Prankster: Fred X Reader

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Your information-

House: Gryffindor

Blood status: Halfblood

Happens: During Umbridge's reign

Warnings: Fighting, Scolding, Black quill,

Posted on: 06/29/2021

Here I sit on my perch above the prank I set up. Smiling as I see my victims walking to the location. My smile grows wider as the water and glitter dump all over them. "What the heck?" I hear one of them say "did you set this up?" The other says. "No, I wouldn't have walked right into it if I had" The first speaks. I couldn't help it anymore, I jump down laughing. "Hello, boys enjoy your glitter shower?" I ask as they turn around to face me. "L/n," The boys say annoyed. I smirk and lean against the wall my broom hidden behind it for a quick escape. "Hey, Y/n want a hug?" The first boy asks. "Sorry, Freddy gotta go," I say grabbing my broom and zooming off. "Get back here!" I hear George say as I zoom out an open window laughing hysterically. I land on the quidditch field and smile at my job done. "Why are you so happy L/n?" I hear from beside me. I look ver to see Lee next to me. "Oh, nothing just dumped water and glitter all over the Weasley twins," I say simply. "What why?" He asks. "A prank and it's funny besides they put glitter all over my robes last week so I had to get them back somehow," I say simply. "You could've been the bigger person and ignored them," Lee says. I look at him like he's dumb. "That's no fun," I say shrugging. "Whatever have fun getting yourself into a prank war," He says walking away and I smile. "That's exactly what I'm aiming for," I say to myself as I walk my broom back to where it goes. I put my broom away and head back to the castle. I walk into class with 3 minutes to spare. I sit in my seat and soon class starts. The Weasley twins are nowhere to be seen. I start to get worried until they walk in with wet hair and partial glitter all over them still. "You're late," Snape says and the twins glared at me and I just put my hands up in defense. "I expect you have a good reason," Snape says and the twins nod. "Go on then explain," Snape says. "Well, Y/n dumped glitter and water all over us then ran off leaving us to have to clean it up ourselves. It took so long we could barely get ourselves clean or make it to class in time" George says glaring. "Y/n is this true" Snape asks. "Yes," I say catching everyone off guard. "What I'm not going to lie, If I get a detention so be it," I say looking at all the other student's shocked faces. "Well, that's exactly where you'll be going," Snape says. "Okay," I say with a smile and the twins sit in their seats. The classes go by and soon I go to detention and to my surprise I see the Weasley twins there. "Hello boys," I say and they glare at me. "Oh come on you seriously cant still be mad at me for that, it was simple revenge for putting glitter all over my robes last week," I say and they look at me and then at each other. "You want a prank war or something L/n?" Fred asks and I smirk sitting down. "I'm listening," I say crossing my legs. "Rule one no more glitter for either of us," George says. "Rule two harmless pranks on each other and others only," Fred says. Rule three first to 100 points wins each prank is worth 5 points except on Umbridge she's worth 50" I say and they look at me then at each other. "Deal," they say and we shake on it.

The prank war started and soon we were pulling pranks on each other and others constantly. Everything was going great. Until I got caught, by no other than Umbridge. "L/n I am sick and tired of you and those twins pulling these pranks! You will be joining me in my office this evening for detention. Do I make myself clear" Umbridge's horrid voice is heard throughout the hall I'm in? "Yes ma'am," I say and she leaves. The evening comes sooner than expected and soon I find myself in Umbridge's pink office. "Here you will be writing lines saying 'I will not pull pranks' until I say you are done," She says and I nod. "I didn't bring a quill though," I say a hint of hope in my voice. "You'll be using one of mine anyway," she says and I nod as she hands me a black quill. I start to write and as I'm writing, I feel a burning in my hand. I look over to see the words getting sketched on my hand. I finish the line and drop the quill in pain. Tears stream down my face as I cry out in pain. "I think you get the idea now, you may leave," she says and I just nod my head leaving her office and heading to the Gryffindor common room. As I walk into the portrait hole I'm still sniffling. I look up from the ground to see Fred and George sitting on the couch talking. 'great' I think as I walk in more and head to the girl's bedrooms. "Y/N! You good?" Fred asks spotting me. "Yeah, listen I quit the prank war you two win," I say cradling my hand in my other hand. "Wait what happened?" They ask and I just shake my head and head upstairs to go to bed. That morning I woke up my hand not hurting as bad. I look over to see a note on my nightstand. 

Dear Y/n,
we are sorry if we upset you or pulled something that was too far please talk to us.
~The Weasley twins

I get up and take the note and head to the common room. It's the weekend so most everyone is at Hogsmeade today. I go down the stairs and hear the voices of a certain pair of twins. "Freddy I'm sure she's fine she probably realized we were too good at pranking and just dropped out" I hear George say. "She was crying George, CRYING!" Fred yells back. "Okay fine we can stay here a bit longer but I'm getting hungry" George says. "Then go eat ill stay here and check on her" Fred says. "Okay," George says. I then hear shifting and the portrait hole opens and close. I go down the rest of the way and see Fred sitting with his elbows on his knees and hands in his hair. "Fred, why are you so worried about me?" I speak quietly but loud enough for him to hear me. "Y/n! Hey, I um that doesn't matter right now. Are you okay?" He asks and I nod. "Fred answer my question please," I say louder than before. "I-I like you," Fred says quietly. I smile and walk over to him hugging him. He hugs back quickly. "I like you to Freddy," I say simply and he smiles leaning down and capturing my lips with his. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks and I nod smiling. "Good, you're a good prankster by the way now what happened with Umbridge?" he asks and I show him my hand. "Oh my god! Listen, George and I are planning on leaving with a bang to start our shop come with us" Fred says and I smile "I'd love that Freddy" I say and he smiles. "Awesome I'll fill you in," He says and we sit and talk about the plan. 


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