she looks at me stunned. 

"Oh, Sirius hi it's nice to see you again," Y/n says as we exit the elevator. 

"Likewise, say where are you headed?" I ask and she smiles calmly. 

"The supermarket you?" Y/n asks and I smile at her. 

"Same want to walk together?" I ask. She hesitates for a second before nodding. 

"Great! Let's go" I say smiling. 

The walk is slow and we talk a lot getting to know each other again and learning new things. After we get the stuff we need from the store we meet back up to walk home together. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2022 ⏰

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