Your New Best Friend: Charlie X Reader

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Your information-

House: Ravenclaw

Blood status: Muggleborn

Happens: During School no war AU

Warnings: None

Posted on: 12/04/2022

I walk the halls of Hogwarts with a small smile. I clutch my bag and the letter that an owl sent me this morning. As I am walking I bump into a guy. 

"Sorry!" I say as I help the person up. 

"you're fine thanks for the help," He says and I nod. 

"I'm Y/n L/n," I say sticking my hand out. 

"Charlie Weasley," He says shaking my hand. 

"It's nice to meet you, Charlie, I would stay and chat more but I have to get somewhere, I'll see you around," I say and Charlie nods as I walk away.

I finally make it to my destination, I spot the person who sent me the note and briskly walk over to them. I'm about to announce myself when I see something that breaks my heart. My eyes start to well up in tears.

"How could you? You said you loved me!" I yell, my boyfriend in front of me kissing another girl. 

"Y/n what are you doing here?" He says, I look at him stunned and I start to become mad. 

"What am I doing here? I came because of the stupid note your Owl brought to me!" I scream at him walking over and slapping the letter into his chest.

"Here have it I don't want your lies anymore," I say turning and going to walk away. 

"Oh and here I don't need this garbage promise anymore," I say sliding the promise ring off my hand, turning,  and throwing it at him. 

I then start to walk away ignoring the calls of my name coming from him. As I walk the tears build up and soon I am full-on balling my eyes out. I lean against the wall in the empty corridor. I slide down and sit laying my forehead on my knees and crying more. Three years, three years of a relationship, and a whole lifetime of friendship, down the drain for a girl he barely knows. I lift my head and look out the window to see them kissing still. I shake my head as a new wave of tears starts to fall.

"I hate this" I mumble into my knees since my chin is on them. 

"Hey, you okay?" I hear from beside me. I look to see the boy from earlier. 

I nod my head the tears dried by now.

"Yeah I'm fine," I say looking to the side. 

"You don't look okay, you look upset, to be honest," Charlie says and I smile weakly at him. 

"You caught me, My best friend from my childhood who happens to be my boyfriend of three years just cheated on me, and I caught them kissing. So I've lost not only a friend but now I'm single," I say looking down. 

Charlie kneels in front of me putting his hand on my shoulder. 

"I can fix one of those problems," He says and I look up at him quizzically. "I can be your new friend and our friendship will last longer than he ever did!" He says and I smile.

"You know what, sure why not! Let's go eat dinner, my new friend" I say and he nods helping me up as we walk to the great hall to eat. we talk and joke around all the way there. I smile as we walk in and I go towards the Ravenclaw table. 

"I'll see you later Charlie thank you again," I say and he nods and goes to his table.

"Y/n! Was that Charlie Weasley you were just talking to?" My housemate Clara asks. I nod and her eyes go huge. "Like Keeper, quidditch captain, prefect, and Gryffindor Charlie Weasley?"  She asks astonished. I nod again bewildered by her shock. 

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