My Saviour: George X Reader

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Your information-

House: Gryffindor

Blood status: Your choice

Happens: During and after Hogwarts/No war

Warnings: Abusive boyfriend, mention of verbal/physical abuse, fighting

Posted on: 06/07/2022

Jasper Fenrin is the hottest guy and the IT boy of the sixth year. Everyone in Hogwarts wants to either be him or date him. Y/n L/n Jasper's girlfriend, you either love her or hate her. The boys love her and the girls are all jealous of her. The only friends she has and knows are real are the Weasley Twins and their siblings. Y/n is known for always smiling and being cheerful. Having a smile on her face always. That is until one day...

-Y/n's POV-

I'm sitting at breakfast deep in thought when suddenly someone wraps their arms around me hugging me and making me jump sky high. 'shit' I think as I look to the side of me and see It's George. "Hey n/n you good? I didn't mean to scare you sorry" He says and I laugh it off. "I'm fine, you're fine, everything is fine," I say happily. "I was just so deep in thought I didn't hear you coming is all," I say covering up my nervous tone. George nods looking at me quizzically still and sitting beside me. Fred soon comes and joins and then my boyfriend comes and I force a wide smile onto my face. "Hey love," I say looking at him. "Hey, babe care to join me in the courtyard?" He asks and I nod smiling and getting up abandoning my food. Once outside his loving eyes turn dark and his sweet words turn cold. Calling me fat, ugly, and stupid. A whore for hanging out with only boys. I try to protest but his words only turn viler the more I protest. Eventually, I just sit and bear it taking every verbal bruise he leaves. Once my tears are dried and I'm sufficiently terrorized, he looks at me and says "Now go clean up before someone sees you and suspects something" I nod my head and go to the bathroom and wash my face. Looking in the mirror I wonder why I'm still with him if he puts me through all this. I then remember my promise to change him the day he first started and that drives me to continue.

Classes go by typically and eventually I go to watch the quidditch practice Gryffindor is doing at the pitch currently. As I am walking there I'm pulled aside by someone. I look to see Jasper and gulp. "Where are you going?" he asks and I look at him and then down at the floor. "The quidditch pitch to watch my house practice," I say and he scoffs. "No you aren't you are going to come and hang out with me and my friends," Jasper says and I sigh nodding. I follow him away from the pitch with my head down and a frown on my face. Once we got to his friends I put on a smile and he hung out with them while I just sat to the side alone, like usual.

Everything changed when the twins left to start their joke shop in the seventh year. Jasper became more public with his berating and he became more physical now that they weren't here to "Protect me" in his words. Some girls I made friends with pulled me aside one day and decided to talk to me about Jasper. "Y/n you gotta dump him!" Lilac says and I shake my head. "Lil I can change him, I can see it he's getting better," I say. "Girl you are delusional He's the devil in disguise, and the devil doesn't bargain! He's going to kill you if you leave with him after school" Lavender says and I look at the twin girls and sigh. "I can handle myself I promise. I know what I am doing, I can get out whenever I want" I say and they shake their heads. "We are here when you need us just know that okay," Lucy says and I nod. The girls leave and I finish cleaning my room.

The end of school comes and goes and I move in with Jasper into a little one-bedroom apartment. Life was hell, to say the least. Constant fighting, berating, and hitting. Of course, there were good days and they sometimes clouded the bad until the bad happened. Then one particular night, I was looking in the mirror and saw all the bruises and scars he left on me. something finally snapped and I realized I was in a very bad situation. So I started to pack a bag and get ready to leave. Unfortunately, Jasper caught me, I received the biggest beating id ever received in my life that night. He then left the house to go drinking with some friends. Half conscious and in excruciating pain I grab a pen and paper and write my name and address down with the words help on it. I summon an owl and faintly tell it "Joke shop, George Weasley, Please" Before the world goes black.

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