I Can't Love You: James X Reader

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Your information-

House: Slytherin

Blood status: Pureblood

Happens: During and after Hogwarts/No Voldy Moldy AU

Warnings: Sadness, Angst, Main Parent James

Posted on: 05/28/2022

'James Potter is the most sought-after guy in Hogwarts next to his best friend Sirius Black. He only has eyes for one person though, Lily Evens, and me being both their close friends I obviously must help get them together so Lily will stop playing hard to get for no reason. There is just one problem, I'm in love with James. Madly, wholeheartedly, crazy in love. Of course, no one knows I'd never tell a soul so I'm telling you, my journal that never leaves my side and never will, ever, especially now,' I sigh as I close the book and put it safely in my bag. That was the most dangerous entry to put in but I had to get that off my chest at some point so I wrote it down. I space out thinking about random stuff when someone snaps me out of it by slinging their arm around my shoulder. I look to the left to see James with his arm around me and I smile. A small blush appears, Then I see the other Marauders and I hide my face a bit. "What's up boys?" I ask and they all smile at me. "We need the other Slytherins class schedules please Y/n," James says and I sigh. "Yeah, yeah, here you go," I say handing them the paper with all the schedules written down in my neat handwriting. They are written in priority order" I say and they all nod. "Thank you Y/n!" They say and run off James hugging me real fast before leaving. Which causes me to turn red so I look away and calm myself down before going to class.

It goes the same way every year, I get the Marauders the Schedules, they run off to prank someone, and I try to convince Lily to go on a date with James so I can finally stop my feelings for him from existing and repeat. Every year, Until one day in our last year, I finally convince her. "He's a great guy Lil, I don't see why you won't give him a chance," I say and she looks at me. "Because with the way you talk about him I can swear you are in love with him yourself," She says and I shake my head lying. "I don't he's like my brother, one date that's all he's asking," I say and she sighs. "Fine as long as I'm not taking him from you in any way," She says and I smile "You arent now go get your man!" I say excitedly and she smiles and walks off to James in the courtyard. "thank god I'm a good liar" I say to myself quietly. "Not as good as you think" I hear someone say I jump slightly and look over to see Remus standing next to me. "Good god Moony you scared the crap out of me!" I say smacking his arm softly. "Sorry, Vix but you aren't that great of a liar, to be honest. I've known since the first year" Moony says and I look at him confused, "known what?" I ask and he sighs and looks at me expectantly and then back at our friends. "Your love for James," He says and I freeze. "I don't know what you are talking about," I say a little too fast. "Your answer says otherwise not to mention the blush when he hugs you and the flustered speaking when he asks you a question, and the instant agreeance when asked to join a prank, shall I go on?" He asks and I shake my head. "She deserves him and he deserves to be with the person he wants to be with," I say and Remus sighs. "We will see about that," He says and I sigh. "Besides, it's almost the end of school not like we have long together anyways," I say and walk away with my head hanging. Sadness overtakes me now that I realize what I've done.

Lily and James ended up getting together after that date. I was happy for them and I of course put on a smile for them the whole time at school. Once in my room, it was nothing but frowns and tears. Soon the last day came and we all met at the gates of Hogwarts to discuss living arrangements. "Okay so I know the plan was to all get a place together but Lily and I are planning on getting an apartment together instead, you four are welcome to still do that though," James says and Sirius nods. "We'll miss you, man." He says and James smiles. "Thanks I'll miss you guys too but we will visit often of course!" James says and Lily nods. They walk off and I turn to the three boys, "I was going to say something to everyone but since they walked off I guess I'll just tell you guys. I got an offer to tour the country with my label after graduation and I took it so I won't be moving into the house right away" I say and the three boys look at me astonished. "Y/n that's amazing!" They say and I smile. "Thank you," I say and they all hug me. Sirius and Peter so to get on the train and Remus pulls me aside. "He would be so proud of you, you know that right," He says and I nod. "I know he's just preoccupied with Lily and that's okay," I say and Remus nods patting my head and walking towards the train, I follow him, and soon I'm touring the country singing to my heart's content.

A year passes and I'm now standing in front of the house, That The boys chose to live in. It's a nice house I'm not complaining. I walk up and Knock on the door, I wait and soon the door opens to reveal Remus Lupin. "Y/n hey welcome home!" He says and I smile. "Thanks, it's great to be back," I say and we hug and he lets me in. "Your room is the last door on the right," He says and I nod going down the hall and opening the door to a room with boxes labeled 'Y/N's Stuff,' I smile and start to unpack and organize my room. Once I find my clothes I take a shower in my attached bathroom and get dressed. I put on some comfy shorts and a tank top. I then put on some music and finish unpacking. in the middle of unpacking one of my favorite songs comes on and I start to jam out using the broom as a microphone. I'm lipsyncing to the song and dancing around when I suddenly hear someone chuckle. "Oh as if one of you have never done this," I say offended turning around expecting Remus, Sirius, or Peter. Anyone but James Potter that's not the case though. "James?" I ask confused as I tilt my head to the side and he smiles a little and waves. "Hey, Y/n how are you?" He asks and I smile at him. "I'm good what are you doing here?" I ask and he laughs. "Remus didn't tell you did he," he says and I look at him confused. "Of course, he left this to me- anyways turns out Lily and I aren't that compatible, so when we broke up Remus offered me a place here. I hope that's okay with you" James says and I nod rapidly. "Of course, it's okay James why wouldn't it be?" I say and he just shrugs. "Want some help unpacking and staying on track?" He asks and I nod. He walks in and we start unpacking and listening to music. After we finished we both crashed onto my bed. "Thanks for the help James, it was greatly appreciated," I say and he nods looking at me. "Oh by the way I think you should know Lily will be by sometimes to-," Suddenly I hear a baby cry and James curses under his breath. James then gets up and leaves the room. I get up unsure if I should follow him. I go out to the hallway anyways and hear James talking to someone. "Shh it's okay Harry I'm here I promise daddy is right here," He says and my heart drops. 'Lily got pregnant and dropped the kid on James?' I think as I hear the baby cry harder. I walk into the room across from mine and see James freaking out not knowing what to do. I walk over and Take the baby cradling him in my arms and start humming a lullaby my mom used to sing to me. within minutes the baby was calm and back to sleep. I lay him down in his crip and grab James' hand. I drag him back to my room not saying a word. I then hug him. He hugs back and I soon feel tears hit my shoulder. "It's okay James you can cry I'm here for you," I say softly. "Thank you," He says and I nod. We separate and look into each other's eyes. "So Lily fell pregnant and dropped the kid on you?" I asked and he nods. "I wouldn't trade Harry for anything in this world though," James says and I smile. He's a cute baby and will most likely turn into a handsome man just like his dad" I say smiling walking over to my bed and sitting down. "You think I'm handsome?" James asks and I freeze realizing I said that out loud. "I um screw it. Yeah I do" I say and James smirks. "What else do you think of me?" He asks and I sigh. I debate whether or not to tell him and I decide to say screw it because worst-case scenario I move out. "I think your eyes are the most beautiful things I've seen, Your smile lights up a room, and your hugs are the best hugs I've ever received in this lifetime," I say looking down embarrassed. "Y/n," James says "Hmm," I say acknowledging him. "Do you like me?" He asks and I nod sighing. "Have since the first year but you were always pinning after Lily so I never said anything and instead helped you guys get together," I say covering my face with my hands. I then feel my hands move from my face and my chin be lifted to look at James. I prepare to be denied but instead, he looks at me, and then he kisses me. I kiss back as fast as possible my hands finding a home on the back of his neck. His hands found a place on my waist. He then picks me up and places me on his lap sitting down on my bed.  We separate and look at each other then go right back to kissing. It isn't until we hear someone clear their throat that we pull apart and stop kissing looking at who it is. I see Remus and smile. "Hi Moony," I say a small blush on my face. "Hello, lovebirds dinner is ready so come eat," He says and we both nod. He walks away and I go to get off James when he pulls me back. He kisses me one last time and says "I love you Y/n always have I just went after Lily to try and mask my feeling so I don't ruin our Friendship" I laugh and kiss him back. "I love you too dork" 


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