Memories: Fred X Reader

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Your information-

House: Slytherin

Blood status: Pureblood

Happens: After Hogwarts with memories from your time at Hogwarts

Warnings: mentions of injury, angst, Gushy love stuff, Happy ending

Posted on: 02/24/2022

It's been three years, three years since I've seen him, three years since I've held him, and most importantly three years since the incident. I don't even know if he's alive. I was taken away before I could find out. Seeing that wall crash down on him was petrifying. I miss Fred Weasley with all my heart and all my being. My mom says he died that day but for some reason, I can't believe her. I remember the time Fred and I first met on the train to Hogwarts like it was yesterday. 

"Hello, boys! May I sit with you?" I ask a pair of twins "Of course you can! I'm Fred" The first twin closest to me says. "And I'm George," The second twin says. "Nice to meet you! I'm Y/n, Y/n L/n" I say smiling. "We are Weasleys," Fred says and I smile. "That's fine by me," I say sitting in front of them. We talk and Then the Trolley comes by. "OOh, the Trolley! What are you getting?" I ask and the boys shake their heads. "Nothing we have sandwiches," They say holding up their sandwiches. I nod and get three chocolate frogs from the Trolley lady. "Here," I say handing each boy a chocolate frog. "Really? Thanks!" They say in unison and I grin. "Welcome!" I say as I sit back down and open my chocolate frog. We all end up getting lucky and getting someone we haven't gotten yet. 

I miss those days. I miss him. I should visit George I just worry ill break down. Screw it! I'm going to the shop and visiting him. I get up off the couch and go to the door. Opening it, shutting and locked it on the way out. I start to walk and think about more memories of Hogwarts like the sorting ceremony.

"It's time to get sorted I'm so excited!" I say to the boys. They smile and nod agreeing with me. Unfortunately, they get sorted into Gryffindor like the rest of their family, and I get sorted into Slytherin like my family. I run up to them after we eat. "Hey, we can still be friends right! I'm a nice Slytherin you know that!" I say and the boys think and nod. "Of course Y/n you were our first friend we wouldn't abandon you just because of where you were sorted," Fred says. "Plus you bought us Chocolate frogs you are more than our friend now, you are our honorary best friend," George says and I laugh smiling. "Okay!" I say knowing George was just joking around. 

Or the Yule Ball and the days before that,

"Freddy! Who, are you asking to go to the Yule Ball with you?" I question hoping he'll ask me. "Oh I'm asking Angelina Johnson," He says and I smile. "Awesome!" I say trying not to sound disappointed. "Has anyone asked you yet Y/n?" Fred asks and I shake my head. "No one," I say frowning slightly. "You'll get asked eventually I'm sure," He says smiling. Soon the ball comes and I'm going alone. I almost decided not to go but I force myself to go anyways because if I don't Fred will know something is up. I walk down to see George with Angelina and look at them confused. Suddenly someone snakes their arm around my waist. I look over and see Fred. "It was all a ploy to get Angie with George, With that, said Y/n will you accompany me to the Yule Ball?" Fred asks I smile and nod my head. "I would love to Freddy," I say as we walk the rest of the way into the room. 

I'm brought out of my thoughts by the realization that I've made it to Diagon Alley. I smile and walk a bit more until I'm in front of the orange and purple shop. It doesn't seem to be open currently but there is a sign saying "will be back at 2:30 -G" so I guess I'll shop around until then. I walk around and look at stores and even buy some things for myself. Nothing much just a few books and some sweets. Eventually, 2:30 rolls around, and I walk back to the store. It's only 5 past and it's already crowded beyond belief. I look around and see the redhead I'm here for and smile. He's talking to what looks like twin boys and a girl. I walk over and overhear the conversation. "I love to pull pranks with my brother just like you and your brother did!" The first twin says. "I help a lot too," The girl says. "Your products make it so much easier thanks Mister Weasley," the second twin says. "You're welcome, and be careful okay," George says and they all nod smiling. They turn and walk away the girl bumping into me. "Sorry miss, whoa, Your Y/n! You are Fred and George's friend! The one that helped them pull all their pranks!" She says and I smile. "I am and hey you keep up with helping your friends okay, Keep them close and as long as you can okay," I say and she nods running off to her friends. I glance over to see George and he's at the till. "They remind me of a certain trio," I say walking up to his side. "Yeah too bad I don't see- Wait," He looks up and sees me. A smile breaks out on his face. "Y/n! Hey, How are you? Long time no see!" He says and I smile. "Hey Georgie, How are you? Yeah, three years... Sorry about that it's a long story but I'm here now" I say laughing a little. "That you are Hey the store closes in a few hours want to chill and we can go up for some tea?" He asks and I nod. "Great," He says a glimmer of something I can't place in his eye. 

The store closes and soon we are walking upstairs to the flat he and Fred use to share. I sit and George gets the tea ready. Just then we hear a pop noise in the living room and footsteps that sound like heels walking towards the dining area. "Angie love we have a guest you'll want to see," George says and I smile knowing George and Angelina stayed together all this time. "Who is it, love?" She asks as she walks in and sees me. "Oh my gosh! Hi!" She says exceptionally happy. "Hello Angie," I say laughing at her enthusiasm a bit. We hug and then she heads into the kitchen to see George. I hear muffled talking but can't tell what they are saying. 

After tea George invites m,e to run an errand with him and Angie I go to decline but he insists it'll be worth it so I agree. We get in the car and make our way to the train station. "Are we picking someone up?" I ask and They both nod. "Okay?" I say confused trying to rack my brain on who it could be. We get out and go to the platform and soon the train pulls up. I look around and am very distracted. I was so distracted that I didn't even realize the train arrived and someone joined our group. It wasn't until I was being shaken by George that I come to. "Huh sorry was thinking," I say with a small laugh. "Always in your thoughts arent you love" I hear from behind me and I freeze. 'It can't be. Can it? Can it really?' I think as I turn around to see no other than Fred Weasley standing before me. Tears prick my eyes as I look at him and my legs go to crumble but strong arms are wrapped around me in a flash. "I got you and I'm not going anywhere," he says as I grip onto his shirt like he's going to disappear or turn into dust if I let go. "Fre- Freddy? Is- Is it you?" I ask through my tears and he nods smiling at me. "It's me, love, I just got back from traveling." He says and a sob escapes my lips. "My mom said you were dead, I thought you were dead," I say and he holds me tight. "I'm not going anywhere anytime soon love. It'll take a lot more than a little rubble to kill me" He says and I laugh a little. I wipe my eyes and look into his eyes. "I missed you, so much," I say staring. "I missed you too," He says. Then what he called me hits me. "Did you call me love?" I ask surprised. "Yeah, I love you surprised are we?" He asks. "I- No it's just, I didn't think you liked me like that. I didn't think you liked me the same way I liked you all these years" I say and he smiles wide. I smile too bitting my lip and then our lips crash into each other. "Whoop whoop" George yells from beside us. I internally roll my eyes since they are closed currently. We pull apart reluctantly and smile at each other. "Let's go home love," Fred says and I nod. We make our way to the car hand in hand. 


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