Neighbors: James X Reader

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Your information-

House: N/A

Blood status: N/A

Happens: Alternate Universe where magic is not real

Warnings: Food, fighting, name-calling, Jealous Lily

Posted on: 06/20/2021

I lay the last box down and sigh, this is it I'm officially moved out of my family's home. Don't get me wrong I loved it there it's just I needed a fresh start and moving out was exactly that. Besides, I couldn't get much writing done living with my parents and 5 younger siblings. How mom had  5 kids the oldest being 21 and the youngest being 12 I may never know. I'm suddenly brought out of my thoughts by a loud bang from next door. I jump and look at the wall connecting the two apartments. Giving it a shocked yet quizzical look. "Ow Padfoot" I hear muffled from the other side. "I hope they are okay," I say to myself as I start to unpack. Once done I sit down and decide to write. I keep hearing bangs and curses of names ever so often until finally, I have enough. I get so frustrated with the noise I go next door and knock. I'm then greeted by a guy with glasses. "We don't want your phonebook- Oh hello," he says. I look at him slightly annoyed. "Hello Padfoot, Prongs, Wormtail, or Moony whichever one you are do you mind keeping your voices down?" I ask irritation evident in my voice. "I- how?" he stutters out. "I moved into apartment 1B next door. You lot are quite loud and keep hitting the wall and screaming those names" I explain calming down now. "Oh... OH, I'm so sorry" he says smiling at me. "I'm James, James Potter," He says sticking his hand out. "Y/n L/n," I say with a smile now that he's at least apologized. "Prongs you've never sat at the door this long for the phonebook guy is he hot or something?" A guy with medium black hair appears. "Shove off Padfoot it's our new neighbor," James says. "Well, I don't blame you for staying this long," The guy says looking me up and down. I blink at him and then just bust out laughing. "Right okay and you are?" I ask. "Sirius Black at your service," He says smiling. I nod and shake his hand. "Why don't you come in for tea as an apology," James says and I think. "Sure I won't be getting any writing done now anyway," I say as they let me in. I walk in to see an average-looking living, dining, and kitchen and for some reason, it looks familiar. I shake the feeling and sit at the dining table. Suddenly another guy appears and Sirius and James look at him. "This is Wormtail or Peter," They say and I nod waving. "Hello I'm Y/n I'm your new neighbor," I say smiling. "Nice to meet you," He says. "Moony come meet the new neighbor and make us tea please we are rubbish at this" James says and I hear a familiar laugh from another room. "Wait," I say as the boys look at me weirdly. "You okay?" James asks and I look in the direction of the laugh. As if on cue I see Remus Lupin emerge from the room. "Alpha!" I scream and he looks up and smiles. "Pup" He yells back and I run and jump in his arms wrapping myself around him as he spins around. Once we stop I jump out of his embrace and hug him normally. "It's been ages! How are you?" I ask and he nods. "I'm great how are you?" he asks and I smile. I'm great, Just moved and I'm finally writing again" I say happily. "Good you need that," He says and suddenly we hear a throat clear. "Oh, yeah your friends are still here," I say laughing a little. "Oh duh, Y/n these are those roommates I told you about," He says and I nod. "So this is the infamous Pup?" James asks and I nod. "Yeah when we were coming up with nicknames we suggested Alpha and he rejected it because that was his Pups name for him and only she could call him that," James says and I nod again. "It's a pack thing you wouldn't get it," I say smiling. "Where'd it come from?" Peter asks and I look at Remus. "You haven't told them the story?" I ask and he shakes his head. "I always felt you needed to help me tell it," He says and I smile. "Well in freshman year of high school I had just moved into town. I was terrified being the new girl sucked, and I knew I was going to get picked on for being new and I did. It wasn't until Remus caught them one day and stood up to them that it stopped. His exact words were 'stick by me and you'll be just fine pup,' me being a huge fan of werewolves and mythology I started calling him Alpha and it just sorta stuck. We formed a little pack. It was Him, Scarlet, Y/B/F, and me. We stayed together until college and then we all separated to different universities. We stayed in contact with each other through letters and video chat but nothing beats living next to your best friend." I finish explaining. "Why'd you call her pup?" James asks looking at Remus. "I say her reading werewolf books all the time so I figured it would help me connect with her," he says and I smile. "I didn't know that," I say hugging Remus from the side. "Hey you were new and I hated bullies. Plus you're like a sister now, I'd do anything for you" he says and I smile more. "How about we make tea now? Like old times  at my place?" I ask and he nods. as we go into the kitchen and start to cook. 

Eventually, Tea is done and I sit with the boys chatting up a storm. I catch James looking at me every once in a while. I excuse myself to the bathroom and look in the mirror to check my teeth and face and find nothing. 'why does he keep looking at me?' I think and then shrug. I walk out to see the boys all talking to three girls. "Oh, who's this?" The redhead asks and I smile. "Hi I'm Y/n I'm a friend of Remus's and the boy's neighbor," I say introducing myself. She nods then goes back to talking to James. I blink 'okay that was rude' I think as I sit by Remus. "The redhead that just talked to you is Lily Evans," he says pointing to the one talking to James. "That one is Marlene McKinnon," He says pointing to the girl talking to Sirius, "and lastly that is Dorcas Meadowes," he says pointing to the girl talking to Peter. "They are our friends, and Lily is James' girlfriend," Remus explains and I nod understanding. "Well I best be going, I have a lot to write and do still, I'll talk to you later okay Alpha," I say to Remus and he nods knowing I don't like large groups. I hug Remus. "It was nice meeting you all," I say before leaving. As soon as I step out the door it was like the tension lifted and everyone started laughing and joking around. I sigh knowing the girls did not like me at all. I go back to my apartment and sit at my desk staring at my computer trying to think of something to write about but nothing comes to mind. 

It's been a few months now and I've been hanging with the boys whenever they aren't around the girls. I think the girls caught on because one day I woke up after falling asleep on the couch writing on my tablet to hear yelling. Specifically, Lily Evans yelling. I get up and step outside to hear everything she's saying. "She's a whore I can tell, she's trying to take you away from me. I don't want you talking or hanging out with her!" she screams at who I presume is James. "She has done nothing to you Lily, done nothing to make you think that. You're just jealous because I found a new friend that isn't someone you know! you're being insecure and controlling" James yells back. "That Y/n girl is bad news and I'll prove it" she screams. That's when I get mad. I've done nothing to this chick. if anything I've been nothing but nice to her. I compose myself and go to the door seeing as it's open I knock on it gaining their attention. "Y/n! Hey," James says surprised. "ugh," Lily says and I look at her with fury in my eyes. "Hey, Lily I have a question for you," I say and she looks stunned but nods. "What makes you so insecure and controlling that you think you can not only dictate who your boyfriend hangs out with but decide that person is bad news before even getting to know them?" I ask and she looks at me like a child who just got caught with their hands in the cookie jar. "Well?" I ask. "I- I" she stammers out. "Right Jealousy looks bad on everyone sweetheart and if you aren't careful you'll lose an amazing guy who loves you and would lift the world for you," I say looking at her. "Now I think you owe him an apology before it's too late if it's not already," I say. She turns to James and goes to speak but he puts his hand up. "No Lily you've done this way too many times and I'm done. I'm sorry but we're over" James says and Lily goes to protest but James interjects. "Leave Lily now," he says pointing to the door. Lily leaves tears in her eyes and then looks at me. I shrug "I warned you," I say and she sighs nodding. Once she shuts the door I go over to James and hug him knowing he's upset too. "It's okay to cry emotions are normal," I say simply and James breaks down lowering himself to the ground me going down with him. 

Six months after the breakup and I've been helping James stand back up on his feet. He is happy again so that's a plus. I even helped him get a date the only problem is I've fallen for James Potter. Non the less he has a date with a lovely girl named Angela and she's a sweetheart so I gotta stay strong and not let anyone know. Once he's gone I close the door and slide down the door sitting on the floor. A tear rolls down my face and then another and another until I'm crying. Luckily the other boys are gone for the night so I'm alone in their apartment. I go to the door and shut the door locking it with the key Remus and the boys gave me and go into my house blurry-eyed. I walk to my couch after unlocking the door and shutting it. I fall asleep crying. I wake up to a knock on the door. I jolt up and look at the door and walk over to open it to see James standing there. "Hey, James how was your-?" I go to ask but am cut off by a pair of lips on mine. I melt and instantly kiss back. After we pull away I look at him confused. "The whole time I was with her I was thinking of you, I was wishing it was you in front of me. I'm sorry if this makes things weird or you despise me after this but I just had to," I cut him off this time. "James, I kissed back didn't I?" He nods and then the realization hits him. "You- you like me back?" He asks and I nod. He smiles and hugs me Kissing me again. We suddenly hear a "Woop Woop" and a "finally" from across the hall. We pull apart to see the other boys and I smile. "Hello boys," I say and they smile. "Hey Pup," Remus says. "James you hurt her you die," He says not losing his smile. "Noted" James says before putting an arm around me and leading me to the boy's apartment. I quickly shut the door and we enter their apartment. 

'This is good.' I think happily.


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