The Good Slytherin: Remus X Reader

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Your information-

House: Slytherin

Blood status: Pureblood

Happens: During 6th-year Marauders Era at Hogwarts

Warnings: Accusations, House prejudice, Happy Ending, Food

Posted on: 06/17/2021

I'm walking the halls during my Prefect duties when suddenly I hear talking and faint crying. "What a wimp" I hear come from someone's mouth as I turn the corner I see two fellow Slytherins probably 3rd-year students cornering a Hufflepuff 1st year. I walk up behind the Hufflepuff and the Slytherin students look terrified. The Hufflepuff looks at them confused then turns around and sees me. "Lockwood, Roseling, you know two against one is unfair. Besides Hufflepuffs are not to be messed with upon my orders understood." I say and they look at me and nod their heads. "Now do I need to write you up or will you be going to bed?" I ask. "Bed," They say and I smile. "Good," I say as they scurry off towards the dungeons. "I'm sorry I got lost and-" I raise my hand to stop her. "No need to explain sweetheart. I'm Y/n" I say reaching my hand out to her. "You're Y/n?" She asks stunned. "Yup," I say smiling. "Wow you are nicer in person," she says. I laugh at that and smile wider. "Come on now let's get you to your common room," I say as we make our way to the Hufflepuff common room. Once she was safe inside I turn to see Remus Lupin standing there with a smile. "And she does it again saving another student from a different house," He says in a quiet announcer voice. "Oh hush it you," I say a small blush forming on my face. "I still don't see how you are a Slytherin and not a Hufflepuff," He says as we walk. "I don't know probably because I wasn't the nicest before," I say looking down. "You being mean? I would pay to see that" He says and I laugh. "I was a bitch and a half before I got here. Cold-hearted and bratty. It was disgusting." I say thinking about the way I treated people back then. "So what changed," He asks and I sigh. "Not sure," I say hoping he buys the lie. "Hm, maybe we can find out," He says. "Maybe," I say not knowing what it would mean to agree to that simple task. 

The next day I walk into breakfast and sit alone at the Slytherin table like usual. Not many people like me in my house as I'm 'too strict' as they put it. I get food and start to eat when suddenly I'm picked up and thrown over a shoulder and brought to another table. "Hey, what's the meaning of this?" I ask as I'm sat at the Gryffindor table. I look at the person who picked me up and see Remus Lupin. "Lupin what the heck?" I ask and he just shrugs. "You looked lonely so I thought you could use some company. I talked to my friends and they agreed so you are sitting with us from now on" He says sitting my plate down in front of me. I look at the boys around me that call themselves the Marauders. "Okay well hello, I'm Y/n," I say and they smile at me as Remus sits next to me. "Hello, Y/n I'm James Potter," The boy with glasses in front of me says. "Hello, gorgeous I'm Sirius Black" The black-haired boy next to me introduces himself. I look at him straight-faced and roll my eyes. Then I look at the last boy that's next to James. "Hi I'm Peter Pettigrew," He says then goes back to eating his food. "And you know me," Remus says and I nod. "So Moony a Slytherin?" James says and I look down at my robes then down at my hands. "Yes, Prongs a Slytherin who happens to be the Kindest most selfless Slytherin I've met," Remus says defensively. A blush starts to creep onto my face with those words. 'I wouldn't tell him but I like Remus Lupin a lot. Only why would he like someone like me?' I think as I look at my hands and twiddle with my fingers. "You okay?" Sirius asks and I jolt my head up. "Yeah, yeah I'm good," I say quickly with a smile. "Okay," He says sounding unconvinced but doesn't question me any further. Remus and James are still talking about how Slytherins are snakes. "I'm sorry, Remus but I can't do this, It was nice meeting you all," I say before getting up and leaving the Great Hall. I hear Remus call after me but I don't stop until I'm in a secluded hallway. I hide between some pillars and sink. I let the tears fall and bury my head in my hands. I sit there crying until I feel a pair of arms wrap around me. I Quickly look to see who's hugging me and see it's Remus. I lean into his touch not caring anymore. "Hey ignore James he doesn't know anything. He hasn't seen you save dozens of other kids in different houses from bullies in your own house. He doesn't see the way you are treated by them. He doesn't see you as you yet" He says and I sigh. "I fear he may never," I say and Remus sighs. "He'll come around just you wait." He says and I nod. We get up and I go to the bathroom to wash my face off. When I exit I see Remus standing there still. "You didn't have to wait," I say and he shrugs. "I wanted to," He says. I smile as we walk to class. 

It's been a week and James still doesn't like me. I sigh as I'm walking the halls to my next class. I hear some people arguing so I make a detour and follow the sound. I walk over to find Lucius Malfoy and his posse ganging up on poor Lily Evans. "Oi Malfoy leave her alone!" I say taking my wand out. "Oh if it isn't the Slytherin traitor," Lucius says and I scowl at him. "I may be a traitor in your eyes but at least I'm not a bully. I have half the mind to report you or write you up. I am a Prefect after all" I say and their faces go white. "Now scram," I say and they go running. "Are you okay Evans?" I ask and she nods. I look at her and can tell she's been crying. Just then the Marauders appear. "Lily! What's wrong! Did she do something to you? See Moony I told you she was trouble. All Slytherins are snakes." James says rushing over to Lily. I stand there stunned. I go to speak when Lily stands up for me instead. "James Potter! Do not assume she did something without even hearing what happened! She helped me out of the situation when Lucius and his minions had me cornered. She took their words instead of me" Lily says and I smile at her thankfully. "I- What? You did that?" He asks and I nod. "I do it for everyone," I say shrugging. "That's what I've been trying to tell you Prongs she's a Hufflepuff in Slytherin robes," Remus says. "I'm sorry I owe you an apology but why are you so nice?" James asks. I look at Remus and then at James. "I don't know," I say hoping he buys the lie. "That's a lie," James says looking into my eyes. "I- what?" I say. "How do you know that?" I ask. "I can tell when someone is lying, Sirius does it all the time," James says. I sigh and look at Remus. "I didn't know how to tell you the truth that night," I say looking at him and he nods for me to go on. "My parents aren't the best. They treat me like shit and I use to take it out on everyone else until I took it too far and lost my boyfriend because of it. Due to this, I realized I needed to change my ways and so I did. I fixed the way I acted and my attitude and it worked. I made new friends but I still never got to make amends with him. I don't think I ever will, to be honest, and that's okay I've come to terms with that" I say simply. "Oh Y/n I'm so sorry," Remus says hugging me. "It's okay Remus it's been years," I say "Besides I've made new friends and I think I like someone who would treat me better than he ever did," I say and Remus looks at me sadness flashes in his eyes before he puts on a smile. "Who do you like?" Remus asks and I smile. "He's about your height, light brown hair, green eyes, A Gryffindor Prefect," I say looking at his eyes. He thinks for a second then looks at me before he crashes his lips on mine. I kiss back instantly and happily. "I like you too Y/n," He says and I smile kissing him again.


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